Chapter 292 A vague soul
Hearing Sikong Hongyue's words, His Highness's captive representative suddenly felt despair.

"Can't kill!" Xiao Ning'er objected, "If we kill all the prisoners, then no one will dare to surrender when we conquer other families, which will increase the casualties of the soldiers."

The enemy will definitely think that if you surrender, you will die, and if you don't surrender, you will die. Either way, you will die, so it is better to resist and gain a chance of survival.

At that time, not only will it become more difficult to conquer, but the casualties of soldiers will also increase significantly.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, the prisoners seemed to have grasped at straws, and they all looked at her with gratitude and pity.

Xian Wu turned to the left and asked with a smile: "What do you think Ning'er should do with these prisoners?"

"You can't kill them, but you can't keep them either." Xiao Ning'er pondered, "Confiscate all property and let them fend for themselves."

Although these people may join other families and work for other families, it is better than killing them all or keeping them to waste food.

Xian Wu's head hurt all the time and he was too lazy to use his brain. He decided to agree without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, Hua Huo suggested with a sweet smile: "Master, it would be a pity to let the female captives go. It would be great to keep those young and beautiful ones to serve you."

Although the time they got together was short, Hua Huo knew very well what Xian Wu was thinking, because she, like Xian Wu, was a lustful person.

All good is female sex.

"No!" Sikong Hongyue and Xiao Ning'er objected in unison.

"Sister Hanako still understands me." Xian Wu gently pinched Hua Huo's beautiful little face, "Do as Hua Huo said."

"Here!" Your Highness's soldiers obeyed the order and pressed down the prisoners.

All the male prisoners were stripped naked, leaving only a pair of underwear, and stood together.

All the female prisoners lined up and walked into the palace one after another for Xian Wu to choose.

After the screening was completed, the army raided the Canglang Family, quickly assembled, left the Canglang Family territory, and set out to attack the next family.

"Elder, what should we do? Can you give us an idea?" The prisoners all gathered around an old prisoner.

This old man was once an elder of the Canglang family. Later, he was seriously injured in the battle and lost all his cultivation.

Although the old man had no cultivation, he was the person with the highest status among the prisoners, and everyone was willing to listen to him.

The old man pondered for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Go to the Shenyan Family first. They are allies of our Canglang Family and should be able to provide some help."

"Okay, let's go to the Shenyan Family!"


After leaving the Canglang Family, the Silver Wing Family's army split into two groups. One was led by Hua Huo and escorted the beautiful female captive back to the Silver Wing Family.

The other is led by Xian Wu, Xiao Ning'er and Sikong Hongyue to attack the three allied families of the Canglang family.

With the help of hundreds of powerful war spirit puppets, the Silver Wing family destroyed two families, and now only the Black Dragon family is left.

The Silver Wing Family's army quickly arrived at the outskirts of the Black Dragon Family's territory.

The territory of the Black Dragon Family, like that of the Silver Wing Family, is also built on giant trees.

"Don't attack, we surrender, we surrender!"

Just as Xian Wu ordered the bombardment, the elders of the Black Dragon family held a white flag and led the clan members to line up and walk out of the fortifications.

In just one day, the Silver Wing Family destroyed the Canglang Family, Shadow Tiger Family and Black Panther Family.Allies were wiped out one after another, and requests for help from the Shenyan Family were rejected. The Black Dragon Family was unable to fight against the powerful Silver Wing Family and had to surrender.

Moreover, the Silver Wing Family will not kill the surrendered prisoners, nor will they be thrown into the mines to do hard labor. They will only plunder the family's property and beauties.

The Black Dragon Family doesn't have many of these two things, so it doesn't make much difference whether they are taken away or not.

After confiscating the Black Dragon Family's weapons, food, ores and other property and beauties, Xian Wu did not continue to embarrass them and led the army back home.

"Hmm... Why does my head keep hurting? What's wrong?" Xian Wu kept moaning while lying on the stretcher, with Xiao Ning'er in front and Sikong Hongyue behind.

"It would be great if Hanabi is here, she can give me a massage." Xian Wu suddenly remembered something, clapped his hands and said, "In addition to Hanabi, I also have Ling'er."

After saying that, Xian Wu took out the Thunder God's Meteor Sword from the space ring.

Before Xian Wu could speak, Ling'er took the initiative to get out of the sword body and said in a deep voice: "Master, I have collected a special soul."

"Special soul? Whose is it?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully.

Ling'er reached into the sword body and pulled out a blur of souls that were about to dissipate.

"Who is this? I can't recognize him without my clothes." Xian Wu sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. The soul's face was completely blurred and he couldn't recognize it, but it felt familiar.

Suddenly, a rapid hurricane blew through the forest, causing dust and fallen leaves to fly, making people unable to open their eyes.

The army fell into chaos for a while.

The wind and sand gradually subsided, and an old voice came.

"The infinite has no beginning, and without beginning there is no end. Happy, happy!"

Xian Wu followed the sound and saw an old man in tattered clothes standing on a big tree not far ahead, holding on to the trunk of the tree with one hand and holding a round object in the other, looking in his direction.

Just when Xian Wu was confused, endless murderous intent instantly emanated from the old man's body.

The killing intent seemed to be real, and the soldiers of the Silver Wing Family were like wheat, falling down one after another and falling into a deep coma.

Xiao Ning'er and Sikong Hongyue couldn't stand the baptism of murderous intent and fainted.

The stretcher landed with a thud, knocking Xian Wu's ass off.

Struggling to get up while holding the Thunder God's Thunder Sword, Xian Wu twisted his eyebrows into the Chinese character "Sichuan". There is such a master in the world of Hell. Is this the so-called spiritual god?

"You didn't faint. Boy, you are very good. Why don't you become my disciple?" The crazy old man flew down and landed in front of Xian Wu.

As he got closer, Xian Wu saw clearly that what the old man was holding was actually a head.

Yellow hair...little braids...

"Nie Li?!" Xian Wu suddenly widened his eyes. Could it be that the special soul just now belonged to Nie Li?
"Oh? Do you know him?" The crazy old man rotated his head 180 degrees in his palm.

Seeing Nie Li's frightened face, Xian Wu's head buzzed, as if someone had slapped him in the ear, and he felt dizzy for a moment.

" killed Nie Li?" Xian Wu clenched his fists and roared angrily: "I want you to pay with your life!!!"

He summoned Hao Zhen's painted halberd in an instant, and a dazzling golden light burst out instantly. Taking advantage of the old man's brief absence of concentration, Xian Wu stabbed straight with the halberd.

"It's actually the Kongming Battle Halberd? How come you have the Kongming Emperor's Battle Halberd?" The old man held the head of the painted halberd between his two fingers, his eyes full of confusion.

(End of this chapter)

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