The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 293 Fang Tian draws a halberd and stabs his adoptive father

Chapter 293 Fang Tian draws a halberd and stabs his adoptive father


Rainforest path.

Xian Wu knelt on one knee, with shock written all over his face. Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand was unexpectedly caught by the mysterious old man.

One must know that even the legendary 1-star Ice and Snow Dragon Lizard dared not look directly at the light of Hao Yu's painted halberd, and its thrusts are now more than [-] times more powerful than the legendary level, and it was unexpectedly easily caught.

Who is this old gangster?Why did he kill Nie Li?And why do you know the origin of Fang Tian’s painted halberd in your hand?

"Remove your hands!" The crazy old man grunted and snatched Fang Tian's painted halberd from Xian Wu's hand with just two fingers.

"What a treasure, what a treasure!" The crazy old man rubbed the handle of his halberd and couldn't put it down.

After a while, he shook his head and sighed: "Unfortunately, it has already recognized its master, and I can't exert its power at all. What a pity."

As he spoke, the crazy old man held his halberd and waved it back casually.

Bang bang bang!
All the giant trees behind the crazy old man were broken and fell to the ground one by one.

Xian Wu watched helplessly as the soldiers of the Silver Wing Family were crushed to death by the giant tree, but he was unable to do anything. The old man in front of him was simply not something he could deal with now.

The reason why those giant trees were cut off was entirely due to the old man's own strength, and had nothing to do with Hao Kuang's painting of the halberd.

Soul soldiers have special properties that cannot be used by anyone except their master.

When the crazy old man held the Soul Soldier Painting Halberd, it didn't glow, which was the best proof.

After performing a beautiful trick of guns and flowers, the crazy old man stuck Fang Tian's painted halberd on the ground with his backhand, stretched out his hand and asked: "Little girl, give me that soul."

Except for Xian Wu, Ling'er was not stunned by the crazy old man's murderous intent.

She is a sword spirit and is innately immune to things like murderous sword energy.

"No!" Ling'er shook her head and refused, then stuffed Nie Li's soul into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword with her backhand.

A trace of killing intent flashed in the eyes of the crazy old man, and he took a step forward to punish Ling'er, but Xian Wu opened his arms and blocked the way.

"Nie Li has no grievances with you, why did you kill him?"

"Why?" The crazy old man's eyes became cloudy. He touched his chin and thought for a moment and said, "Because he learned the "Cross Mantra" left by Emperor Kongming."

Cross mantra?Xian Wu couldn't understand what the crazy old man was talking about.

"Don't understand?" The crazy old man smiled, "It's engraved on the Kongming Stone Stele that you split in half. Boy, I'm curious, how did you do it even if the Kongming Stone Stele can't be destroyed?"

"Written on that stone tablet?" Xian Wu frowned, fortunately he could not read, otherwise he would be killed by the boss like Nie Li.

If I die, then my beautiful women...

From this point of view, illiteracy brought him not only bad things.

In other words, since entering the world of the black prison, every move of my group has been under the supervision of the old boss?
The crazy old man continued on his own: "I created the world of Hell, and I also carried the Kongming stele. I have been struggling to find the fifth person prophesied by Emperor Kongming."

"I have already killed three. If I kill the fifth inheritor, I will be able to fully understand the "Cross Mantra" and get the true inheritance of Emperor Kongming. The emperor has paid off, and now I finally let me wait."

According to what the old boss said, he would kill Nie Li, get rid of his competitors, and monopolize the inheritance and treasures of Emperor Kong Ming?
"Give me the remnant soul of Nie Li, and I will spare your life. Since you are the heir to the Kongming War Halberd, I will accept you as my disciple and teach you everything you have." The crazy old man's words were very tempting. force.

“Accept a disciple?”

Ling'er and the crazy old man were both stunned when they knelt down.I thought that Xian Wu would swear to the death and avenge Nie Li to the death, but I didn't expect that Xian Wu would agree so happily, not only becoming his disciple, but also becoming his adoptive father.

"You don't hate me?" the crazy old man asked suspiciously, "Your relationship with Nie Li is unusual. If I kill him, will you not hate me?"

He guessed that this kid wanted to take a risk and wait for an opportunity to take revenge.

Xian Wu shrugged helplessly: "What can I do if I hate you? I can't beat you."

"Besides, Nie Li was killed at his own fault. Who made him look like he was fine? He was just looking around."

"Don't get me wrong, Nie Li and I are just ordinary friends. Our relationship is not that deep. Besides, I have a large group of women and children to raise, and I will not risk my life to avenge him."

Hearing Xian Wu's words, the upright Ling'er cursed Xian Wu's cowardice in his heart.

Why did I follow such a cowardly master?

"Ling'er, don't give Nie Li's soul to my godfather yet." Xian Wu kept kneeling on one knee and turned around to order.

As soon as these words came out, most of the doubts in the crazy old man's heart were eliminated.

It seems that the child Xian Wu sincerely wants to worship him as his adoptive father.

"Coward!" Ling'er snorted, slipped into the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, and never came out again.

Xian Wu turned around awkwardly and said with a smile: "Father, please don't act like a little girl. I will get the things for you."

"There's no rush." ​​The crazy old man pointed casually, and two stone benches immediately materialized on the ground. "First, tell me to my adoptive father how you split the indestructible Kongming Stone Tablet."

Although the stele of Kong Ming is indestructible, there was one person who destroyed the stele before Xian Wu.

But that man was a loser. He couldn't even remember the ten words of the "Cross Mantra". Killing him would not increase his understanding, and he was too lazy to teach him a lesson.

But that man only destroyed a few inscriptions, but Xian Wu split the entire stele open and found the armor left by Emperor Kong Ming from inside. How did he do it?

"To tell you the truth, I was able to cut open the stele of Kong Ming entirely because I had practiced the family-inspired exercise "Monument Throwing Hand". You should understand with your hand." Xian Wu smiled and stretched out his left hand.

The crazy old man was doubtful and took Xian Wu's demonic left hand.

"Huh? There's nothing special about it, right? There's no difference in meat quality from that of a black gold level warrior." The crazy old man frowned.

Secret Technique·Complete Disintegration!

After confirming that the old man touched his left hand, Xian Wu instantly activated his decomposition ability.

Before the crazy old man could figure out what was special about Xian Wu's hand, it was instantly broken down into countless atoms, leaving only a pair of tattered clothes and a simple space ring.

The stone bench disappeared instantly, and Xian Wu sat down on the ground.

He put his hands on the ground and smiled with tears in his eyes: "Nie Li, I... avenged you..."

"Master, I wrongly blamed you." Ling'er got out of the sword body and held Xian Wu in his arms.

Xian Wu also put his arms around Ling'er, and put his head into her embrace.

Just when Xian Wu was about to do something he loves to do to relieve his little heart that was still in shock, the thunder sword of the God of Meteor suddenly shone brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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