The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 295 Nie Li's Treasury of Knowledge

Chapter 295 Nie Li's Treasury of Knowledge

On the way back to Silver Wing Family.

"A monk is someone who cultivates the spirit and body. Although my soul has reached the level of a great emperor, I don't have a body and can't exert any power." Nie Li explained Xian Wu's question just now.

Xian Wu understood.

The body of a monk is like a car, and the soul of a monk is like gasoline. Only by adding the two together can the car achieve its highest performance.

No matter how powerful Nie Li's soul was and no matter how much gasoline he had, he still couldn't drive without a car.

"Speaking of which, how about I find you another person's body? The fountain of life is too difficult to obtain, only one drop per day." Xian Wu suggested as he walked that it would be easier to get a dragon blood treasure body like Patriarch Ye Yan did. save trouble.

"No!" Nie Li refused decisively. "First of all, the fusion of soul and body is very risky, especially merging with other people's bodies; secondly, once fused, it is almost impossible to actively separate from the body;"

"Finally, if Ziyun and I get married in the future, do you think it's appropriate to use someone else's body? Wouldn't you be okay with cuckolding yourself?"

"Uh... what you said makes sense." Xian Wu couldn't say anything to refute. It was indeed quite jarring to use another man's body to be intimate with the woman he loved most.

"However, there is still a long time before we can collect enough Fountain of Life. You can't just stay in the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God all the time and do nothing. Otherwise, I will find you a spiritual puppet first. Attach?" Xian Wu suggested.

Nie Li's soul is so awesome, it will definitely be strong when made into a spirit puppet.

"You traitor! You actually want to make your adoptive father into a spirit puppet." Nie Li's eyes widened in anger.

He is an emperor-level figure, how can he be transformed into a spiritual puppet and be manipulated by others?
After hearing Nie Li's words, Ling'er, Xiao Ning'er, and Sikong Hongyue all looked at Xian Wu with confusion on their faces. When did Nie Li become the adoptive father of his master (Brother Wu) (consort)?

Xian Wu laughed and explained: "Nie Li's brain is very funny and was broken by the old madman. Don't believe the nonsense he said."

"In front of my women, you don't even give me any face. Do you still want the fountain of life?" Xian Wu warned in a message.

Now it is Nie Li who is begging for himself, not himself for Nie Li. Doesn't Nie Li think about which is more important?
Nie Li gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, and agreed: "I'm sorry, everyone, my soul was affected by the old madman, and I couldn't help but assume the role of a foster father."

Old madman?Foster father?Xiao Ning'er and Sikong Hongyue had questions on their faces.

"The two of you fainted at the time, and you don't know what happened at that time. The master pretended to recognize the old thief as his adoptive father, and then killed the old thief by surprise. It's really cool." Face worship.

Ling'er originally had a very cold attitude towards Xian Wu and was very careless when he first got into it. Most girls would not like such a man.

However, after this incident, Ling'er's attitude towards Xian Wu changed.

In addition to the shortcoming of lust, the master still has many shining points.

"Instant kill?" Nie Li touched his chin and speculated that Xian Wu must have used his mysterious left hand.

What was the origin of that left hand? Even if he fused the memory of his previous life with the memory of Emperor Kong Ming, he still couldn't figure it out.

Maybe... it comes from outside the realm.

After traveling through mountains and rivers, everyone returned to the Silver Wing Family.

Sikong Yi told everyone some bad news. In order to protect Nie Li, two black gold experts from the Silver Wing Family died in battle.

"One person does the work and the other person is responsible. Xian Wu, give me a spirit puppet." Looking at the two cold corpses on the ground, Nie Li felt guilty.

"Here!" Xian Wu took out a two-meter-tall war spirit puppet from the space ring.

Without another word, Nie Li got into the spirit puppet and gave it a soul.

After possessing the spirit puppets, Nie Li asked Xian Wu to find a lot of materials and tools, and then started to build their spirit puppets, imitating the appearance of Sikong Zhan and Sikong Dou.

After integrating the memories of Emperor Kong Ming, Nie Li's treasure trove of knowledge expanded to an incredible level.It can be said that he knows astronomy from above and geography from below. He knows everything and is perfect in everything.

Creating a spirit puppet according to the appearance of the original owner is simply a piece of cake.

Moreover, Nie Li is now possessed by the spirit puppet and does not know how tired he is. As long as the energy source is not exhausted, he can build it 24 hours a day.

"One sheep is being herded, two sheep are being driven, how about making a spiritual puppet for Ye Xiu?" .

"Nie Li, please!" Ye Xiu's soul cupped his hands and prayed.

Nie Li nodded mechanically. Ye Xiu was Ye Ziyun's uncle, that is, his uncle. It was his duty to help him.

"Okay, you can build the spirit puppet here. I'll go to the Void Sea to have a look and bring back some fountain of life." After informing him, Xian Wu left the Silver Wing Palace again.

Spreading his wings of wind and thunder, breaking through the sea of ​​clouds, Xian Wu rushed into the sky.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there is a vast void, dotted with stars all over the sky, it is really beautiful.

Just as Xian Wu was suspended in the sea of ​​clouds, quietly admiring the beautiful starry sky, a star suddenly became bigger and bigger.

"What the hell, why did this star become as big as the moon?" Xian Wu quickly discovered the strange star.

Attaching the soul power to his eyes, Xian Wu's pupils shrank.

Where is the star, it is actually a huge firefly.

Judging from the coercion emanating from its body, it is a legendary one-star monster.

"Hao Zhen War Halberd! Hao Zhen War Armor!!" Summoning weapons and armor, Xian Wu flew over to fight the fireflies.

As soon as the halberd came out, the golden light instantly illuminated the entire void, and the world of Hell instantly became as bright as day.

roar roar...

The golden light disturbed the monsters in the void, the stars grew larger, and huge monsters in the void appeared one after another.

"Cut! Suck!" After cutting a hole in the firefly monster's body, Xian Wu immediately launched the scarlet combat skill to absorb its life matter.

Instead of fighting the fireflies, Xian Wu flapped his wings and looked for his next target.

It was a horned dragon with a single horn growing on its head, and its two eyes were like shining stars. It was a legendary two-star monster.

"Cut again! Suck again!" Without the slightest fear, Xian Wu went forward with his halberd.

Silver Wing Family.

Ling'er was studying while supervising Nie Li forging the parts of the spirit puppet, when suddenly someone touched her butt.

"Who!" Ling'er looked back in shame and looked around, but found no one.

Looking down, Hanabi was squatting on the ground with a wicked smile on her face.


Without saying a word, Linger slapped Huahuo's side face loudly.

"Female hooligan!"

(End of this chapter)

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