Chapter 301

Under the awning diagonally opposite the entrance of the porridge shop, Xian Wu was chatting with the little girl Zhaodi.

The handsome old blond guy who suddenly appeared was none other than Yun Ling's father, Father Yun.

The two of them were dressed the same and had a similar appearance. Xian Wu guessed the identity of Father Yun with a roll of his eyes.

Naturally, Xian Wu would not refuse Father Yun's small request.

In addition, Xian Wu also took out the good wine from Huyanba's wine cellar and gave it to his future father-in-law to taste.

"Hmm...good wine! I haven't had it for a long time. No, I've never had such a soft drink." A glass of wine was poisoned, and Father Yun's appetite was whetted.

Xian Wu quickly took out the legendary monster bacon from the space ring, cut it into small pieces with a knife, put it into a small bowl on the table, and served it to Father Yun.

Father Yun didn't care whether his hands were dirty or not, he grabbed a piece of bacon and put it into his unshaven mouth.

Chew it gently and it melts in your mouth. The aroma of the meat explodes from your mouth instantly. It is so delicious that Father Yun's tongue blossoms.

"Okay! Okay!! Okay!!!" Father Yun said three good words in a row, then stopped talking, immersed himself in a big bowl of wine and ate meat.

The Tianyun tribe is relatively poor, especially in this special period.

Only a few nobles could drink wine and eat meat.

Father Yun experienced the feeling of being a noble, and he almost flew into the sky.

Due to the famine, Father Yun spared everything for his precious daughter to eat. The esophagus was thinned and the stomach was small due to hunger.

After a while, Father Yun passed out.

"Dad Yun, what's wrong with you?" The little girl Zhaodi looked at Mr. Yun who was sneaking under the table with confusion.

Xian Wu turned around and glanced at Nie Li.

Nie Li touched his chin and said solemnly: "It should be supported."

"Boy, what the hell did you feed Father Yun to make him look like this!" Henry Zhang ran over quickly, helped Father Yun up, and pinched him while glaring at Xian Wu angrily.

"Brother, this bacon has a strange smell." Xiao Hu pointed at the dark bacon on the table and reported.

He turned his head and asked fiercely: "Boy, did you put poison in the meat to kill our Father Yun?"

Xian Wu didn't speak, nor did he look at Xiao Hu. Instead, he used his soul power and struck out a palm from the air.

The soul power came out of his body, like a big invisible hand, holding the chyme in Father Yun's stomach to slowly rise.

Father Yun’s throat felt itchy, and he sprayed it on Henry Zhang’s face.

"Cough cough... vomit -" The pungent and unpleasant smell directly smoked out Henry Zhang's physiological reaction.

Henry Zhang is a mysophobic person. After being sprayed all over, he was immediately disgusted and wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

Catching Father Yun with quick eyes and hands, Xian Wu took out a Nine-turn Pill engraved with golden cloud patterns from the space ring and fed it to him.

Just now I used my soul power to look inside and found that Father Yun's stomach was stretched and he was bleeding internally. He needed to be treated in time.

"Brother Xian Wu did not poison me. You bad guys have wronged me."

Zhaodi distributed the remaining meat in the bowl to the refugees in line. Not only did everyone eat it, but they found it very delicious.

However, the scene of vomiting here and eating there is really jarring.

"What's wrong with my father?" Hearing the noise outside, Yun Ling ran out and found Xian Wu hugging his father and giving him a breast.

Xian Wu explained: "I asked my father to eat something, but he was exhausted. But don't worry, I have given him good medicine and he will wake up soon."

Our dad?Yun Ling frowned her long and slender eyebrows, and some whites appeared in her vivid blue eyes.Huh, this guy is really shameless.

"Help him lie down in the house." Yun Ling effortlessly lifted Father Yun up and walked to the kitchen.

Logically speaking, a big man like Father Yun would be very heavy, but when he was supported by Yun Ling, he was as light as a paper man.

Xian Wu followed, passed through the kitchen and entered the bedroom.

The bedroom was empty, with only a simple wooden bed and an old small table.


The paper windows were riddled with holes, and from time to time a chilly cold wind blew in through the holes.

Helping to put Father Yun on the bed, Yun Ling lifted up the quilt full of patches and covered him with Father Yun.

"Hiccup!" Father Yun burped, making Yun Ling's eyes well up with tears.

Yun Ling pouted her sweet and cute mouth and asked angrily: "You... did you give my father wine?"

"What's wrong? Our dad doesn't like drinking?" Xian Wu asked back without blushing and out of breath.

"What about our dad? It's my dad, not your dad!" Yun Ling corrected him angrily, "My dad has stomach problems. You shouldn't give him alcohol anymore."

After her mother died, her father became an alcoholic for a long time.

Later, he got stomach trouble, so he changed his mind and opened a porridge shop, and he never drank alcohol again.

Although Xian Wu had good intentions in giving his father good food, giving him wine was actually harming him.

"You tell me, I'll do it." Xian Wu nodded.

"Okay, you can go out. I can take care of my dad by myself." Yun Ling pushed Xian Wu's back, pushed him out of the bedroom, out of the kitchen, and into the awning.

Back outside the house, Xian Wu found that his original position was occupied by a big bald man.

This bald man not only took his place, but also drank the wine he gave to Father Yun.

"Zhaodi, why are you crying?" Xian Wu pulled up the little girl who was sitting on the ground wiping her tears, and found a red palm print on her thin face.

"Brother Xian Wu, if I didn't let that big bad guy sit in your seat, he would hit me, wuwu..." Zhao Di pointed at the back of the bald man and cried with snot and tears, feeling very aggrieved.

After hearing this, Xian Wu's eyebrows stood up straight.

After picking up the little girl Zhaodi, Xian Wu walked under the awning, stared at the bald head with an unkind expression, and asked coldly: "Did you make the slap mark on the child's face?"

"So what!" The bald man drank wine leisurely, not taking Xian Wu seriously at all.

Yun Ling pulled Xian Wu's sleeve and reminded nervously: "He is Xiao Kuang, the second son of the leader. His cultivation has reached Huang Yao Three Stars. We can't afford to offend him, so forget it."

Xian Wu smiled after hearing Yun Ling's words.

Little Kalami, who was only three-star gold, could crush a large area with one finger, but he dared to be arrogant in front of him, and he was impatient to live.

"Zhao Di, go over and slap her twice." He knocked the wine jar off the table with his hand. Xian Wu placed Zhao Di on the table and pointed at the bald man and ordered.

Xiao Kuang's upper body was naked and covered in scars. He stared with a pair of blood-red eyes, showing no anger or authority.

Zhaodi was so frightened that she froze in place and did not dare to move.

"I, Xiao Kuang, have never been the only one to hit anyone. I, Xiao Kuang, have never been hit. Do you want to touch me?" Xiao Kuang crushed the wine glass with a "bang".

(End of this chapter)

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