The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 300 Lao Yun’s Porridge Shop

Chapter 300 Lao Yun’s Porridge Shop
Yun's porridge shop.

Looking from a distance, the smoke from the chimney is curling up.

As you get closer, the air is filled with a sweet smell like roasted sweet potatoes.


Not only the hungry people of the Tianyun tribe, but also Xian Wu couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had roasted sweet potatoes, and I’m a bit craving for them.

The shop is not big, and there are awnings outside. Many hunters and noble princes are eating porridge inside.

Seeing a group of hungry victims coming in like a tide, the diners all took up arms and were on alert.

If a person is hungry and anxious, he can do anything.

There have been many incidents in the Tianyun Tribe, where hungry people viciously injured people.

"Go away!" A young man walked out of the awning, pointed a sword at the victims, and shouted.

He was tall and tall, wearing a green hat and a white robe, and his handsome face was a bit ferocious at this time.

Behind the young man stood a group of large and thick hunters. They were covered in scars, holding iron spears and opening huge bows. They exuded an invisible and fierce aura, making people afraid to approach them.

"Xiao Yang, don't hurt them." A girl put down the wooden spoon, ran out of the house, and stopped in front of the young man.

The girl looked about fifteen or sixteen years old and was wearing a blue plain dress. Although it had been mended many times, it did not affect her beauty at all.

Under the slender eyebrows, a pair of big blue pure eyes flashed.The fair and rosy little face is framed by a straight and beautiful nose, and the long vertical golden hair is naturally draped on the shoulders.

"If I don't hurt them, they will hurt you. How many times have I warned you not to give porridge to them? How about it? Good intentions are not rewarded. Now they are going to rob your porridge shop." Henry Zhang's eyes were full of anger.

"Fart! Who said we are going to rob Miss Yunling's porridge shop."

"Your young dog looks down on Henry Zhang. Even if we starve to death and jump off the cliff, we will not do anything to repay kindness with enmity."

"Sister Yun Ling, don't get me wrong. Uncle wanted to borrow your pot to cook porridge for everyone to drink, so he asked my mother to bring him over. Sister, I'll treat you to osmanthus cake. Uncle gave it to you, but Sweet, but delicious."

uncle?Seeing Zhaodi holding a piece of exquisite snow-white pastry in her hand, Yun Ling looked back in confusion.

Xian Wu coughed dryly, stepped forward, touched Zhao Di's little head, and corrected: "Don't call her uncle, call her brother."

Although he looks somewhat mature, his actual age is only 14 years old, and his mental age is only in his 20s.

" want to borrow our pot?" Yun Ling honey blushed, and the man in front of him exuded a fascinating aura.

who is he?Why haven't you seen it before?
Yun Ling's family runs a porridge shop, and almost everyone in the tribe has come to her house to eat porridge. She is sure that she has never seen this man before, especially such an attractive man.

He is like a bright light in the dark night, attracting everyone's attention when he appears.

If there was such a number one figure in the Tianyun tribe, how could Yun Ling not recognize him?

Xian Wu nodded, took out bags of grain from the space ring, and piled them up to about half a person's height.

"Cook these first, there's not enough left."

The food on the ground is all low-quality food. It’s not that the food is moldy and spoiled, it’s just that the appearance and taste are not good. There are no side effects at all when people eat it.

One bag of grain weighs about ten kilograms, and one kilogram of grain can produce more than five kilograms of porridge. Therefore, one bag of grain can cook fifty kilograms of porridge.

A bowl can hold half a catty of porridge, and one bowl can be distributed to one disaster victim. One bag of grain can save a hundred victims, and one hundred bags of grain can save 1 victims.

The dozens of bags of food on the ground should be enough for the victims of the Tianyun tribe.

"So... so much food!"

"I've been busy for a year, but I can't grow this much food."

"Sister Yun Ling, don't be stunned. Hurry up and cook the porridge. Everyone is so hungry that they are pressing their backs." After coming back to her senses, Yun Ling grabbed Xian Wu's hand and said excitedly: "Thank you, thank you, I'll do it for you." Thank you everyone!”

"You're welcome." Xian Wu took the opportunity to touch Yun Ling's slightly rough hand.

"I'll help cook the porridge!"

"I'm coming too!"

A group of women came forward and followed Yun Ling, carrying bags of grain into the porridge shop.

The hunters consciously moved out of the way and let the women pass.

"Brother, where did you come from, and where are you going?" Xiao Yang put his sword into its sheath and stepped forward.

Xian Wu ignored Henry Zhang and turned around to ask the victims to stand aside and line up in an orderly manner so as not to affect the nobles' meal.

"You are deaf, our young master is asking you a question!" A hunter came out from behind Henry Zhang, pointed at Xian Wu and shouted.

Without Henry Zhang's help, their group of hunters would be as hungry and skinny as refugees.

Therefore, every hunter is loyal to Henry Zhang and treats him as an eldest brother.

What answered him was Nie Li's cold sword.

The spirit puppet that Nie Li made for himself was not made according to its original size, but made according to the size of an adult.

The spirit puppet is nearly 1.7 meters tall, wearing a black cloak, and is very intimidating.

"Xiao Hu, you are so rude, stand down!" Xiao Yang scolded and helped his younger brother out of the siege.

Xiao Hu glared at Nie Li and slowly retreated behind Xiao Yang.

After organizing the group of victims, Xian Wu walked into the porridge shed and found a table to sit down.

The porridge shop was filled with steam and smoke, and Yun Ling's pretty figure appeared and disappeared in the room.

Attaching his soul power to his eyes, Xian Wu could clearly see what was going on in the porridge shop.

There are four stoves in the porridge shop, and now they are all equipped with firewood to cook porridge.

Heat steamed out from the pot, and smoke spewed out from the stove, making the porridge shop look like a fairyland.

Yun Ling, with blond hair and blue eyes, seemed like a fairy in a fairyland.

In fact, it is more appropriate to compare her to Cinderella.

"Brother, what's your name?" Zhao Di, the little girl, put the mead jar on the table and sat next to it.

The stools in the porridge shop are all long wooden benches, so there is no problem for two people to sit together, not to mention that Zhaodi is so small.

He took out a pack of fried cakes from the space ring, opened it and pushed it to Zhaodi. Xian Wu smiled and replied, "My brother's name is Xian Wu. Can you let Sister Yun Ling be your sister-in-law?"

"Okay." Zhaodi held a shiny golden fried cake in her hand, and her mouth was filled with oil.

The fried cake was sweet and crispy, filled with red bean paste filling, and the sweet smell made Henry Zhang and the hunters swallow their saliva.

Withdrawing their envious gazes, the hunters immersed themselves in the wood flour porridge in their bowls.

"It looks delicious. Can I have a piece to try?" A rich voice suddenly sounded.

Xian Wu looked up and saw a tall, blond, middle-aged man, scratching his head and standing in front of the table with a sheepish look on his face.

"Of course." Xian Wu replied generously.

(End of this chapter)

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