The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 299: The patriarch who practices favoritism and bends the law

Chapter 299: The patriarch who practices favoritism and bends the law


Destiny Tribe.

After feeding several cups of extremely sweet mead, the little girl's mother finally woke up.

"You are..." Looking at the strange man in front of her, the woman hurriedly held the child tightly in her arms, like an old hen protecting her young.

"Mom, this is the food my uncle gave me. Mom, you eat it." The little girl took a bite of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and raised it in front of her mother. There were still crumbs of the cake left around her little mouth.

The woman looked at the exquisite and tempting pastries in her daughter's hands and couldn't help but take a sip of sweet saliva. "Mom, you are not hungry, you eat, you eat."

After regaining her strength, the woman stood up.

"Thank you so much for saving my life!" The woman knelt on her knees to express her gratitude.

After saying that, she pulled the little girl to kneel down, and then said: "Zhao Di, come, kneel down and kowtow to your benefactor."

"Get up, get up quickly, there is no need to do this big ceremony." Xian Wu was stunned and hurriedly helped the mother and daughter up.

Their weight was very light, like two bundles of dried firewood. Xian Wu lifted them up without wasting any effort.

After giving most of the remaining packets of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes and almost a full jar of mead to his mother and daughter, Xian Wu sat on the steps in front of her house, basking in the sun and asking, "What's wrong with your tribe? Is there a famine?"

The woman sighed and said, "Although this year's harvest is not good, the food stored by each family can barely survive the winter. Unexpectedly, the eldest son of the clan leader got drunk and made trouble, and burned down the granary, which led to the current situation."

The Tianyun tribe's food is concentrated in several large granaries in the center of the tribe.

The tribesmen exchanged labor for copper, and then used the copper to exchange for grain or other commodities.

Now that the granary has been destroyed, even if they have copper in their hands, they cannot exchange for a grain of grain.

What is even more infuriating is that the patriarch actually uses the servants of the family as scapegoats.

The culprit, Xiao Wan, the patriarch's eldest son, is still at large.

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes slightly. How could the leader of the Tianyun Tribe be so willing to bend the law for personal gain?

"Sister, if, I say, if I can make everyone eat well, will you nominate me as the new clan leader?"

Hearing Xian Wu's words, the woman was startled, then nodded and said: "As long as I can eat enough every day, I can do whatever you want me to do. Not to mention recommending you to be the new clan leader, just... I just pledge myself..."

"Stop it! Sister, please respect yourself. I just want to be the leader of the clan and am not interested in anything else." Xian Wu doesn't care about white-bone spirits, let alone second-hand cars.

The woman calmed down her smile and reminded: "However, the patriarch's family is very powerful. The patriarch Xiao Wu has the strength of Obsidian level and is the strongest person in the tribe. His two sons are also Huang Yao level and want to overthrow him. Patriarch, it’s not easy.”

"Obsidian? Huang Yao?" Xian Wu didn't quite understand the meaning of these two words in the woman's mouth.

Could it be a realm beyond legend, a higher level?
At this time, Nie Li's cold mechanical voice came from the cloak: "Hei Yao is a black gold level warrior, and Huang Yao is a gold level warrior."

"So that's it." Xian Wu nodded, a group of little Karami, nothing to worry about.

"Sister, I have a bag of grain here. You can cook it and share it with everyone." Xian Wu took out a bag of low-quality grain from the space ring, which was leftover from shopping in the Hell World.

Hearing this, the hungry people around him became energetic and stood up one after another.

Due to the sharp blade in Nie Li's hand, they did not gather around him. They all stood on the same spot, looking over with their heads.

The woman smiled bitterly: "To be honest with my benefactor, I pawned the pots at home in exchange for food, so..." Although the granary was burned down, the nobles of the Tianyun tribe still had food in their hands.

Nobles and nobles not only have noble status, but also have expensive food.

Even if the price of noble grain is dozens of times higher than the market price, the tribesmen must buy it in order to survive.

As a result, most of the clan members went bankrupt.

When it comes to the point where there is nothing to sell, some people even sell their houses, their children, their wives...

"Mom, Sister Yun Ling has a pot at home." The little girl swallowed the cake in her mouth, grabbed the woman's sleeve, and reminded her.

"Sister Yun Ling?" Xian Wu was immediately interested. Judging from the name, this woman should be a beauty.

The woman introduced: "Yun Ling's family runs a porridge shop, and they used to give free porridge to everyone. I heard from Father Yun that Yun Ling invested all his dowry in order to help the victims."

"Although Yun Ling's family has been completely looted now, Yun Ling will still give porridge to everyone as soon as there is surplus food."

There were many noble young men who were covetous of her beauty and often sent her food, hoping to marry her home.However, Yun Ling did not agree to any of them. Instead, he shared the food given by those people with everyone.

"What a kind and good girl." Xian Wu gave a thumbs up.

After saying that, Xian Wu stood up, carried the food and said, "Sister, please lead the way. Let's go to Lao Yun's porridge shop."

The woman picked up the wine jar, grabbed the little girl's hand, and led Xian Wu and Nie Li towards Yun's Porridge Shop.

The hungry Tianyun tribe members followed cautiously.

"My benefactor, are you not from the Tianyun tribe?" the woman suddenly asked.

Although the clothes on Xian Wu's body were very rough in Glory City, they were extremely luxurious in Tianyun Tribe.

Most people in the tribe wear heavy and stuffy animal skin clothing, while only the nobles can afford light and breathable linen.

The nobles of the Tianyun tribe were all arrogant and licentious, and they would not give such precious food to the poor people, so the woman concluded that Xian Wu came from outside.

In addition, Xian Wu's accent sounds very awkward, not that of a native of the Tianyun tribe.

Hearing the woman's question, Xian Wu did not deny it: "Yes, I am not from the Tianyun tribe. I come from the Glory City and am the city lord there."

"My army encountered some difficulties in clearing away the monsters near the Tianyun Plateau. I came here specifically to see the situation. I didn't expect to find a human settlement on the Tianyun Plateau. It really surprised me."

army?Clean up the monsters?
Both the woman and the tribesmen following behind opened their mouths in surprise, not expecting that this young man had such a big background.

"If you are willing, after my army has wiped out the monsters below the plateau, you can return to the Glory City with me, where you will never starve." Xian Wu paused, "As long as I am alive when."

"Yes, we are willing!"

As soon as they heard that they no longer had to starve, the members of the Tianyun Tribe were all willing to move to the Glory City.

"That's fine if you are willing, but I have to become the clan leader of the Tianyun Tribe first." Xian Wu said solemnly. If he doesn't obtain the management rights of the tribe, those nobles may cause trouble when they move to the Glory City.

Following the mother and daughter through the streets, the group finally came to Yun's Porridge Shop.

(End of this chapter)

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