The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 298 Coming to the Heavenly Fate Plateau

Chapter 298 Coming to the Heavenly Fate Plateau
Spring is cold.

Xian Wu let out a long yawn, kissed Hua Huo's delicate cheek, and crawled out of the soft big bed and warm quilt.

After returning to the Glory City, he was either doing something or on the road every day, and his waist was almost no longer his own.

Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Shen Xiu, Wo Xueshen, Sikong Hongyue, Hua Huo, to be honest, there are a lot of places.

"No, I have to go out and hide for two days. If I stay any longer, I will die in bed." Xian Wu muttered in a low voice.

The soldiers hit a wall near the Tianyun Plateau, so I happened to go over to take a look and give myself a holiday.

Just as Xian Wu was about to get out of bed, his waist was clamped by a pair of extremely toned wheat-colored jade legs from behind.

"Master, what are you doing up so early, why don't you sleep with me for a while~"

The numbing sound reached Xian Wu's ears, like the devilish sound of hell.

"Relax. Go to bed early and get up early. It's good for your health. Staying in bed is not good." Xian Wu pinched Hua Huo's thigh.

Hanabi chuckled, Xianwu pinched her like a mosquito bite, it was very itchy.

Since Hua Huo is the pinnacle of Legend and Xian Wu is the first star of Legend, Xian Wu cannot break free from Hua Huo's shackles.

Reluctantly, Hua Huo stayed with her on the bed for another half hour before letting Xian Wu leave with satisfaction.

"Damn it, I will definitely take revenge." Xian Wu cried and put on his clothes.

Hanabi smiled mischievously: "Welcome, welcome, master is always welcome to seek revenge on others."

"Death look~" Xian Wu poked the red spot on Hua Huo's eyebrows and stopped playing with her.

After having breakfast with his beloved wives and telling Ning'er to take good care of his pregnant sisters, Xian Wu left the city lord's palace and flew to the Tianyun Plateau.


Hearing the sound of breaking wind behind him, Xian Wu turned around and saw that Nie Li was following him with his feet on fire, and he caught up in the blink of an eye.

"What are you doing? Why are you following me?" Xian Wu asked angrily while flying. Can't you just leave yourself alone for a while?As a city lord, do you still have some private space?

Nie Li showed a stiff smile and asked in a cold mechanical voice: "What, are you going to do something shameful? Are you afraid that people will follow you?"

If Xian Wu hadn't held the fountain of life that allowed him to reshape his body, I would have been too lazy to follow him for fear that he would die in an accident.

The Little Exquisite World is not an absolutely safe place. There are many terrifying forbidden areas. Even the legendary peak experts may die here once they enter.

With Xian Wu's stupid personality, the probability of taking the initiative to die was very high, so he had to watch him carefully and not let him do stupid things.

"You're so annoying!" Xian Wu rolled his eyes at Nie Li, and quickly distanced himself with a thunderous wrath.

The Tianyun Plateau is at the top of a mountain range. The entire top of the mountain seemed to have been cut off with a sword, and a large plain appeared.

There is only a winding mountain road going up and down the mountain. Thousands of people live on the mountain, forming a tribe.

The terrain of the Tianyun Plateau is high and it is difficult for monsters to reach it, so the people in the tribe are relatively safe.

Safety comes to safety, the Tianyun Plateau is the same as the Black Prison World, food is scarce.

The Hell World is a dark world, with no sunlight and little food growing.

The Tianyun Plateau has a higher geographical location, is relatively close to the sun, and has sufficient sunshine. However, the land is not fertile and there is a lack of irrigation water, so the grain output is not much.Xian Wu and Nie Li were both legendary powerhouses. They flew extremely fast and quickly reached the Tianyun Plateau.

On the outskirts of the Tianyun tribe, Xian Wu disguised himself and put on a rustic piece of clothing.

His golden dragon robe is so eye-catching that anyone can recognize him as extraordinary.

Nie Li didn't change his clothes and put on a big black robe, hiding his figure underneath. If you didn't get close and look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see his face clearly.

Walking into the Tianyun tribe, one by one the skinny tribesmen came into view.

They all tightened their belts, sat or lay down, closed their eyes, and basked in the sun.

"Mother, I'm hungry, wow..." A little girl grabbed her mother's sleeve and cried loudly. She was so hungry that her cry was as small as a mosquito's cry.

"You were reincarnated by a starving ghost. Didn't you just eat wood flour porridge the day before yesterday? If you endure it for one more day, tomorrow my mother will pawn the remaining dowry and take you to drink porridge." The woman squatted on the ground, wiping While watching the little girl's tears, he comforted weakly.

As soon as she squatted down and then stood up, the woman fainted due to hypoglycemia.

With a bang, he fell on his back and fell unconscious.

"Mother! Mother! What's wrong with you, mother..." The little girl knelt beside the woman, holding her hand, crying and shaking her arms.

The little girl ate wood flour porridge the day before yesterday, but the woman didn't eat a grain of rice two days ago.

Hearing the cry of the little girl, the neighbors who were sunbathing nearby looked over. There was no pity in their green eyes, only greed and desire.

No one stepped forward to help the little girl and her poor mother.

They were like a group of vultures, quietly waiting for the poor mother's life to pass away until she died.

Xian Wu frowned and walked over casually.

"Child, don't be afraid, your mother just fainted from hunger." Xian Wu squatted on the ground, stroking the little girl's slightly dirty hair, took out a piece of delicate osmanthus cake from the space ring and handed it over.

"Thank you, uncle." The little girl carefully took away the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, but she did not eat it herself. Instead, she put it to her mother's mouth: "Mom, your kind uncle gave us food. Open your mouth and you eat. , you eat..."

The woman was so hungry that she lost consciousness. She could not hear anything the little girl said.

With no choice, the little girl chewed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake into pieces and fed it to her mother mouth to mouth, not wanting to eat it at all.

Seeing this scene, Xian Wu's nose felt sore and his heart felt as if he had been stabbed hard.He took out a jar of very sweet mead from the space ring, poured it into a cup, and handed it to the little girl.

I heard that people with hypoglycemia will be relieved by eating sugar. Since mead is so sweet, it should have the same effect.

The aroma of mead made the little girl couldn't help but twitch her Adam's apple. She looked at Xian Wu with a grateful face, took a small sip, drank half of it herself, and fed the rest mouth-to-mouth to her mother. .

The aroma of mead not only attracted the little girl, but also attracted a group of green-eyed hungry wolves who were sunbathing nearby.

They shook their Adam's apple crazily, sat up and stood up one by one, as if they were about to snatch it.

Boom boom!

Two arm swords over one meter long popped out of Nie Li's mechanical arms. The arm swords were engraved with complicated inscriptions and reflected a chilling cold light.

The hungry wolves stared at each other and slowly sat back down. No one wanted to be the first to test whether the blade was sharp or not.

(End of this chapter)

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