Chapter 297 Return to the Glory City
The spirit puppets of Sikong Zhan, Sikong Dou and Ye Xiu have been created.

Except for the color of his hair and skin, the puppet's appearance is exactly the same as its original owner.

In addition, the spirit puppets created by Nie Li do not have that thing, they are all hermaphrodites.

After putting on clothes and a wig, except that the skin looks a little bronzer, he is no different from a normal person.

The head, torso and limbs of the new spirit puppet are all powered by separate energy source modules, with built-in laser eyes, mouth cannons, palm cannons, chest honeycomb cannons and power suspension equipment on the soles of the feet.

Limited to the materials, the new spirit puppet's hardness is only at the legendary peak, and the attack power of each energy-emitting device is only at the legendary peak.

Although the peak of legend is nothing in the realm of Longxu, in the world of Little Linglong, it is already the top combat power under the spirit god.

In addition to the three spirit puppets, Nie Li also rebuilt a body for himself.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and pour my puppet into the new puppet." Nie Li urged impatiently. He found Xian Wu staring blankly in front of his puppet, and even reached out to touch the bottom.

"The majestic Emperor Kongming is actually a hermaphrodite, hehehe..." Xian Wu covered his mouth and snickered.

Hermaphrodites, rotten asses.

"Go away! Do you think I am willing? It will take me a drop of the fountain of life a day, and it will take years and months to rebuild my physical body. I can only create a spiritual puppet first and use it." Nie Li said helplessly.

Introducing Nie Li's soul from the crude war puppet to a new puppet, Xian Wu invited several human puppet to attend the wedding ceremony.

The wedding ceremony between him, Sikong Hongyue and Hua Huo.

"Don't go!" Nie Li pushed away Xian Wu who was holding his back. This kid was rubbing salt into his own wounds.

The wedding ceremony of the Silver Wing Family was a Western style, with a wedding dress, a church, a priest and so on.

Three days and nights later, Sikong Yi reported a serious problem.

The vast majority of miners never came back after receiving the food for the holiday. The mines were understaffed, and the production of ores such as Red Blood Crystal and Dragon Soul Stone dropped sharply.

"It doesn't matter. I have collected enough ore anyway."

"Lao Yi, please send someone to inform the nine aristocratic families. If they are willing to surrender, we will take them out of the hell world and return to the real world. If they are not willing, we will not force it."

"Finally...are you going to return to the earthly world?" Sikong Yi's face flushed. Can the Silver Wing family finally return to their homeland with honor at his generation?

Ancestors of the Silver Wing Family, have you seen it?The Silver Wing Family is returning to our ancestral homeland.

Sikong Yi acted vigorously and quickly and quickly spread the news.

Probably out of fear of Xian Wu's terrifying power, none of the nine great families did not surrender.

Except for some people who had blood feuds with the Silver Wing Family, everyone else migrated to the ancient teleportation array above the wasteland.

After Xian Wu used his demonic left hand to level the mines one by one, and after returning to the ancient magic circle, Nie Li inserted the Glory Stone into the groove, activated the teleportation array, and moved the residents of the Black Hell World to the Glory City.

"Are you really not planning to return to the earthly world with us, Duan Jian?" Xian Wu asked.

"The Silver Wing Family forced my parents to death, and I will never give in to you." Duan Jian's eyes were filled with hatred.

Although his memory was expunged, but not those of others who knew about it, he eventually learned of his parents' deaths.

After everyone left the Black Hell World, Duan Jian vented all his anger on the ancient magic circle, as if doing so could comfort his parents' spirits in heaven.

The stars in the void died one after another, and the world of Hell Prison changed from dark to black until you couldn't see your fingers.Several years later, the world of Hell Prison was completely plunged into darkness, and those who remained did not know if they were still alive or regretted their original decision.

"The sunshine is so dazzling, is this the world on earth?"

"The hometown where our ancestors lived, we are finally back!"

"Where are the monsters? Where are the monsters? Didn't you say that there are many monsters on the ground?"

People in the Underworld are full of curiosity about the surface world. They have not seen sunlight for thousands of years.

Since the Vientiane Space Array is near the City Lord's Mansion, as soon as the people from the Black Prison World appear, they will be discovered by the patrol guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

With a whistle, countless guards came over and surrounded everyone.

"Who are you? Put down your weapons!"

People from various aristocratic families were not vegetarians either, and took up arms to confront the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Everyone calm down and don't take action." Xian Wu flew into the air and roared, temporarily calming the situation.

Ye Zong and Ye Mo heard the sound and came over.

When General Xian mentioned the matter, the two of them immediately understood.

At Ye Zong's suggestion, Xian Wu temporarily arranged the people from the major families to the territory of the Haozhen family.

With the Haozhen family's army monitoring them, they probably wouldn't be able to cause much trouble.

After negotiation, Xian Wu decided to rebuild the ruins of Gulan City for the residence of the major families in the Black Prison World.

Xian Wu entrusted the important task of rebuilding Gulan City to the Shengming Family, and promised Chen Linjian to be the first city lord of Gulan City after the Gulan City was built.

The main hall of the city lord's mansion.

"In the few days since I left, how is the clearing operation going on in the Shengzu Mountain Range?" Xian Wu asked.

Ye Zong handed several reports to Xian Wu and said, "Everything went well in other places, except for a place called Tianyun Plateau, which was not so smooth. They were full of poisonous insects and ferocious beasts, and they were all extremely difficult to deal with at the Black Gold level. .”

"Poisonous insects and ferocious beasts? It's nothing to worry about! Look what I brought back?" Xian Wu took out a large bag of red blood crystals from the space ring and gave it to Ye Zong.

"This is... a red blood crystal? What kind of dark prison world actually has such a good thing?" Ye Zong held a sack of red blood crystals and smiled from ear to ear.

Refining this kind of ore can greatly improve soul power, and is also very effective for legendary demon spiritualists.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "There are still many good things. By the way, is there any news about Patriarch Ye Yan?"

"Not yet. It's been several months and there's no news at all. I'm afraid something unexpected happened." Ye Zong looked solemn.

According to his father, the Demon Lord of the Dark Guild is an extremely difficult character to deal with, and Patriarch Ye Yan may have been killed.

However, no news is the best news. Grandmaster Ye Yan may not have been killed, and he may be looking for a way to the Glory City.

"By the way, you kid is never idle anywhere, and you married two beautiful women like flowers?" Ye Zong changed the subject and asked with a wink.

Xian Wu coughed dryly, then changed the topic and asked: "How is the construction of Guanghui Academy going? How long does it take to complete the construction?"

(End of this chapter)

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