The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 303 The Chief of the Tianyun Tribe

Chapter 303 The Chief of the Tianyun Tribe

In the open space outside Lao Yun's porridge shop, two groups of people were fighting fiercely.

Xian Wu held the little girl in his arms, and stood beside him watching the play with a smile, breaking a walnut for the little girl to eat from time to time.

"Stop! Stop all of them!" Xiao Wu, the patriarch of the Tianyun Tribe, led the noble guards and hurried over.

Xiao Kuang and his subordinates turned a deaf ear to it, and still punched the hunters hard in the face with their fists, breaking how many ribs and teeth they did not know.

"Xiao Kuang, stop!" Xiao Wu wanted to pull Xiao Kuang away, but Xiao Kuang slapped his mouth with his backhand.

Patriarch Xiao Wu covered his face and was stunned by the beating.

"Nizi, you dare to hit me, I'll destroy you!" In extreme anger, Xiao Wu slapped Xiao Wu on the back of the head, directly knocking him out.

Xiao Wu is a one-star black obsidian warrior, but Xiao Kuang only has three stars of yellow obsidian. If Xiao Wu hadn't stopped his strength, Xiao Kuang might have been slapped to pieces.

"Catch them!" Following Xiao Wu's order, the noble guards immediately stepped forward, controlled all the crazy Xiao Kuang brothers, and forced them to kneel on the ground one by one.

Glancing at the hunter lying on the ground howling, Xiao Wu turned around and stared at Henry Zhang, and said coldly: "Henry Zhang, what's going on? Why did Xiao Kuang fight with your people?"

Henry Zhang sent someone to report that his son Xiao Kuang was beaten by a foreigner.

When we arrived at the scene, the situation was different from what Henry Zhang’s men said. It was clearly Xiao Kuang who beat up Henry Zhang’s people.

"Aren't you honest? My people originally wanted to teach this foreigner a lesson, but Xiao Kuang suddenly started beating my people like crazy and couldn't stop him." Xiao Yang pointed at Xian Wu, wanting to cry but without tears.

Magic!This white-haired boy must have cast a magic spell on Xiao Kuang.

Xian Wu held the little girl Zhao Di, and while eating walnuts, he looked at Xiao Wu and his armored guards with great interest.

His five senses were keen, and he could tell at a glance that Xiao Wu was a black-gold one-star martial artist, while the other soldiers were all silver-ranked.

When Xian Wu looked at Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu also followed the direction of Xiao Yang's finger and looked back at Xian Wu.

"Are you that foreigner?" Xiao Wu walked over, stood in front of Xian Wu, and asked in a deep voice.

Xian Wu held Zhao Di in his arms, cupped his hands, and asked with a smile, "What advice do you have, Chief Xiao?"

"Where did it come from?" Xiao Wu was very unhappy when he saw that the other party was holding a child in his arms while talking to him.

This is not taking oneself, the head of the clan, seriously.

"City of Glory." Xian Wu suppressed his smile and replied expressionlessly.

A mere black-gold-rank warrior raised his hand to destroy it.Including Xiao Wu, the people present in the Tianyun Tribe are all rubbish, so I don't need to give them face.

"City of Glory..." Xiao Wu lowered his head, recalled it for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

Back then, the ancestors of the Tianyun tribe led their tribe to hide on the Tianyun Plateau in order to escape the demon disaster, and they never went down there again.

Later, scattered foreigners came to visit the Tianyun tribe, but they were all refugees who came to beg or ask for shelter. None of them came from the Glory City.

"You will hear about it in the future, because the Glory City will develop into a Glory Empire in the future, drive out monsters, and rule the entire Holy Spirit Continent and the five overseas continents." Xian Wu declared domineeringly.

He now has nearly a regiment of war spirit puppets, each with legendary combat power.

Cooperating with the human army, it will not be a problem to conquer the areas occupied by monsters.

After all the monsters in the Saint Ancestor Mountains are swept away, the next place to be swept away is the endless desert area next to the Saint Ancestor Mountains.Hearing Xian Wu's words, Xiao Wu frowned and asked coldly: "So, you are here to conquer our Tianyun tribe on behalf of the Glory City?"

Taking advantage of the famine in the Tianyun tribe, he came over to provide rice porridge to the victims and win people's hearts. His abacus was so loud.

Do you want to take away my Xiao family’s power in the Tianyun Tribe?no way!
When they heard that Xian Wu was coming to conquer the Tianyun tribe, the victims did not react much.

Anyway, they will follow whoever gives them food, clothing, and a house to live in.

"You can't say that. Conquest is for the monster clan. I like to use the word 'unity' for my fellow human beings." After saying that, Xian Wu looked at the hungry people waiting in line.

"Whether you will join Glory City or not, I will help you survive this famine." Xian Wu continued.

To be honest, these thousands of them don't even make up one percent of the total population of Glory City, and their presence or absence will have little impact on Glory City.

The reason why he helped them was entirely due to Xian Wu's compassion.

"Since you are completely out of good intentions, why not give the food directly to us and let us distribute it ourselves? Save yourself the trouble." Xiao Wu suggested.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid of trouble." Xian Wu replied with a smile.

The old bald donkey had a good idea. If the food was given to him, wouldn't his work be in vain?

At that time, the patriarch led people to give porridge, and those who didn't know it thought it was the patriarch's kind deed.

It would be fine if they were honest, but according to the virtue of this old bald donkey who bends the law for personal gain, they will definitely fill their pockets and withhold relief food, and it will be the people of the Tianyun tribe who will suffer.

"The porridge is ready, the porridge is cooked! Do you all have bowls? Those who don't have bowls can go home and get them." Women's shouts came from the porridge shop.

The hungry people swallowed their saliva after hearing this, wiped the pottery bowls in their hands with their dirty sleeves, and crowded toward the door.

"Get in line, don't mess around!" Nie Li knocked aside Henry Zhang who was blocking the way, stood at the door of the porridge shop, and shouted in a cold mechanical voice.

Henry Zhang rubbed his sore shoulders and looked at Nie Li with a resentful look on his face, not knowing what he was planning in his heart.

"Give me the bowl!" Nie Li took the pottery bowl from the person in the queue and handed it into the porridge shop.

Soon, a bowl of thick, wheat-flavored porridge was brought out.

Nie Li took the pottery bowl and did not immediately hand it to the hungry people at the head of the queue. Instead, he reminded: "It's hot, don't drop it!"

Hearing this, the hungry man retracted his hands into his sleeves.

After getting the porridge bowl, the hungry man took a big gulp without caring whether it was hot or not.

"Ugh, ho, ho, ho..." Apparently, the hungry people were burned.

But even after being burned into a bear-like state, the hungry people did not spit it out, but swallowed it while enduring the pain.

"Chief Xiao, would you like to have some drinks together?" Xian Wu asked with a smile, spreading his hands towards the porridge shop.

"No, I've eaten in the morning." Xiao Wu replied coldly, and immediately ordered loudly: "Don't be so stupid and stupefied, go back and interrogate all the fighters. Henry Zhang, you follow."

After Xiao Wu took the people away, Xian Wu came to the door of the porridge shop and helped distribute the porridge with the little girl Zhao Di in his arms.

"Don't drink it in a hurry. Let it cool down before drinking it. Be careful of burning your mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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