The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 304 Purple Smoke Stone for Boiling Water

Chapter 304 Purple Smoke Stone for Boiling Water

The work of distributing porridge lasted until noon.

No more porridge at noon, Xian Wu decided to wait until evening.

Firstly, the women who cook the porridge are weak and cannot bear the high-intensity work; secondly, the porridge shop still has too few pots to serve thousands of people, and the efficiency is low. If porridge is distributed at noon, they may be busy until evening.

After finishing the porridge, the victims did not leave. They all gathered around the porridge shop, making noisy noises and eagerly waiting for the evening porridge delivery.

Seeing this situation, Xian Wu frowned.

If you don't go home, why are you hanging around the porridge shop?Have nothing to do?Eating and waiting to die?

"There is an ore called purple diamond in the Tianyun Plateau, which can also be used as a driving energy source for spirit puppets. Maybe we can exchange food for this ore." Nie Li reminded, seeming to notice Xian Wu's troubles.

Xian Wu nodded: "It's better to find some work for them than to hang around here, chattering and making people upset. Zhao Di, call your sister-in-law out. I have something to tell her."

"Sister-in-law Yunling, Brother Xianwu is calling you, come out." Zhaodi ran into the porridge shop in a hurry.

At this time, Yun Ling was feeding porridge to his father with a spoon.

Hearing Zhao Di's shout, Yun Ling's face suddenly darkened.

Father Yun took the porridge bowl, took the spoon, and said with a smile: "Follow Zhaodi, don't make people wait."

Xian Wu is a very good young man. Not only is he rich, he is also handsome, and his moral character is also very good. It is Yun Ling's blessing that he can like Yun Ling.To be honest, Yun Ling is not worthy of Xian Wu.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Zhao Di pulled up Yun Ling's sleeves.

Yun Ling snorted and reluctantly followed Zhao Di outside the house.

Xian Wu was sitting on a wooden bench, with his back to the wall and facing the hungry people, taking out bags of food from the space ring.Nie Li stood guard beside the table silently.

"What do you want from me? I'm busy." Yun Ling crossed his arms and pouted his delicate mouth.

Xian Wu moved his buttocks, patted the other side of the wooden bench, and motioned for Yun Ling to sit down.

Yun Ling refused, Xiao Zhaodi dragged her to sit next to Xian Wu.

Seeing Yun Ling's face turn red, Xian Wu smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, I won't eat you. Do we have purple diamonds at home? Give me two pieces?"

"Purple diamond stone? What is that?" Yun Ling had never heard of this kind of ore.

Xian Wu looked at Nie Li, who blinked his mechanical eyes and explained coldly: "Purple diamond stone is a purple, diamond-shaped stone. It becomes very hot in the sun and emits a light purple color. Smoke.”

"You are talking about the purple smoke stone, wait for me and I will get it for you." Yun Ling suddenly understood.

Not long after, Yun Ling came out of the porridge shop, holding three stones in his hand.

"Here." Yun Ling handed the purple caltrop stone to Xian Wu, sat down and said, "We have a lot of this stone here. Not only is it useless, but it also has a little toxin. I usually use it to boil hot water for washing. Head."

"No wonder your hair is so soft and beautiful." Xian Wu reached out to touch it, but Yun Ling slapped it away.

Yun Ling opened her big blue eyes and asked fiercely: "What do you want to do? In our Tianyun tribe, girls' hair is not allowed to be touched casually."

A girl's hair can only be touched by her beloved man.

She and Xian Wu had only known each other for a few hours, and although she had a good impression, it wasn't as good as a boyfriend and girlfriend.

"I don't want to think about it yet." Xian Wu retracted his hand.

I came to the Tianyun Tribe because I wanted to give Jill a break, and I didn’t want to be serious about it for the time being.He picked up a stone and shouted to the hungry people: "Ten purple smoke stones can be exchanged for one bag of grain. If you have purple smoke stones at home, come and exchange them. There are only one thousand bags of grain. First come, first served."

With soul power attached to his throat, Xian Wu's voice was louder than a large stereo, instantly spreading throughout the Tianyun tribe.

"Really, can you exchange that broken stone for food?"

"It's better to believe what it has than to believe it doesn't."

"The kind person who gave us porridge for free will lie to us. Brothers, please act quickly."

Most of the victims ran away to collect purple diamonds. Only a small number of lazy people remained near the porridge shop.

"Sister Yun, do you know these people?" Xian Wu asked, pointing to the nearest lazy guys.

Sister Yun?Yun Ling was startled for a moment. This was the first time someone called him this. "They are all Xiao Lang's men. They kidnap, extort, rob and murder. These villains didn't starve to death. God is so blind."

"Have they... ever bullied you two?" Xian Wu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yun Ling shook his head: "I went to the porridge shop to eat a few Overlord meals before, which is not considered bullying. By the way, is that a space ring you are wearing on your hand?"

In the entire Tianyun tribe, only patriarch Xiao Wu has a space ring.

This was the first time for Yun Ling to observe the space ring at such a close range.She tucked her golden shoulder-length hair behind her ears, narrowed her beautiful aqua eyes, and looked at him curiously.

"Do you like it?" General Xian took off the space ring.

This is a medium-sized space ring, with dozens of cubic spaces inside. It is not a rare item.

Yun Ling shook his head: "No... I don't like it."

But her piercing eyes still gave her away.

"Give it to you!" Xian Wu grabbed Yun Ling's wrist, pulled it into his arms, and put the space ring on the middle finger of her left hand.

"No, I can't have it. Dad won't let me take other people's things." Yun Ling wanted to take it off, but unexpectedly the ring seemed to be coated with glue and stuck to it.

Xian Wu attached his soul power to the ring. Unless he took the initiative to remove it, or Yun Ling's cultivation level exceeded one star of legend, she would never be able to take it off.

"You didn't ask for it, I took the initiative to give it to you." Xian Wu grabbed Yun Ling's right hand and stopped her from touching it any further. "Do you know how to use it? I'll teach you?"

After a little struggle, Yun Ling finally received the ring.

Yun Ling was very smart and quickly learned to use the space ring under Xian Wu's guidance.

"What are the big and small packages inside? Why is there still wine?" Yun Ling looked at the things in the space ring like a curious baby.

He took out an oil-paper bag and opened it to see that it was actually a bag of sugar-roasted chestnuts.

"Zhaodi, come on, your sister-in-law Yun Ling is here with delicious food." Xian Wu waved to the little girl who was not taller than the table.

"'s so hard that it hurts my tooth." Taking the chestnut handed over by Xian Wu, Zhaodi took a bite and almost lost her tooth.

Xian Wu was stunned. Don't people from the Tianyun tribe even recognize Li Zi?
Damn it, Yun Ling, don't lick it. You have to peel the chestnuts and eat them. If you lick them again, I'll call the police.

"Um...this thing is called a chestnut. You can peel it and eat it." Xian Wu opened the chestnut shell with his thumb and broke the soft chestnut meat inside into two halves, giving half to Zhaodi and half to Yun Ling.

Yun Ling blushed, spat out the chestnuts in her mouth into her palm, then opened her small mouth, and gently caught the chestnuts handed over by Xian Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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