The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 308 Henry Zhang takes the initiative to plead guilty

Chapter 308 Henry Zhang takes the initiative to plead guilty

The warm winter sun hangs high in the sky, shining golden light on the roof of Tianyun Tribe.

Smoke curled out of the chimney and shot straight into the sky.

Every household stews fragrant monster meat. Being able to eat stewed meat in winter is something that most families in the Tianyun tribe dare not even think about.

All this is thanks to the young city lord of Glory City - Xian Wu.

Not only did he give everyone meat to eat, he also redeemed all the iron pots that everyone had pawned to the nobles and returned them to everyone.

Both commoners and nobles praised him.

Half an hour later, the aroma of meat dissipated.

The pieces of meat stewed in the iron pots of each house are almost rotten, and the children can't wait for it.

The monster meat roasted on the fire began to turn golden and shiny, dripping fat, and made a hissing sound when it fell on the fire.

The adults couldn't help it anymore, and started to tear the meat with their hands, their mouths were full of juice, and their appetites were whetted.

With meat stewed in the pot, meat roasted on the bonfire, and bone soup simmering in the earthen pots, the people of the Tianyun tribe were just like the Chinese New Year.

All this is thanks to the great Lord of Glory City.

Compared to the bustle in other places, the patriarch's house seemed particularly deserted.

Xiao Kuang sat on the steps at the door, chewing dry meat, smelling the stew from his neighbor's house, and his mouth watered with greed.

He wanted to rush into the neighbor's house, snatch the meat, and feast on it.

But he couldn't do this. Xian Wu arranged for the army to patrol the Tianyun tribe. If he dared to rob, Xian Wu's army would chop him into seventeen or eighteen pieces in minutes.

Although the strongest soldier in Xian Wu's army is only a five-star Huang Yao, that guy is actually a demon spiritualist, and he is also equipped with a mechanical arm. Even his father, who is a black star, is no match, let alone himself. .

"Hiss—retribution..." Xiao Kuang held his still swollen cheek, wanting to cry without tears.

Had lunch.

Xian Wu and Nie Li went out, and Nie Li said that he would take him to a fun place.

You won’t know exactly how much fun it is until you get to the place.

"Brother Wu Zi, come back early, I'll wait for you to have dinner." Yun Ling stood outside the door, waving her little hand to say goodbye, her golden shoulder-length hair dancing in the wind.

Although he had known Xian Wu for less than two days, Yun Ling knew that he was not a bad person.

He is not only good to himself and his father, but also to Xiao Zhaodi and the tribesmen.

Being able to marry such a good man makes my life worthwhile.

Xian Wu nodded: "I'll be back as soon as possible. You go back to the house, the sun outside is very poisonous."

If Yun Ling knew that she was the ninth eldest child in the family, would she reject her marriage proposal?
Forget it, don’t tell her yet, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

Father Yun didn't come out to see him off. The old man couldn't drink enough. After just a few drinks, he was as drunk as a puddle of mud. Now he was lying on the bed sleeping.

"Where are you going?" After leaving the Tianyun Tribe, Xian Wu asked looking at the vast plateau.

Nie Li pointed at the black oil forest and said, "It's almost in that direction."

"Then what are you waiting for? Fly!"

Just as Xian Wu summoned the wind and thunder wings and was about to take off, a group of people hurried over.

Before Xian Wu and Nie Li could react, those people knelt on the ground.

"Lord City Lord, we offended you yesterday, please punish us!" The leader was Henry Zhang.

"Please punish me, Lord City Lord!" the hunters with bruised noses and swollen faces said in unison as they knelt on the ground.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "Get up, I won't be the same as you." "Please punish me, sir, whether it's beating us or scolding us. If you don't punish us, we will feel bad." Xiao Yang said tremblingly.

Xian Wu is the city lord and supreme leader of Glory City. If he offends him, he will still be put in the shoes of Glory City.

It's better to let him beat and scold him now to vent his anger.

It can be seen from Xian Wu's various behaviors that he is not a bloodthirsty or petty person. If he takes the initiative to plead guilty, the chance of being forgiven is still very high.

"You're such a shameless person, I already told you that you're not guilty." Xian Wu's head was full of black lines.

I have other things to do, so I don't have time to hang out with them here.

Nie Li blinked his mechanical eyes and whispered: "Since they shamelessly demand punishment, they will not give up if they are not punished. Well, the place we are going to is somewhat dangerous, and we need some help."

"What help can you do? Sir, please tell me, it can be of use to the little people. I am so embarrassed and obligated." Henry Zhang caught the words.

Nie Li nodded: "We are going to Black Spring, please help us clear the way ahead."

"Black... Black Spring?" Henry Zhang and the hunters were startled.

It is the most dangerous place on the Tianyun Plateau. There are not only poisonous insects and beasts on the road, but also miasma and poisonous swamps. No one who went to explore the Black Spring has ever come back alive.

"Finding wealth in danger, let's do it!" Henry Zhang gritted his teeth and agreed.

A group of his own risked their lives to help, and Xian Wu would definitely not make things difficult for them again.

Xian Wu shrugged, wasn't he just going to a place called Black Spring? It was the same as the execution ground.

Even if there are legendary monsters inside, wouldn't there still be a legendary strongman like myself to protect it?By the way, they don't seem to know that they are legendary.

Under the guidance of Xiao Yang and the hunters, Xian Wu and Nie Li walked into the deep black oil forest.

The corpses outside the woods have disappeared. I don’t know if they were taken away by Xiao Wu or eaten by the monsters in the woods.

It was dark and deep.

There was a gray miasma everywhere in the forest.

The soil underfoot was black, and the bones of various monsters and humans were scattered on both sides of the forest path. The surroundings were eerily silent.

Soon, the forest path came to an end. There were overgrown weeds in front of it, and no one or monster stepped on it.

Gollum... Gollum...

Waves of dragon roars continued to come from Xian Wu's abdominal cavity, and his liver kept cleaning out the toxins that entered the body.

Xian Wu had the Six-Character Five-Shaped Fist, Nie Li had the body of a spiritual puppet, and Henry and the others had nothing. They were dizzy and staggering due to the miasma, as if they were drunk.

"Wake up!" Xian Wu shouted and took out a green-skinned gourd from the space ring. "This is the Lingyuan Detoxification Pill. If you take it, you can resist the miasma poison."

Henry Zhang took the gourd thrown by Xian Wu, poured out the pills, and distributed them to the hunters to swallow.

After swallowing the pill, everyone became more awake.

"Sir, your gourd." Henry Zhang respectfully handed the thing back.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "Keep it, I'll give it to you."

There are thousands of Lingyuan detoxification pills in his ring, all given by Yang Xin.

Since I am invulnerable to all poisons, I don't need this thing, so I always put it in the ring to take up space.

"Thank you, sir!" Henry Zhang carefully put the gourd away.

After passing through layers of dense woods, everyone came to a swamp area.

The swamp was full of black water, and every now and then a bubble would bubble up.

(End of this chapter)

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