The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 309 It’s so fun here

Chapter 309 It’s so fun here


Tianyun Plateau, black oil forest, swamp area.

"Sir, the swamp is full of highly toxic sewage. Once it touches the skin, it will ulcerate. Please wait a moment while we chop some wood to use as a stepping stone for you two." Henry Zhang said respectfully.

Xian Wu frowned, turned around and pointed: "No, your mission is completed. Go back to the tribe to pack your things. We will set off early tomorrow morning. Don't miss the time."

"Sir..." Henry Zhang wanted to say something more.

Xian Wu directly scolded: "Go away! If you bother me again, I will push them all into the mud pit for you!"

Henry Zhang quickly zipped up his mouth, tucked his tail between his legs, and led his men away quickly.

"Don't waste any more time, let's fly over! I can't wait!" Xian Wu couldn't wait to spread his wind and thunder wings, and with a wave of his arms, he flew into the sky.

Nie Li smiled, opened a hole with the mechanical foot, and as hot air spurted out, Nie Li slowly rose into the air.

Xian Wu set up an awning with his hands, stared at the warm sun, looked around, and asked, "Where are we going?"

"Fly to the edge of the cliff first." Nie Li replied coldly and flew forward quickly.

Without the guy holding them back, the two of them traveled ten times and a hundred times faster.

Soon, we came to the edge of the hungry cliff.

Xian Wu lowered his head and looked down the cliff. A black spring gushes out from the hole in the rock wall, flies down three thousand feet, and falls into the pool.

What is puzzling is that the season is already winter, and the pond water has not frozen yet.

"I can feel that there are two legendary and powerful monsters lurking in the pond. Their basic level is higher than mine. That's right, they must be the ones who destroyed the army of Glory City." Xian Wu clenched his fists.

The low roars of monsters could be faintly heard in the pond, and they sounded like dogs in the countryside.

Xian Wu's expression was strange, could it be that two monsters, one female and one male, lived in the pool?
Well, if that's the case, there must be their cubs or monster eggs nearby.

Just when Xian Wu wanted to go down and find out, Nie Li raised his thick mechanical arm to stop him and pointed in one direction.

Following the direction of Nie Li's finger, Xian Wu found a semicircular platform with a radius of about five or six meters. It was engraved with vague inscriptions and had a slight flicker of light from time to time.

After landing on the platform, Nie Li pointed to the inscriptions in front and introduced: "These are legendary inscriptions. Once triggered, those below the Spiritual God realm will definitely die."

"The top three are from the thunder system, the middle six are from the holy fire system, and the bottom three are from the closed system. Use your knowledge of inscriptions to start deciphering. I will assist you on the side."

"Damn! Why is it so troublesome to use?" Xian Wu was about to use the demon's left hand, but Nie Li grabbed his wrist.

Nie Li shook his head and said: "You have been clamoring to learn the legendary inscriptions, and now is a good opportunity. Practice is the best teacher. If you can decipher the inscriptions, you will be able to learn them indistinguishably." gone."

"This is the fun place you said? I'm convinced!" Xian Wugong handed over his hand and began to use his knowledge of inscription patterns to find a way to crack it.

Under Nie Li's guidance, each inscription pattern was deciphered by Xian Wu.

Attack-type inscriptions are relatively easy to crack, while closed-type inscriptions are densely packed and messy like a maze. Xian Wu tried several times but failed.

"Wow! The closed-type inscriptions are so difficult!"

Nie Li crossed his arms like a statue and stood quietly without speaking.

It only took Xian Wu an afternoon to crack the nine attack-type inscriptions, but it took more than four times as long to crack the three closed-type inscriptions, and it was not completed until the dusk of the next day.It took Xian Wu a whole night to decipher the first inscription, and it was familiar the second time. The remaining two together took Xian Wu a whole day.

Xian Wu originally thought that his brain had become very smart after reaching the legendary level, but he didn't expect that it would take so long to crack a few inscriptions.

"Yes, you are very good!" Nie Li applauded Xian Wu, "These three sealing system inscriptions are destiny level, and are ten times more complicated than the legendary level inscriptions. I didn't expect you to use them in just one day and one night. nailed it."

"Damn! Isn't it legendary? You're tricking me!" Xian Wu raised his hand and clapped it, completely cracking the last sealing inscription.

Nie Li shrugged: "The nine inscriptions on it are legendary. I didn't lie."

As soon as he finished speaking, the rock wall began to tremble, and a stone door slowly opened.

Xian Wu looked into the stone door and saw a deep cave inside, which was wet.

From time to time, there is black water on the stalactites, dripping down, gathering on the ground to form a stream of water, flowing into the cracks in the ground and disappearing.

"Uh, can I stop learning the inscriptions?" Xian Wu swallowed as he looked at the numbing dense inscriptions on the cave wall.

Nie Li smiled slightly: "There is no turning back when you shoot your bow. Do you want to give up halfway?"

"This place... is so fun!" Xian Wu groaned and continued to work on deciphering the inscriptions.

Xian Wu was resistant at first, but gradually, as the inscriptions were cracked one by one, he began to like the sense of accomplishment of overcoming difficulties.

I don't know how much time passed, but Xian Wu finally cracked all the trap inscriptions in the linear cave.

After walking through the linear cave, the two came to a corner.

I thought there were inscriptions in front of me, but when I turned the corner, I saw that the rock wall was smooth, not to mention the inscriptions, and there wasn't even a crack.

"Damn! I finally cracked it. Daddy is so exhausted..." Xian Wu went to the ground, resting his arms on his head, saying nothing and not leaving.

Nie Li scratched his head and was a little confused. He was a spirit puppet, so he wasn't tired?

"Get up, the fun is ahead." Nie Li lightly kicked Xian Wu.

"I'm sorry! You must be lying to me again." Xian Wu closed his eyes, unmoved.

Nie Li sighed, clasped his hands behind his back, and walked forward: "I originally wanted to give you a beautiful couple, but since you are not good, my adoptive father will just accept it with a smile."

Couple?Xian Wu's ears twitched.

"Father, Qiudou Sack, I'm up, I'm going to get up right now!" Xian Wu jumped up like a carp and chased after him.

Nie Li scratched his head and asked in confusion: "What sack?"

"What Ma Dongmei, is there something wrong with your ears?" Xian Wu gave him a sloppy look.

Walking out of the cave, there is a huge stone chamber in front of you. Judging from the marks on the wall, it should have been dug manually.

The sky above the stone chamber is inlaid with purple diamonds the size of millstones, which are like crystal lamps, illuminating the cave extremely brightly.

In the center of the stone chamber is a huge pool, with black spring water rising up...

(End of this chapter)

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