The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 311 I drank from the black spring and practiced Drunken Boxing

Chapter 311 I drank from the black spring and practiced Drunken Boxing


It's not bright inside, but it can't be said to be gray either, a little hazy.

Under the command of the goddess Yuyan, Xian Wu took off his clothes and jumped into the black pool with a "plop".

The barrier guarding the Black Pool opened and closed, blocking Nie Li from outside.

Although Nie Li is the Spiritual God of Time and Space, Yu Yan is still wary of him.

She now only has a remnant soul attached to her godhead. Once her godhead is taken away, she will die completely and will have to be on guard.

Compared to the enigmatic Nie Li, Yu Yan felt more at ease with the simple-minded Xian Wu.

When Xian Wu looked at her, he made no secret of his strong desire to conquer and possess her.

You don't need to guess to know that this silver-haired boy is only thinking about one thing right now, and that is having sex with her.

Having been alone in the cave for tens of thousands of years, Yu Yan's lonely heart was also a little throbbing.

However, as a spiritual god who is immortal and immortal, Yu Yan quickly suppressed this throbbing and buried it deep in his heart.

"The first step in cultivating the power of law is to strengthen the physical body. The black spring contains part of my divine personality, which is very helpful for tempering the physical body. Your physical body is only as strong as the peak black gold. Once it is tempered to the legendary level, you can try to comprehend it. It’s the law.”

Yu Yan was sitting by the pool, with her snow-white jade hands folded on her white knees, dignified, elegant, beautiful and generous.

"Understood!" Xian Wu was a little less interested.

I thought that after jumping into the black spring, I could appreciate the beautiful scenery under the skirt of Goddess Yu Yan from below.

The water temperature in the black pool was very high. As soon as he jumped in, it was so hot that Xian Wu almost screamed.

However, in order to maintain his bright and majestic image in front of the woman he admired, Xian Wu endured it.

His whole body was burning now, as if he had been smeared with chili oil.

Especially some sensitive parts, the burning feeling is particularly sour and refreshing.

Xian Wu closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and tried his best to resist the burning sensation all over his body. He no longer had any intention of being lustful with the goddess.

Yu Yan was sitting by the pool, half of her smooth and white legs soaked in the black spring, and her beautiful starry eyes were staring at Xian Wu unblinkingly.

It can be clearly felt that Xian Wu's body is constantly strengthening at an extremely terrifying speed.

In less than a stick of incense, his physical strength had already reached the legendary level.

"What a terrifying talent. The person recommended by the Time and Space Spirit God is indeed extraordinary." Goddess Yu Yan nodded secretly.

While the two of them were taking a bath and soaking their feet, Nie Li sat down on the ground, leaned against the rock wall, crossed his arms, closed his eyes and rested.

Although Xian Wu's soul power cannot be actively improved, his physical strength can be steadily improved through practice.

Xian Wu, who was soaked in the black spring, suddenly had a perverted idea in his head.

He suddenly opened his bright black eyes and glanced at Goddess Yuyan furtively. Her small golden lotus was lapping the black spring water out of boredom.

Yu Yan was just a ray of remnant soul. Her little feet couldn't make any splashes or ripples, they were just swinging symbolically.

When Xian Wu was staring at Yu Yan's beautiful feet, Yu Yan was also looking at Xian Wu.

Sensing the gaze in Yu Yan's eyes, Xian Wu coughed dryly, turned his back, and turned his back towards the devil who was full of strong muscles.


Goddess Yuyan's small ears twitched, and she suddenly heard a strange sound, like swallowing saliva, or swallowing saliva.Since Xian Wu's back was turned to him, Yu Yan couldn't see what he was doing.

The only thing that is known is that more of Xian Wu's body was buried in the black spring, and only half of his head was exposed.

"Damn! What a pervert! He actually drank that woman Yu Yan's foot-washing water!" Nie Li's outlook was once again refreshed by Xian Wu.

Pulling the black cloak on his back, Nie Li blocked his eyes from watching such an eye-catching scene.Gudong... Gudong...

Goddess Yu Yan, who was sitting by the pool, seemed to understand what was happening. She asked angrily: "Xian Wu, what are you doing?!"

"No...hiccup...nothing." Xian Wu turned his head, his angular face was red, as if he was drunk.

" actually drank the black spring? You can't drink this stuff, spit it out quickly!" It's not that Yu Yan is stingy with the water for washing his feet, it's just because the energy in the black spring is too abundant, and he's afraid that Xian Wu will be It was so full.

Seeing the clothes of Goddess Yuyan fluttering over, Xian Wu smiled, and many strange pictures appeared in his mind.

His head was a little dizzy and he didn't hear the dragon's roar, so he probably wasn't poisoned.

"Wife! Yu Yan's wife!" Xian Wu was a little confused, floating up and down in the black spring, trying to hold Yu Yan into his arms.

But Yuyan was just a ray of remnant soul, and Xian Wu's hand passed through the goddess Yuyan's delicate body easily.

Yu Yan had no choice but to call Nie Li to help Xian Wu.

Nie Li lifted his cloak and hat and said coldly: "Don't worry, this kid can't explode. Black Spring's energy is too abundant, Xian Wu is just drunk. Don't worry about him, he will stop after a while."

Nie Li put his cloak and hat back on and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Hearing Nie Li's words, Yu Yan felt a little relieved.

"Bah! Abnormal!" Goddess Yu Yan gouged out Xian Wu. Although she said she was disgusted, she felt a little pleased in her heart.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and her charm remains the same.

Seeing Yu Yan's female body floating to the edge of the pool, Xian Wu also swam over and climbed onto the shore.

As soon as he left the black spring, the coldness on his skin made Xian Wu sober up. He immediately covered his harmonious parts and said with a blushing face, "Damn, what am I doing?"

After putting on his underwear three times, Xian Wu swayed and sat down on the ground.

Although the black spring was no longer soaking outside, there was still a black spring inside. The black spring that he drank in was tempering his internal organs, making them burning.

With some cerebellar paralysis, Xian Wu found that his current state was similar to that of being drunk.

"Just take advantage of this drunkenness to practice Drunken Boxing!" Xian Wu stood up like a carp.

"Drunken Crane, spread its wings in the sky and attack in a row!"

"Drunk tiger, gallop down the mountain to catch jackals!"


When Xian Wu practiced Drunken Boxing, the internal skill "Wu Qin Xi" that matched Drunken Boxing began to operate automatically in his body.

Under the catalysis of internal energy, the black spring in his belly began to be continuously absorbed and refined, tempering Xian Wu's internal organs.

After sobering up, Xian Wu lay down by the pool, drank heavily from the black spring to replenish his drunkenness, and then continued to practice boxing.

Seeing that the water level in the black pool had dropped to her ankles, Goddess Yu Yan opened her phoenix eyes with a mixture of laughter and anger.

Yu Yan felt that she had been desecrated by Xian Wu and was no longer holy.

Out of sight and out of mind, Yu Yan floated up, plunged into the black pool, and disappeared.

Xian Wu was immersed in the exquisite drunken fist and did not notice that Yu Yan was missing.

I don't know how many times he was punched and how much he drank from the black spring, Xian Wu stopped.

He is already immune to the black spring. Drinking the black spring again is like drinking cold water.

At this time, Nie Li took off his hood, looked at Xian Wu, nodded and said: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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