The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 312 Comprehending the Power of the Law

Chapter 312 Comprehending the Power of the Law
"Not bad boy, in just one month, not only has he cultivated his body from the peak of black gold to the peak of legend, but he has also cultivated old man Huyan's drunken fist to the extreme."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu was shocked: "What? A month? Are you kidding me?"

"The God of Time and Space is right, a month has indeed passed." Goddess Yu Yan floated out of the half-remaining black pool, looking at Xian Wu with a complicated look in her eyes.

Xian Wu blinked his eyes. Time passed too fast. As soon as he closed and opened his eyes, a month passed.

The people from the Tianyun tribe have migrated to the Glory City, but Gulan City has not been built yet. It is a big project.

"Alright, let's start cultivating the power of law now." Nie Li stood up, "Spiritual God of Fire, you continue to teach Xian Wu how to understand the law. I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

"What are you going for?" Xian Wu asked curiously, secretly happy in his heart.

Nie Li Laodeng was still on the road, but he knew that it was not appropriate for him to continue to be a light bulb.

"Secret!" Nie Li waved his hand without looking back, left the stone room with big "dong-dong" steps, turned a corner in the cave, and disappeared.

Before Xian Wu could turn around, Goddess Yu Yan spoke. She was suspended above the empty black pool and said coldly: "In ancient times, in order to compete for the power of law, the demon clan spirits and gods started a war."

"Although the demon spirit gods were finally repulsed, the human spirit gods suffered heavy casualties. Some spirit gods, like me, had their divinities shattered and were waiting to be slowly reunited, and some spirit gods died directly."

"The spiritual gods have fallen, the gods no longer exist, and the laws have returned to the world. These laws are abundant and easier to understand. The fallen spiritual gods of the human race include light, darkness, chaos, gold, thunder and earth. You choose one to understand. Bar."

"Is there any wood element law?" Xian Wu touched his chin, lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked.

Goddess Yuyan frowned slightly and replied: "No, the laws of the wood system are currently controlled by the demon clan spiritual gods. Why do you want to learn the laws of the wood system?"

"Because wood generates fire, if you understand the laws of the wood element, it may be able to help you reshape your godhead." Xian Wu said seriously.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Yu Yan felt warm in his heart.

"Thank you Xian Wu..." Goddess Yuyan's red lips trembled slightly, "But even if you understand the laws of the wood element, you can't help me rebuild my godhead."

"The godhead needs me to stay in a cave and slowly condense it, or travel around the world to collect it from place to place."

Travel around the world?Honeymoon trip?A strange idea came to Xian Wu's mind.

"Wherever you go, I will go, until your godhood is reshaped." Xian Wu's words were full of emotion, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Goddess Yuyan's delicate body trembled, she shook her lips and refused: "Xian Wu, I know what you mean, but we two are not suitable."

"What's inappropriate? I think we are quite suitable." Xian Wu picked up his hair, "Look, my hair is silver and your hair is silver too. We two are a perfect match."

"No, I'm older than you." Goddess Yu Yan continued to make excuses.

Xian Wu waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "The female junior is holding a gold brick. The female is a thirty thousand yuan female. I can hold a 1 yuan gold brick. This is so beautiful to me."

"I...I don't like to be clean. I haven't taken a bath in tens of thousands of years." Goddess Yu Yan continued to refuse.

Xian Wu was stunned for a moment, then said ecstatically: "It doesn't matter, I'll clean it for you."

"Bah! What a pervert!" A blush appeared on Goddess Yu Yan's handsome face.

She hummed: "Want to pursue me? Become a spiritual god first and then talk about it. You are too weak now and have no qualifications."

"Not qualified? Okay, very good, remember what you say now." Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for himself to comprehend all six laws to see what else Yu Yan could say.

Goddess Yu Yan flattened her cute little mouth, she seemed to have said the wrong thing.

"I'm going to teach you how to comprehend the Law. However, it is very difficult to sense the Law. You may have to retreat here for 20 years before you can sense a trace of the power of the Law." Yu Yan reminded.

20 years?Hearing this, Xian Wu Ma was stunned.If he went into seclusion for 20 years and then came out, his grandson would probably be all over the place.

No, I am a genius, and it only took a month to cultivate from the peak of black gold to the peak of legend.

It probably won’t take much time to comprehend the power of mere laws.

"You already have the law of magma and the law of Hell, and the next step is to comprehend the law of earth and the law of metal. According to the principle that the five elements interrelate and earth produces metal, I recommend you to comprehend the law of earth." Yu Yan expressed his opinion .

If Xian Wu could cultivate into a spiritual god and gain infinite lifespan, it would be a good choice for him to become a Taoist couple.

"Okay, listen to Yan'er, and I will understand the laws of earth." Xian Wu closed his eyes, preparing to listen to Yu Yan's method of understanding.

Yan'er?Goddess Yuyan snorted, "I want to seduce this goddess, but wait until you reach the spiritual level."Now?no way!

"Listen carefully..." Goddess Yu Yan told her own way of enlightenment word for word.

"It's so simple? I'll understand it for you in minutes." Xian Wu was very confident.

A month later...

Xian Wu's face was covered with stubble, and he leaned against the rock wall dejectedly, with a look of despair.

Not to mention a trace of the power of the law, I didn't even feel it at all.

"What? You gave up? Where was your ability a month ago?" Goddess Yu Yan made a pose, twisted her sexy waist, and danced a mysterious dance in mid-air, constantly teasing Xian Wu's heart.

Xian Wu rolled his eyes: "You have been tempting me by your side, how can I feel it?"

Is this old maid who has been lonely and cold for tens of thousands of years crazy about men?
Two days ago, she was as reserved as a noble lady, but now she is like a coquettish Daughter.

But I like it, hehe...

Just as the lonely man and the widow were flirting with each other, the stone door outside the cave was opened.

dong dong... dong dong...

Heavy footsteps came from the cave.

Xian Wu sat up and stretched himself. He keenly sensed that it was Nie Li who had returned.

"Nie Li Laodeng has been away for more than a month, what did he do? Couldn't he be having a tryst with Ye Ziyun?" Xian Wu thought to himself.

Not long after, Nie Li walked into the stone room.

The black cloak draped over his shoulders was in tatters, and his strong mechanical body was covered with hideous scars.

The most conspicuous thing was his broken right arm, which seemed to have been bitten off by some unknown monster.

"Damn it! Why are you injured like this? Did you steal a mine?" Xian Wu ran over and checked Nie Li's broken arm.

"Landmines? What the hell?" Nie Li scratched the bald melon seeds that crisscrossed his head, not understanding what Xian Wu was talking about.

After saying that, Nie Li took out a book from the space ring and handed it over.

Xian Wu took it and took a look. It read on the cover - The Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits.

(End of this chapter)

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