The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 313 The Book of Time and Space Demon Spirit

Chapter 313 The Book of Time and Space Demon Spirit
"The Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits? What is the use of this thing?" .

Xian Wu looked at the torn pages and then at Nie Li.

"What are you looking at? I didn't tear it up. When I got it, eight pages were missing, and I added three pages myself." Nie Li picked up the last three pages of the book and said aggrievedly.

After removing the broken arm, Nie Li asked Xian Wu for a mechanical arm and reinstalled it.

The mechanical arm was heavy and huge. It was different from Nie Li's mechanical body style and looked very awkward.

After moving his new mechanical arm, Nie Li took back the Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits and quickly formed seals with his hands.

A series of mysterious inscriptions slowly spread, and the two of them instantly entered a mysterious space.

"Where are the people?" Goddess Yuyan's phoenix eyes widened in surprise, smiling and angry at the same time.

Xian Wu and the spirit of time and space disappeared in an instant, and they couldn't feel any breath, and they didn't know where they went.

The mysterious inscriptions spread in all directions, wrapping the two of them, and then brought them together to form a square cylindrical space.

Although staying in a closed room, the light in the room is not dim, and the walls, ceiling, and ground emit faint fluorescence.

In this huge room, rows of circular bookshelves are placed close to the wall, each one tens of meters high.

The bookshelves are filled with densely packed books, a vast ocean, conservatively estimated to be in the millions.

Xian Wu stood in the center of the room, rubbing his eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing.

"Where is this place? We weren't in my wife Yu Yan's cave just now. Why did we suddenly end up in this library?"

"It's not a library, it's the world in the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits." Nie Li corrected.

"The flow of time in the world in the book is much faster than that in the outside world. After practicing here for 60 years, only one hour has passed outside. The world in the book can only accommodate ten people at a time. Once you exit, you can only enter again after ten days."

"The power of law is something that is extremely difficult for you to understand. It will take decades to understand even a little bit. Without the help of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits, you will not be able to condense your godhead until your death."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu was not happy: "What do you mean it is something that is extremely difficult for me to understand? Stop looking down on others. I will understand the laws of the earth system in minutes and show you!"

Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground and began to understand the power of the earth law according to the method taught by the goddess Yu Yan.

Nie Li curled his lips in disdain. It wasn't that he looked down on Xian Wu. With his little social experience, he was still far from understanding the power of laws.

Just as Nie Li was climbing up the ladder, preparing to search for the books recording the "Fountain of Life", Xian Wu suddenly spoke.

"May I ask, is the world in this book connected to the outside world? Why can't I feel any laws?" Xian Wu scratched his face with his index finger.

"Haha, I forgot about it!" Nie Li jumped to the floor and scratched his head in embarrassment, "Wait a minute, I will connect you."

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and then, like a car with the sunroof opened, the world in the book was connected to the small and exquisite world.But only space is connected, but time is not connected.

Closing his eyes again, Xian Wu indeed felt the familiar breath of law. Although it was just a hint, it was much better than not feeling anything at all just now.

outside world.

Goddess Yuyan sat on the edge of the black pool, soaking her small and exquisite feet in boredom.

"Where did that little brat Xian Wu go? It's been a day and a night, and there's not even a shadow to be seen."

Boom boom boom...

The cave suddenly shook violently, and Goddess Yu Yan frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

There must be two bastards, Lu Qiansha and Lu Qianmo, attacking the inscription defense at the entrance.Fortunately, the Time and Space Spirit God restored all the inscriptions, otherwise those two demon clan scum would definitely break into the stone chamber.

The earthquake came and went quickly, and the stone room returned to calm.

The two monster beasts should have left.

Thinking back to the time when the monsters fought, although the number of monster spirit gods was twice that of human spirit gods, the laws they comprehended were far less powerful than human spirit gods.

Only the three supreme spiritual gods of light, darkness and chaos have held back [-]% of the demon clan spiritual gods.

It is a pity that the remaining human spiritual gods are still no match for the demon spiritual gods, because the demon clan’s talent for understanding the laws of elements is much higher than that of the human race.

In desperation, the human spirit god had no choice but to self-destruct his godhead, severely injuring the demon spirit god.

In the end, the plan of the demon spiritual gods to exterminate the human spiritual gods was shattered. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and were almost completely destroyed.

Unexpectedly, the fisherman, the god of alien races, benefited and gradually rose up, taking the opportunity to carve up the world of Little Linglong.

Fortunately, the servants brought Yu Yan's broken godhead to the Tianyun Plateau, and set up an inscription circle to help her collect the godhead scattered all over the world.

In order to prevent the goddess's hiding place from being discovered by the demon clan, after placing the inscriptions, the servant gods committed suicide one after another.

Later, a new spirit god was born in the monster race. He not only instigated the monster beasts to attack the territory of the human race, but also dispatched Deli Gan to collect the godheads left by the spirit gods of the human race.

Although Goddess Yuyan hid herself well, two monsters, Lu Qianmo and Lu Qiansha, discovered her hiding place.

However, because the inscriptions set by the servant gods are very powerful, they have never been able to break into the stone chamber.

It is worth mentioning that the Tianyun Plateau was originally a high mountain, but was later flattened by the Goddess of Yu Yan, who laid out a very powerful inscription formation on the flat ground.

Even if Lu Qianmo and Lu Qiansha dig out the mountain, they will be blocked by the inscription formation and cannot enter the stone chamber.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the two monsters have been guarding the outside, attacking the cave every other month and trying to enter.

Goddess Yu Yan has long been accustomed to this.

A day and a night have passed in the outside world, and a full 720 years have passed in the book world.

Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground, his long silver hair spread on the ground, and his beard was like a waterfall.

Although his beard and hair have grown longer, Xian Wu's appearance has not aged at all.

All this is thanks to the fountain of life.

Since the time in the world in the book flows very fast, the Fountain of Life condenses very quickly, and all the Scarlet Fountains have been transformed into the Fountain of Life.

It took a legendary one-star monster to condense a drop of the fountain of life. The total of all the fountains of life that Xian Wu had now only amounted to a small cup, which was not enough for Nie Li to reshape his body.

According to Nie Li, if he wanted to rebuild his physical body, he would need at least a tub full of the fountain of life.

A set of exquisite town models floated in front of Xian Wu. If you look carefully, you will find that this city is a glorious city.

The home is exquisite and every detail has been taken care of.

Suddenly there was a "pop" sound, and Xian Wu's soul sea set off ripples, and an earthy yellow crystal slowly emerged from the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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