The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 314 Gathering 8 Godheads

Chapter 314 Condensing the Eight Godheads
"Eh? Have you condensed your divine power?" Nie Li twisted the shiny mechanical head and looked at Xian Wu with joy.

He is now a spirit puppet, and he only needs to re-moisten the inscriptions on his body with demon blood every few years before he can be reborn.

It is worth mentioning that, using the resources provided by Xian Wu, he rebuilt a mechanical body for himself, which was almost identical to the original body except for the hair on his body.

Xian Wu nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the earthen model of the Glory City turned into the laws of earth, followed the center of his eyebrows, penetrated into the sea of ​​soul, and submerged into the earth-yellow godhead.

"Although I have condensed my godhood, I am still in the realm of one-star legend. I must devour the soul power of demon spirits or demon spiritual masters to improve my realm." Xian Wu was a little depressed.

"Do you have any scissors? Give me a haircut. My hair is too long and it makes my scalp hurt."

Nie Li's right hand suddenly rotated 180 degrees, like flipping a lid.

A two-foot-long dagger popped out of Nie Li's right forearm.

Nie Li flicked the sword blade with his left hand, and then asked, "Although I don't have scissors, I can still give you a haircut with a sword. Believe me, my haircut skills are getting better."

"Really? I believe you once!" Xian Wu didn't have the slightest doubt.

After a stick of incense time...

"Damn! You don't call this barbering technique, you call it shaving technique!" Looking at his bald head in the mirror, Xian Wu was about to cry.

I believe in your evil!
Nie Li disagreed and said while polishing the sword blade with sandpaper: "I'm not wrong. Head shaving technology is also a type of barbering technology."

"Damn!" Xian Wu raised his middle finger to Nie Li.

Putting his long hair into the space ring, Xian Wu turned his grief and anger into strength and continued to understand the law of gold.

Since the five elements are interdependent and metal is generated from earth, Xian Wu's understanding of the law of metal was very smooth, but condensing his godhead still requires the accumulation of time.

After a week passed...

Xian Wu has successively condensed the Godhead of Gold, the Godhead of Magma, the Godhead of Black Hell, the Godhead of Thunder, the Godhead of Chaos, the Godhead of Light and the Godhead of Darkness.

Xian Wu now has a total of eight divine heads and has mastered the power of eight laws.

"It's time to go out. I swear, I will never practice any bullshit law power again in this life." Xian Wu felt a little sick when he mentioned the power of law.

He has been cultivating in the book world for almost 1 years, and he would have to go crazy if he continued to practice.

Xian Wu hasn't touched a woman for a long, long time. If he didn't do that, he might become interested in robots.

Instead of asking Nie Li to help with the "haircut," Xian Wu braided his long hair and beard into a big braid, preparing to leave the world in the book.

Nie Li quickly formed seals with his hands, and the mysterious inscriptions slowly dissipated from the top of his head. After a while, the two of them reappeared in the cave.

"Yan'er, Yan'er, where are you? My husband is back!" Xian Wu shouted at the top of his lungs, like a violent beast.

Sensing Xian Wu and Nie Li, Goddess Yu Yan slowly emerged from the black pool.

Seeing the person who was thinking about her day and night, a hint of joy appeared on the eyebrows of Goddess Yu Yan, and she said angrily: "Where have you been for more than a week? Leave me alone, no, a ghost, alone."

One week?Xian Wu's mind didn't turn around for a while.

Thousands of years have obviously passed, right?
Depend on!I almost forgot that the flow of time in the world in the book is different from that in the outside world.

Before Xian Wu could speak, Nie Li interrupted: "I took Xian Wu to a space that I created to help him concentrate on comprehending the power of the law."

"Concentrate? You mean, I disturbed his understanding?" Goddess Yu Yan rolled her eyes at Nie Li.

Nie Li shook his head: "I didn't mean that. If you think so, I can't help it." "Xian Wu, your law..." Before Goddess Yu Yan finished asking her question, she saw Xian Wu starting from the center of his eyebrows. Eight gods were summoned.

"Bull!" Goddess Yu Yan slowly uttered one word, and then gave a thumbs up.

Xian Wu stroked his thick and long beard, winked and asked with a smile: "Now, can you be my woman?"

"No!" Goddess Yu Yan shook her head, "Although you have condensed your divine personality, you are not yet a spiritual god."

"Although I am not a spiritual god, I can kill those spiritual gods instantly!" Xian Wu retorted unconvinced.

"Really?" Yu Yan's phoenix eyes were full of doubts, "It just so happens that there are two legendary monsters in the black pool outside. As long as you can deal with them, I will believe you."

"If you don't tell me, I almost forgot. Look at me." Xian Wu crossed his fingers and stretched.

In the book world, Xian Wu not only understood the eight laws, but also deeply studied the knowledge of inscriptions under the guidance of Nie Li.

Xian Wu can easily break the attack inscriptions in the cave now.

Leaving the cave, the dazzling sunlight shines through.

Xian Wu slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered something: "Damn! Hao Zhen's murder book with the halberd is gone!"

He quickly summoned the Hao Zhen Painting Halberd from the soul sea, and sure enough, the dazzling golden light was gone.

To Xian Wu's surprise, for some unknown reason, the godhead was automatically embedded into Hao Zhen's painted halberd.

The head of the halberd is inlaid with the godhead of gold, the tail of the halberd is inlaid with the godhead of black hell, one crescent blade is inlaid with the godhead of light, and the other crescent blade is inlaid with the godhead of darkness.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Xian Wu summoned the Hao Zhen Armor.

Sure enough, the armor was also inlaid with godhead.

The helmet is inlaid with the Godhead of Chaos, the breastplate is inlaid with the Godhead of Earth, the left arm armor is inlaid with the Godhead of Thunder, and the right arm armor is inlaid with the Godhead of Magma.

"Nie Li, why is the godhead automatically embedded in the soul weapon?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully.

Could it be said that these gods are related to the former master of the Soul Soldier, Emperor Kongming?
Nie Li once said that he was Emperor Kongming, so he should know why.

"I don't know." Nie Li shook his head. "When I was sorting through the memory, I found that some parts were incomplete. With this phenomenon, I doubt that all the inheritors of the Cross Mantra have been killed, and there are still people alive in the world."

"Isn't it possible? The crazy old man has been broken down into countless atoms by me. There is no way he can survive." Xian Wu put away the two soul weapons and refuted Nie Li's point of view.

"What I mean is that there are other inheritors alive." Nie Li said solemnly, "Maybe we can go to the underworld for a trip."

"Underworld? One of the three forbidden areas in the Little Linglong World? Will there be inheritors of the Cross Mantra there?" Xian Wu asked repeatedly.

Nie Li shook his mechanical head and said, "I don't know. Let's try our luck."

"Let's go later. I'll take the lives of the two animals in the water first." Xian Wu walked to the edge of the round platform, and then jumped.

After turning ten and a half times in the air, Xian Wu's "Tai" shape fell into the black spring, causing a huge splash.

Nie Li silently held up the 0-point sign.

"Mistake, mistake!" Xian Wu emerged from the water and quickly explained: "It's my first time diving, so I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

Just as Xian Wu was trying to save face, a huge red beast burst out of the water from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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