The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 315 Killing Lu Killing Lu Mo

Chapter 315 Kill Lu Qian and kill Lu Qianmo

Sunny day, good spring.

Although the water in the pool was extremely cold in the morning, Xian Wu's physical body had reached the legendary level and had extremely high temperature tolerance.

The scorching black spring mixed with the god of fire had no effect on him, let alone the ordinary cold pond water.

Xian Wu originally wanted to dive into the water to look for the two legendary beasts, but unexpectedly, one of them showed up on his own.

Turning around suddenly, Xian Wu discovered that what was coming to his door was a huge demonic beast with blood red body, two short legs and two slender arms. It looked like a shark.

The most conspicuous thing is the mysterious inscription on the body surface of the blood shark.

Xian Wu's attainments in inscriptions were now only slightly worse than Nie Li's, and he had reached the pinnacle. The effect of those inscriptions could be seen at a glance.

They can lock the body of monsters and keep their souls immortal.

"I don't know how many years this monster has lived, but it must have been a long time. It must have been around for thousands of years." Xian Wu kicked his legs fiercely and swept back quickly, and Xian Wu avoided the bloody mouth of the bloody shark.

The mouth of the blood shark is the same as that of a shark. It is filled with rows of teeth, which are like sharp steel knives and are terrifying.

"Boy, you are very flexible. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and you are the first human being who can escape my attack." Blood Shark said.

The inscriptions on its body lit up, shining with a strange golden light.

The inscriptions are like golden vines, slowly constricting Xue Sharo's huge body into a small person.

The humanoid blood shark has a very strong figure, a slightly arched body, and astonishingly long arms, like a thong-armed ape. He is inexplicably wearing a pair of gray cloth trousers.

What made Xian Wu a little confused was that Xue Sharo's cloth pants were actually crotchless pants, with no lower parts exposed, only two buttocks exposed.

"Uh... are you a male? Or a female?" Xian Wu asked as he stood on the water with his soul power attached to his feet.

The bloody shark was stunned when he heard this, and then became furious. It felt that it had been insulted.

The bloody shark flew out of the pool, swung its arm as long as a vine whip, and smashed Xian Wu's head hard.

Xian Wu narrowed his eyes and refused to dodge, letting Xue Shark's fist hit his head.

He wanted to test the strength of the Destiny-level body.

"Bang!" Xue Shark's whip fist hit Xian Wu's thick hair.

Xian Wu's eyebrows moved slightly, it felt like a mosquito bite, it was too weak.

"Turn-based game, come on, give me a whip!" Xian Wu's whip is his silver braid, not the whip of a giant elephant.

The thick and long braid was pulled out at lightning speed. Before Xue Sharo could react, he received a heavy blow on his waist, and the two-meter-tall man flew out like a meteor.

Drops of scarlet blood spilled from the air, dyeing patches of red flowers in the pool below.

Xian Wu's whip almost cut the Xue Shark in half, and it was so painful that it lost consciousness.

"Bah!" Xian Wu spat, "Happy!"

Isn't it too embarrassing to be unable to even catch one of my own moves?
Suddenly a black shadow flew up from the pond and caught the bloody shark.

Xian Wu attached his soul power to his eyes, and when he took a closer look, he found that what flew out was a thin man with a nose as thin as a needle and palms as thin as eagle claws, just like the murloc Aaron in "One Piece".

The thin man is also wearing a pair of open cloth trousers, which are opened in the opposite way to the bloody shark.

Xian Wu was startled for a moment, these two monsters couldn't be... "Big brother!" Lu Qianmo wailed, like a husband who was about to lose his wife, and his grief was beyond words.

Lu Qiansha was dying in his arms and almost withered.

It stretched out its big hand, touched Lu Qianmo's thin face, and then slowly closed its eyes.

"No!" Lu Qianmo looked up to the sky and screamed, the black pool water was turbulent, and the pool water spread crazily around in ripples.

Xian Wu picked his ears with his little finger and said expressionlessly: "Call me my sister, I will send you down to accompany it right away!"

His figure suddenly disappeared and appeared behind Lu Qianmo in an instant.

The power of decomposition is activated!
Xian Wu raised his sword and easily chopped off Lu Qianmo's head, completing a double kill.

After storing the two monster beast corpses in the space ring, Xian Wu jumped up, stepped on the air, and returned to the platform of the rock wall.

"This is too easy. Two little demons are not enough for me to squeeze between my teeth." Xian Wu moved his neck.

Returning to the stone room, he took out the two monster corpses and threw them on the ground.

Goddess Yu Yan opened her small mouth slightly, and said in surprise, "It's only been less than a cup of tea, and you killed them?"

The two brothers Lu Qianmo and Lu Qiansha were both strong men at the peak of the legend. When the two monsters joined forces, even the low-level spiritual gods could not do anything to them.

Now, one head was cut in half and the other was beheaded, and it only took less than two sticks of incense. Xian Wu's strength was too terrifying, wasn't it?
"Actually, I can be faster." Xian Wu waved his hand, "Ahem... I mean killing monsters faster, not in other ways. Don't get me wrong."

After saying that, Xian Wu activated the "demon spirit decomposition" ability of the demon's left hand to separate the demon spirits in the heads of Lu Qiansha and Lu Qianmo, and introduced them into the demon spirit stone.

"Yan'er, what kind of monsters are these two monsters? They are weird in shape and hideous in appearance. They look like two perverts." Xian Wu held two monster stones between his hands and asked doubtfully.

After they were killed, the inscriptions became invalid and the two monster beasts returned to their original appearance.

Xian Wu didn't do much research on monsters and animals, but he could tell that they were all reptiles.

"The red one is called Lu Qiansha, which is a blood shark monster; the pale one is called Lu Qianmo, which is a ghost lizard monster. They are all subordinates of the new demon clan spirit god, and they have been trying to snatch My broken godhead." Yuyan Spirit God's eyes were dark.

Although she stayed in the black pool and never left the door, she could slightly feel the world outside the cave.

"Don't worry, Yan'er, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you." Xian Wu squatted on the ground and began to decompose the bodies of the two monsters.

These two monsters are at the pinnacle of legends. They are extremely close to spiritual gods and are full of treasures.

"Secret Technique·Part Disassembly." Using the special ability of his left hand, Xian Wu disassembled the two monsters instantly.

Nie Li Lao Deng took out the jar from the interspatial ring with ease, and stored the demon blood without falling.

"Xian Wu, what ability are you using?" Yu Yan blinked his beautiful starry eyes with a curious look on his face.

She has seen almost all the laws of the Little Exquisite World, and there is no law that can instantly dissect a monster.

"Want to know?" Xian Wu asked with a smile while holding a green bead.

Goddess Yuyan nodded slightly.

"Call my husband to come and listen first." Xian Wu stroked his long beard and looked up at the beauty in the sky with burning eyes.

"Old pervert!" Nie Li complained secretly in his heart, while taking advantage of Xian Wu's arrogance, he quickly stuffed the loot into his space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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