The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 316 Crisis in Glory City

Chapter 316 Crisis in Glory City

Cave stone chamber.

Staring at the two whips in his left and right hands, Xian Wu fell into deep contemplation.

Whip... male monster... open crotch pants...

"Xian Wu, I'm ready and ready to go." Goddess Yu Yan's beautiful voice came from behind.

She took off her dignified and elegant divine robe and put on a smart red outfit. Her loose hair was tied into a big ponytail.

Only one-third of her godhead is condensed, and the remaining two-thirds need to be collected from all over the world.

Although the godhead is incomplete, the divine body shaped by the godhead is very perfect, exquisite and well-proportioned, plump and harmonious, which attracts people's endless reverie.

Putting the two demon whips into the bucket ring, Xian Wu rubbed his right hand with his left hand and said with a smile: "Yan'er, you are so beautiful, I love you to death."

Goddess Yu Yan is definitely the most beautiful among all her women. Although Xiao Ning'er is also beautiful, she lacks the slightest bit of fairy spirit.

"Slick tongue." Goddess Yu Yan snorted coquettishly, like a nimble rabbit, dodging Xian Wu's embrace.

"Don't forget our agreement. Before you become a spiritual god, I won't let you touch it. Please respect it."

Xian Wu retracted his hand and said with a curl of his lips: "Isn't he just the Spirit God? It's a joke."

According to the rules of "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique", he only needs to devour six more spiritual gods or destiny-level demon spirits to be promoted to a spiritual god.

"Let's go quickly! The space ring of the Spirit of Fire is tens of thousands of miles away. Hurry up and get there before dark." Nie Li urged.

The overall performance of the spirit puppet is very strong, but its flying ability is average. It takes an unknown amount of time to travel tens of thousands of miles.

"Ladies first!" Xian Wu stepped out of the way and let his wife Yu Yan go first.

With the help of Goddess Yuyan, his hairstyle was changed back to short hair, his beard was shaved off, his chin was smooth and clean, and he became a handsome and beautiful boy again.

To tell the truth, Goddess Yu Yan's haircutting skills are as good as Nie Li's [-]th street.

Look, this is called a haircut.

"Thank you~" Yu Yan flew lightly in front of Xian Wu, leaving behind a faint fragrance of jasmine.

Staring at the goddess's round and attractive buttocks, Xian Wu swallowed.

After the ancient war, the goddess Yu Yan was severely damaged and was chased by a group of legendary peak monsters who coveted the godhead of fire.

In order to prevent the godhead and the space ring from falling into the hands of monsters, Yu Yan hid the space ring somewhere during his escape.

Now tens of thousands of years have passed, do you know if it is still there?

In the sky, Xian Wu and Yu Yan were like a pair of phoenixes, flying together.

Nie Li followed from a distance, reluctantly eating dog food. He hadn't returned to the City of Glory for a long time. How was his Ziyun?

City of Glory.

Boom boom boom!
The war between demons and demons is being fiercely bombarded by a monster with eight arms, each holding a weapon.

One of the hands held a hammer made of a human head.If you look carefully, you will find that the head belongs to Long Sha.

"Old Ye Mo, what's the point of hiding in a turtle shell? If you have the guts, come out and fight me!" The monster uttered human words and roared at the city lord's mansion under the formation of thousands of demons and demons.

Ye Mo formed a seal with his hands and mobilized tens of thousands of black gold level demon spirits to attack the monster together.

Taking advantage of the time when the monster was entangled by the demon spirit, Ye Zong rose into the sky and roared angrily: "Demon Lord, you killed my ancestor, and today I want you to pay with blood!"

"Fuck you! It was obviously you who killed my most effective general Long Sha first!" The Demon Lord roared angrily, swung the hammer and knocked Ye Zong away.

"Sisters, let's go!" Yang Xin shouted with a big belly, urging the eight-winged angel spirit to possess her.Huyan Lanruo activated the red tooth tiger demon spirit to possess her, and she instantly transformed into a pink tiger and pounced on the demon lord.

"Overreaching!" Easily dodging Huyan Lanruo's pounce, the demon master kicked Huyan Lanruo's belly.

"Second sister, be careful!" Ouyang Tiantian transformed into a red-trained king snake and whipped the demon lord away with his tail.

The two sisters who once fought against each other are now more in love than ever.

"Demon Lord, you have ruined my holy family, and I want you to pay with your life!" While the Demon Lord was being knocked away, Shen Xiu activated the Holy Flame Demon Fox to possess him, and all six tails fired pillars of fire into the sky.

The Demon Lord snorted coldly: "You are a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing!"

After saying this, the Demon Lord waved the precious fan in his hand and extinguished Shen Xiu's demon fire with one blow.

"Crack!" Xiao Ning'er stepped in the air, swung her nine-section whip, and lashed at the demon lord's head fiercely, attacking from behind.

Unexpectedly, the demon master's head suddenly twisted 180 degrees, and a black chain spurted out from his mouth, knocking Xiao Ning'er away.

"Jian Ning, you can go in peace, my sister will avenge you!" Sikong Hongyue flapped her silver wings, held the black flame sword tightly with both hands, and struck hard at the demon lord's head.

Xiao Ning'er did a somersault in the air, quickly stabilized her figure, and said angrily, "If you die, I won't die either! If you talk nonsense, I'll tear your stinky mouth apart."

The black chain hit Xiao Ning'er, who quickly turned around and easily intercepted the black flame sword.

"Death to all these annoying female flies!" The Demon Lord held a knife in one hand and a fork in the other, and stabbed Sikong Hongyue in the lower abdomen.

"The power of law? I have it too!" Hua Huo shouted and kicked the demon lord away with a lava kick.

"Pfft!" The Demon Lord spat out a mouthful of blood and murmured in shock: "There is actually a master like you in the Glory City?"

Taking advantage of the demon lord's brief absence, Ye Ziyun raised the machine umbrella and shot the demon lord in the vital part.

"Ah!" After receiving a critical blow, the Demon Lord became furious and threw the war spear in his hand.


Just as the battle in Glory City was in full swing, Xian Wu and others also encountered a difficult enemy.

Endless desert.

Several huge sandstorm tornadoes whirred, surrounding Xian Wu, Yu Yan and Nie Li in mid-air.

In the center of the sandstorm, a flirtatious woman in a bikini stands with her hips akimbo.

She has dark skin, a bloated body, a bald head, claw-like hands, and a knotted scorpion tail behind her buttocks.

"Fire Spirit God, long time no see, Gu Gu Gu..." The woman looked up at Yu Yan, laughing so hard that her whole body was trembling with fat.

Yu Yan frowned slightly: "Sand Spirit God? You old witch is not dead yet!"

This man is the spiritual god of the monster clan. His true form is a giant desert scorpion. He was seriously injured by his own natal flames in the ancient war and escaped.

"Hmph! Today next year will be your death anniversary!" The Sand Spirit God's voice was sharp and spiteful.

Goddess Yuyan snorted disdainfully: "How dare you speak nonsense when your general is defeated!"

"Today is different from the past. I have condensed the Erlian, and the desert is my home field. Now your strength is not even one-third of what it was in its heyday. How can you fight me?" The Sand Spirit God laughed wildly.

"Hand over your divine power obediently, capture without restraint, and kill with a pinch of your neck. I can also make you die more happily, otherwise... I will let you taste the burning desire."

After saying that, the Sand Spirit God swung his scorpion tail poisonous hook.

(End of this chapter)

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