The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 319 Killing the Demon Lord

Chapter 319 Killing the Demon Lord
City of Glory.

"Stop!" A shout sounded from the sky above the City Lord's Mansion, the sound was like thunder and deafening.

Everyone covered their ears and looked up, only to see a golden-armored god and a peerless beauty hanging in mid-air, like gods.

"Brother Wu (consort)!" Xiao Ning'er and Sikong Hongyue exclaimed in unison.

They knew the golden armor, which Xian Wu obtained from the stone tablet in the Black Hell World.

Blessed by the laws of the metal system, Xian Wu's voice was extremely loud, like a magic sound, with extremely strong penetrating power.

As the main target of Demonic Sound's attack, the Demon Lord was immediately severely injured, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, mixed with internal organ fragments.

Xian Wu frowned angrily and saw Ye Zong lying in a pool of blood at a glance. He quickly took out an jade bottle and handed it to the goddess Yu Yan, saying, "Yan'er, take the fountain of life and hurry up and save people!"

Ye Zong's wound was too big, and he didn't know if the fountain of life could bring him back from the hell.

Goddess Yuyan nodded slightly, said "Yeah" softly, and quickly flew down to the ground.

The girls looked at each other, and they knew without guessing that this must be Xian Wu's new harem, and they were all used to this.

Seeing the women with their big bellies, Goddess Yu Yan was taken aback for a moment, her heart pounding: "Could these be..."

The women made way for Goddess Yu Yan. Yang Xin squinted her almond-shaped eyes and looked at Yu Yan.

Beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people jealous.

With friendly, jealous, or hostile gazes, Goddess Yu Yan floated in front of Ye Zong.

"Sister, who are you?" Ye Ziyun raised her little white face full of tears.

Goddess Yu Yan's red lips parted slightly: "I am the Spirit God of Fire, Xian Wu's...friend. Stop talking nonsense, his current condition is very dangerous, and he must be treated immediately."

She was keenly aware that Ye Zong's life was rapidly draining away, with only two of his three souls and seven souls left.

After two more sticks of incense, the injured person will die completely, and even the fountain of life cannot save him.

Goddess Yu Yan pinched her sword fingers and touched several of Ye Zong's large acupoints to stop the bleeding.

Then, Yu Yan created a ball of flame that looked like red marshmallow and blocked the big hole in Ye Zong's chest.

Then, Yu Yan uncorked the bottle, took out a drop of the fountain of life, and asked Ye Ziyun to open Ye Zong's mouth and flick it in with her fingers.

Then, Yu Yan poured out all the remaining spring of life in the jade bottle and applied it to the edge of the wound on Ye Zong's chest.

The girls' eyes widened in shock. After applying the Fountain of Life, Ye Zong's muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs began to regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not only that, Yu Yan sensed that after drinking the fountain of life, Ye Zong's soul was also regrouping.

His life should be saved.

On the other side, Xian Wu and the Demon Lord had a fierce battle.

In front of the Four Gods Fang Tian Hua Ji, the demon lord's soldiers were as fragile as tofu, breaking when they touched and shattering when they hit.

Even the strongest war spear that had beaten Ye Zong to the brink of death was split in half from the middle.

"You...who are you?" The Demon Lord trembled with fear.

This was the first time in his life that he encountered such a powerful enemy. Could he be that Xian Wu?

"Kill your people!" Xian Wu was not interested in chatting with the demon master.

His goal is simple, that is to eliminate the invaders of this glorious city.

The Demon Lord suddenly threw a soul-suppressing nail and quickly escaped.

The soul-suppressing nail hit Xian Wu's forehead and bounced out easily without even piercing his skin.Hanabi flew up and kicked the demon lord in the head with a powerful high whip kick: "Want to run? It's not that easy!"

The Demon Lord swept back quickly, and the jade feet with lava flames grazed the tip of his nose and kicked him. The high-temperature flames instantly ignited the hair on his face.

"Ah! My hair!" The Demon Lord desperately slapped the flames on his hair.

Xian Wu looked at the right time, a "Thunder God's Fury" flashed behind the Demon Lord, and a palm of "Demon Spirit Disintegration" slapped the Demon Lord's back heart.

The demon lord spat out a mouthful of blood again, and the demon's possession was lifted.

"A legendary demon spirit with god-level growth potential, you actually have such a rare thing." Xian Wu clicked his tongue after putting the eight-armed demon into the demon spirit stone.

The Demon Lord fell to the ground with a "boom", creating a large human-shaped pit.

Xian Wu followed closely behind and stepped on the demon master's voluptuous face.

"What did you do to me? Why did the demon spirit in my soul sea come to you?" The Demon Lord stared sideways at the demon spirit stone in Xian Wu's hand, with shock written all over his face.

Xian Wu smiled and put the Demon Spirit Stone into the space ring: "Dead people don't need to know so much."

Suddenly, a chain spurted out from the Demon Lord's mouth, instantly strangling Xian Wu's neck, and then trapped him into a rice dumpling.

"Don't think I can't fight without the demon spirit!" The demon master struggled to stand up.

But no matter how much he struggled, Xian Wu's feet were like a mountain, firmly stamped on his face, motionless.

Xian Wu sneered: "You are playing with the rules in front of me, and you are also playing with the rules of the black prison. Do you know what you are calling this? This is called playing with a big sword in front of Guan Gong!"

bang bang bang...

The chains of the black prison exploded into pieces, dissipating in the wind like ashes.

Xian Wu moved his wrist, then stretched out a finger, and slowly approached the Demon Lord.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, you can go shit." Xian Wu's fingers touched the demon master's forehead.

The power of decomposition dispersed instantly, and the Demon Lord was instantly decomposed into countless atoms and annihilated.

Only a tattered robe and a strange-looking space ring were left.

Picking up the space ring, Xian Wu jumped out of the humanoid pit.

"Master~ You are finally back~~Where have you been for the past two months, I miss you~~~" Huahuo stuck to Xian Wu like a piece of brown sugar, and would not come off after jumping on Xian Wu.

"Good boy, come down first. I want to see my adoptive father's injury." Xian Wu patted Hanabi's beautiful back.

Hanabi jumped down knowingly, it was indeed not the right time to flirt.

Hu Yanba supported Ye Mo and walked over in a hurry: "Xian Wu, Lao Ye fell into the demon master's plot."

"Judging from the wound, it should be hit by the soul nail, that kind of vicious Horcrux, which can nail the soul sea of ​​a person, making people unable to use soul power." Huahuo guessed, pointing at the wound between Ye Mo's eyebrows.

Xian Wu nodded, raised his finger and touched the wound.

The soul power rushed out along the fingertips and penetrated into Ye Mo's soul sea.

With the invasion of foreign soul power, Ye Mo couldn't help but close his eyes, frowning with a painful expression.

Xian Wu is now very proficient in the art of guidance. In addition, the demon master is dead and has lost control of the soul-suppressing nail. The soul-suppressing nail was easily pulled out.

Before Xian Wu could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a sudden explosion in the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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