The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 318 The Demon Lord's Revenge

Chapter 318 The Demon Lord's Revenge

"Xian Wu, what happened to you? Were you poisoned by the scorpion spirit?" Seeing Xian Wu fall to the ground, Yu Yan hurriedly squatted on the ground to support him.

Yu Yan had heard of the scorpion poison of the Sand Spirit God.

Thinking of the method needed to detoxify Xian Wu, a blush appeared on Yu Yan's handsome face.

Since Xian Wu can defeat the spirit god, he can expel the monsters and revive the human race. It is not impossible to devote himself to such a great hero.

"Don't... don't touch me, let me take it easy." Xian Wu rubbed his temples and pulled Yu Yan's soft hands away.

This feeling of dizziness seems familiar.

In the Underworld, when Nie Li was killed, he also felt dizzy like this.

Could it be...

Xian Wu suddenly stood up, resisting the dizziness, and said seriously: "Nie Li, I think we have to go back to the Glory City. Something might have happened there!"

Currently, he only has two adoptive fathers left, one is Nie Li and the other is Ye Zong.

If there is a positive correlation between dizziness and the death of his adoptive father, then Ye Zong is probably dead.

"Huh?" Nie Li was searching for the Sand Spirit God's treasures. When he heard Xian Wu's words, he immediately stopped.

"Let's go!" Without any hesitation, Nie Li activated the jet mechanism under his feet and quickly rushed out of the desert underground palace.

"Yan'er, we may have to look for your space ring later." Xian Wu held the hand of Goddess Yu Yan and said with a serious expression.

Goddess Yu Yan shook her head and said very considerately: "It's okay, don't be in a hurry, you can pick it up anytime."

Afterwards, the two left the desert underground palace and quickly chased Nie Li.

City of Glory.

"Father!" Ye Ziyun hugged Ye Zong, grief-stricken, her purple dress dyed red with blood.

In order to save her, Ye Zong was pierced through the body by the demon lord's spear, exposing a big blood hole.

"Yun'er, you have to live well..." Ye Zong gently pinched Ye Ziyun's watery little face, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Ziyun, open Uncle Ye Zong's mouth quickly." Xiao Ning'er landed next to Ye Ziyun and uncorked the bottle.

Hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Ye Ziyun came back to her senses and quickly opened Ye Zong's lips.

Pointing the mouth of the bottle towards Ye Zong's mouth, Xiao Ning'er poured in the Nine Turns Pill.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zong swallowed the Nine Turns Pill one second, and the next second the Nine Turns Pills were exposed one by one from the blood holes and scattered all over the ground.

Almost all of Ye Zong's internal organs were destroyed by the Demon Lord's war spear. Not to mention the elixir, even the Yimu spirit liquid could not be drunk.

"Ning'er, what should I do? You quickly find a way to save my father." Ye Ziyun grabbed Xiao Ning'er's sleeve and roared at the top of her lungs, like a desperate antelope calf.

Just when Xiao Ning'er was stunned and at a loss, the Demon Lord turned his spear and attacked again.

"Be careful!" Hua Huo warned, and immediately rushed over and kicked away the Demon Lord's war spear.

Yang Xin, Huyan Lanruo, Ouyang Tiantian, Shen Xiu and Sikong Hongyue also gathered around to protect the seriously injured Ye Zong.

"Jie Jie Jie... How about it, Ye Mo, it feels so bad to lose your flesh and blood relatives, Jie Jie Jie..." The Demon Lord caught the war spear that was kicked away by Hua Huo and mocked.

Not only did he want to kill Ye Zong and Ye Mo, he also wanted to kill the culprit named Xian Wu!
That bastard actually transplanted the soul of an old loser into the body of Long Sha, who was his true love.

If he hadn't come out of seclusion and asked Long Sha to sleep with him, but the old boss fought to the death and refused to obey, he still wouldn't have discovered the truth of the matter.Damn it, damn you bastard, my Demon Lord swears to God that I will kill you, slaughter the City of Glory, and avenge the Dragon Evil!

Although Ye Mo's face was expressionless, he was extremely sad in his heart: "Demon Lord, you slaughtered the people of Glory City, I will not spare you, accept the justice!"

"Ten thousand demons subdue the mountain!!!" Under Ye Mo's control, tens of thousands of black gold demon spirits condensed into a huge mountain.

"Is the Ten Thousand Demon Demon Spirit Array so terrifying?" An extremely terrifying aura came from the huge mountain. The Demon Lord did not dare to resist, and quickly swept back, trying to escape the suppressive range of the mountain.

Although the mountain was bloated and huge, it flew extremely fast and suppressed the Demon Lord below before he could react.

Not only the demon lord, but also the buildings of the nearby city lord's mansion were flattened by the Lingshan Mountain.

"Child, daddy has avenged you!" Ye Mo said sadly in his heart. The most painful thing in the world is for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person to someone else.

Just when Ye Mo relaxed slightly, a silver nail shot out, penetrated the center of his eyebrows, and penetrated into the sea of ​​soul.

Ye Mo instantly lost control of his soul power and fell from mid-air.

"Lao Ye!" Hu Yanba flew up and caught Ye Mo firmly.

Without Ye Mo's support, the formation of all demons and spirits instantly collapsed and became independent into small formations.

The Demon Lord climbed out of the ruins, took off his broken armor, threw it on the ground, and dusted himself off.

"What a terrifying formation. If it weren't for the treasure armor, I would have been crushed into a meat pie by now." The Demon Lord sauntered towards Ye Mo with his hands behind his back, a coquettish smile on his face.

Get rid of Ye Mo's scourge first, and then take care of the others!
Hanabi intercepted the Demon Lord's path, raised her slender magma thighs, and said warily: "You damn sissy, don't think that we can't do anything to you without the formation."

Her basic strength is comparable to that of the Demon Lord, but the Demon Lord is blessed with various weapons and treasures, and his overall strength is even better.

"Oh... I remember." The Demon Lord snapped his fingers with a look of sudden realization: "I have seen you, the noble saint of the Firebird clan. If you don't stay in the underworld, why are you here in the Glory City? Do you want to get a share of the pie too?"

While steadying Hanabi with words, the Demon Lord quietly took out the hidden weapon from the space ring.

Regardless of whether she is a saint from the Firebird clan, no one can stop her from avenging the dragon evil!

"Now that you know me? Get away! The City of Glory is already in the possession of our Firebird clan. You can't get involved." Hua Huo borrowed the opportunity to threaten the Demon Lord.

Although she is a saint of the Firebird clan, she is also Xian Wu's wife, the wife of the city lord of Glory City, and it is her duty to protect Glory City.

It is not true that the City of Glory has been occupied by the Firebird Clan, just to scare the Demon Lord.

"Be careful!" Xiao Ning'er suddenly screamed.

Hanabi heard the sound and moved, narrowly avoiding the demon lord's hidden weapon.

The hidden weapon hit the floor tiles and bounced high.

Hanabi took a closer look and saw that it was actually the most sinister and vicious hidden weapon in the underworld - the soul-suppressing nail.

Once driven into the soul sea by this thing, unless the person who releases the nail dies, the person who is nailed will no longer be able to use the soul power.

Even if it is not nailed into the soul sea, if it is nailed into other body parts, that part will lose control of the soul power.

"Little bitch, I'll tear your mouth apart!" The Demon Lord became angry and activated the eight-armed demon spirit, swung the hammer and smashed it towards Xiao Ning'er.

At this time, in the southwest sky, a streak of thunder and a streak of fire came quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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