The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 323 Unify the Holy Spirit Continent

Chapter 323 Unifying the Holy Spirit Continent
After sweeping the entire Holy Spirit Continent, Xian Wu obtained a large amount of Scarlet Spring.

Using the time-accelerating effect of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits, Xian Wu transformed all the scarlet springs into springs of life.

After all the transformations are completed, there is only a small cup, which is enough to fill an eyedrop bottle.

The main reason is that there are too few demon spirits in the small and exquisite world. There are only a few dozen, and they can only squeeze out a few hundred drops of the spring of life.

This little fountain of life was not enough for Nie Li to reshape his body, so Xian Wu used it to treat Ye Zong's injuries.

After consuming all the fountain of life, the injuries that originally took ten or twenty years to recover were healed instantly.

Not only that, Ye Zong broke through to the legendary one-star realm because of his abundant fountain of life.

"Father, this is a god-level, sub-god-level black fog earth dragon demon spirit, given to you." Xian Wu handed Ye Zong a demon spirit stone to celebrate his recovery.

Now the legendary demon spirits are worse than ants in front of him, as long as they are touched with the left hand, they will die immediately.

While sweeping the Holy Spirit Continent, Xian Wu harvested a wave of sub-god-level monsters.

Demigod-level monsters are the easiest to be promoted to monster spirit gods, and they are the root of evil that must be eradicated.

Cutting off the grass requires eradicating the roots. Xian Wu is no longer the kind-hearted young man he once was. He is now the emperor of the human race. All factors that threaten the dominance of the human race in the small and exquisite world must disappear.

Ye Zong declined: "How can I want such a precious demon spirit? You can keep it for yourself."

"You once gave me a black-gold-ranked demon spirit when I needed it the most. This demon spirit can be regarded as a gift in return for you." Xian Wu insisted on giving it.

Ever since he took over as the city lord of Glory City, he has always been the hands-off shopkeeper, and Ye Zong handles all major and minor matters in the city.

It's nothing to give him a demigod-level demon spirit. He has hundreds of demon spirits of this level.

"Okay, since you insist on giving it away, I won't refuse." Ye Zong accepted the Demon Spirit Stone.

Suddenly remembering something, Ye Zong asked with a gossipy face: "I heard that your kid is going to hold a wedding again recently? Is it with the Yunling girl from the Tianyun tribe, or with the flame goddess?"

"Together." Xian Wu said without a red face and a heartbeat.

Ye Zong smiled awkwardly: "Double happiness comes to our door... haha... double happiness comes to our door..."

After visiting Ye Zong, Xian Wu went to visit Ye Mo and gave the old man a sub-god-level black water black bird demon spirit.

On Ye Mo's body, he sensed a broken piece of Fengxue's godhead.

After learning that Xian Wu could decompose his godhead, Ye Mo took the initiative to ask Xian Wu to separate his godhead and pass it on to his precious granddaughter.

When Xian Wu found Ye Ziyun, he found that she was playing a game with Xiao Ning'er.

To be precise, I was playing chess, using a Go board to play backgammon.

Xiao Ning'er's face was painted like a cat, while Ye Ziyun's face was spotless.

You don't need to think about it to know that Xiao Ning'er was tortured to death.

The same goes for Ning'er, if you can't play it, don't play it, the more you eat, the more you like to play.

"Brother Wu, Ziyun bullied me, you have to avenge me, wuwuwu..." Seeing Xian Wu coming over, Xiao Ning'er seemed to see hope, and plunged into Xian Wu's arms, hugging his tiger Waist, I feel so wronged that I want to cry.

Xian Wu smiled and touched Xiao Ning'er's flowing hair: "Don't worry Ning'er, Brother Wu will avenge you!"

In a quarter of an hour...

"Whether I want to take revenge or not, I can leave." Ye Ziyun sat up from the futon and stretched her stiff waist.Opposite, two tabby cats looked at each other.

"Brother Wu, you..."

Xian Wu coughed dryly, used his left hand to remove the stains on his face, and argued: "A good man doesn't fight with a woman, and it would be disgraceful to win against her. In fact, I'm here to give you something."

"What?" Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er's beautiful eyes widened.

"Here, your grandfather asked me to give it to you." General Xian handed the broken divine head to Ye Ziyun, "Ask Nie Li for details on how to use it."

Ye Ziyun took over the Feng Xue Divine Charm and left the room with a suspicious look on her face. Only Xian Wu and Xiao Ning'er were left in the room.

"Ning'er, come on, let's continue playing chess. Ye Ziyun must have cheated. There's no way I can't win a game."

After playing backgammon with Xiao Ning'er for a long time, Xian Wu decided to never play backgammon again in his life.

A few days later, Xian Wu held a wedding.

Unexpectedly, at the wedding scene, Yang Xin gave birth to a baby, a boy.

Okay, now the double happiness has changed to the triple happiness.

Xian Wu named his first child - Xian Wensheng. Although the child's biological mother and biological grandfather objected, Xian Wu insisted on choosing this name, and they had no choice.

About half a month later, Xian Wu's second child was born. It happened to be raining that day, and Xian Wu named his second daughter Xian Yusheng.

Yusheng's mother is Ouyang Tiantian. She doesn't need a wet nurse. She can feed the child by herself.

More than a month later, Xian Wu's third child was born. Nothing special happened that day, and the weather was normal. Xian Wu named his third son after Xian Pingsheng.

Shen Xiu's mother was Shen Xiu. Although her milk was abundant, she did not feed her baby often. Instead, she gave the baby to the wet nurse.

Xian Wu was very angry at Shen Xiu's behavior. He criticized and educated her many times, but every time she heard it go in one ear and out the other, thinking it was deaf ears.

Less than two months later, Xian Wu's fourth and fifth children were born at the same time. Xian Wu named the fourth son born first, Xian Qiansheng, and the fifth son, born later, Xian Housheng.

The mother in the previous life was Huyan Lanruo, and the mother in the second life was Wo Xueshen.

Xue Shen's body was weak and her milk supply was insufficient, so Huyan Lanruo took the initiative to help feed her.

While Xian Wu was busy taking care of the children and their mothers, the army of Glory City also rushed out of the Holy Ancestral Mountains, entered the endless desert, passed through the Poisonous Forest, waded through the Blood Moon Swamp, and came to the Holy Spirit Bay.

The entire southern part of the Holy Spirit Continent was successively recaptured by the City of Glory, leaving only the Tianze Mountains and the Tianbei Snowfield in the north still occupied by monsters.

However, the monsters will not be able to jump for a few days, and it is only a matter of time before the human race regains the lost territory.

The City of Glory and New Orchid City were built in the Sacred Ancestor Mountains, Loulan City was built in the Endless Desert, Silver Wing City was built in the Poisonous Forest, Luna Palace was built in the Blood Moon Swamp, and Zhenhai City is currently being built in the Holy Spirit Bay.

In addition to several giant cities, an imperial city - Martial God City - was also built on the vast plain between Blood Moon Swamp and Holy Spirit Bay.

With the recovery of the Tianze Mountains and Tianbei Snowfield, the rule of the Yaozu in the Little Linglong world was completely overthrown, and the human race completely ended the thousands of years of dark age.

The era of the God of War has begun, and the whole country is celebrating.

Fire Spirit God Yu Yan was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

"If heaven did not give birth to Xian Wu, the human race would be like a long night forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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