The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 324 Hanabi is homesick

Chapter 324 Hanabi is homesick

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the window lattice of Wushen Palace.

Xian Wu rubbed his eyes and climbed off the dragon bed.

"You woke up so early, why don't you want to sleep for a while?" Yu Yan woke up at some point, staring at Xian Wu with his beautiful phoenix eyes, his eyes full of tenderness.

"When you've had enough sleep, get up and exercise." Xian Wu let out a long yawn, feeling a little tired.

Without the threat of monsters, everything became boring. Even with three thousand beauties in the harem, Xian Wu found it boring.

Yuyan tilted her chin, lying lazily on her side on the big bed, and reminded: "Recently, Hanabi has been clamoring to go back to her parents' home. Should we make preparations?"

"Nie Li has always planned to go to the Nether Realm to find his old enemy, and we happened to be together." Xian Wu nodded.

After breakfast, Xian Wu handed the jade seal to Ye Zong and led Hua Huo, Yu Yan, Ling'er, Xiao Ning'er and Jin Dan to the underworld.

Before leaving, he did not forget to kiss his five children on their foreheads.

The children were not yet one year old and needed their mother's care, so Xian Wu did not take them.

In addition, Sikong Hongyue and Yun Ling are also pregnant and are not suitable for traveling long distances with him.

I didn't plan to take the golden egg with me, but the little guy stood on my shoulder and couldn't get it off, so I had to take it with me.

Nie Li led seven people: Ye Ziyun, Du Ze, Lu Piao, Xiao Xue, Zhang Ming, Wei Nan and Zhu Junxiang.

With the help of the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book and god-level techniques, Xiao Ning'er and the seven of them all cultivated to the peak of legend.

What's more, all eight of them are adults.

Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er have grown into two extremely beautiful beauties who have conquered the country and conquered the city.

Especially Xiao Ning'er, her appearance and figure are no worse than Goddess Yu Yan.

After returning from the underworld, Xian Wu married Xiao Ning'er, fulfilling her long-held wish.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Xian gave Xiao Ning'er the godhead of thunder, Huahuo the godhead of magma, Yunling the godhead of the earth element, and Sikong Hongyue the godhead of the black prison.

Yang Xin was given the Godhead of Wind, Huyan Lanruo was given the Godhead of Fragrance, Ouyang Tiantian was given the Godhead of Sound, Shen Xiu was given the Godhead of Poison, and Wo Xueshen was given the Godhead of Swamp.

He only left behind the godhead of darkness, light, chaos and gold.

The entrance to the underworld is in an extremely hidden place in the Saint Ancestor Mountains.

Goddess Yu Yan only gave the approximate location of the Nether Realm. If Xian Wu didn't have the "eye of the sky", he really wouldn't have been able to find the entrance.

It was a deep and long tunnel, extending all the way to the very depths of the ground.

It was pitch dark inside the tunnel, and you couldn't see your fingers. The deeper you went, the thinner the air became, giving people a slightly suffocating feeling.

However, everyone is the best among masters, and they can survive for a long time even without air.

Xian Wu walked in front of the team, summoning the law of light to illuminate the dark cave.

"Bones... there are so many bones on the ground!" Lu Piao was so frightened that he hid behind Xiao Xue.

Xiao Xue grabbed Lu Piao's ears with hatred and said: "Coward! The bones won't eat you, so what are you afraid of?"

"It hurts... it hurts... let go, Xue'er!" Lu Piao wailed, and echoes immediately echoed in the tunnel.

The bones in the tunnel include human beings and monsters. Judging from the degree of decay of the bones, the battle should have occurred thousands of years ago, that is, after the advent of the Dark Ages.

"The demon race has been completely destroyed by our human race, you can rest in peace." Xian Wu secretly muttered in his heart.Although he has become a spiritual god, Xian Wu is still used to feeling down-to-earth.

After walking all the way down for several kilometers, Xian Wu sensed a faint barrier in front of him.

"Who arranged this thing here?" Huahuo kicked over, and the law of magma directly shattered the barrier.

This layer of barrier can only stop the black-gold level experts, but it has no effect on these legendary pinnacles.

Even without destroying it, everyone can easily pass through the past.

"This is this?" Ye Ziyun found a symbol similar to a snowflake carved on the wall. She took a closer look and exclaimed: "This is the symbol of the Fengxue Family!"

Hearing the sound, everyone gathered around.

Nie Li stroked the scratches on the rock wall, and immediately judged: "These marks are very new, they have been inscribed for only a few months, could it be that they were left by Patriarch Ye Yan?"

"It's also possible that Master Ye Mo left behind." Du Ze added.

Ye Ziyun shook her head: "It probably wasn't left by my grandfather. He never mentioned that he had been to a place called the Underworld."

"If that's the case, then this mark was left by Grandmaster Ye Yan during his lifetime?" Lu Piao scratched his head, "Grandmaster Ye Yan went undercover in the Dark Guild. So, the headquarters of the Dark Guild is in the Underworld?"

"You're finally smart again." Xiao Xue snorted.

Lu Piao retorted: "What do you mean I'm finally smart? I've always been smart, okay!"

"Although the demon lord has been killed, the Dark Guild's headquarters is still there, and another demon lord may be cultivated. No, we must eradicate it." Xian Wu narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Everyone nodded in agreement. The people in the Dark Guild did all kinds of bad things, and everyone was punished.

The outside world has finally ushered in a new chapter of peaceful development, how can this group of scum from the Dark Guild be allowed to destroy it?

After continuing for several kilometers, everyone finally walked out of the dark and narrow tunnel and entered an extremely wide and dark underground world.

The underworld, like the hell world, is a dark existence.

There are little stars shining on the dome, which should be luminous ores or something like that.

"This is the realm of the underworld?" Lu Piao looked around curiously like a baby.

The ground is rugged and full of cracks, and each crack is flowing with hot magma, bursts of white heat are rising, and everywhere is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur.

"The Nether Realm is one of the three forbidden areas in the main world. It is ruled by a strong man who controls the laws of the underworld. This person is very powerful. Even the strongest Chaos Spirit God in the human race can't do anything to him." Goddess Yuyan said.

"Fortunately, the controller of the underworld is neutral. As long as his interests are not involved, he will not take action. We are in his territory, so we'd better be careful." Goddess Yu Yan was a little worried.

Lu Piao disagreed: "What are you afraid of? With my brother Wu here, who dares to do anything bad to us."

"Listen to your sister-in-law, be careful." Xian Wu turned his head and warned.

Lu Piao shrugged: "I will do whatever you tell me."

"Look, there is a city over there!" Du Ze suddenly shouted.

Following the direction of his finger, everyone found a magnificent city standing not far away, which was comparable to the Glory City.

Just as everyone was about to walk towards the giant city, a group of small black things surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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