The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 325 Coming to the Underworld World

Chapter 325 Coming to the Underworld World
Nether world.

A group of black shadows blocked the way forward for Xian Wu and others.

They are short in stature, completely black, with pointed ears. Their appearance resembles the red ghosts in the underworld.

However, their strength is one level higher than that of Red Ghost, and they are all gold-level existences.

"They are dark elves." Nie Li reminded him as he looked at a group of little black coal balls with obvious hostility.

Today is different from the past. Du Ze, Lu Piao and the others are no longer just a bunch of little monsters who can be manipulated casually.

Xian Wu's eyes turned cold and he ordered directly: "Kill them!"

Before the voice fell, Xiao Xue's explosive crystal arrow had already been launched.

Her jade waist bow was inlaid with many dragon soul stones, which increased its power to an extremely terrifying level.

Paired with the Dragon Soul Arrow, which can cause extra damage to non-human creatures, one arrow can kill a legendary monster.

The damage of the explosive crystal arrow is much smaller and can only affect black gold level monsters, but it is area damage.

The shock wave of the explosion violently blew Xiao Xue's wide-sleeved fairy skirt. Before Du Ze and Lu Piao could take action, the group of dark elves blocking the road were blown into inhalable particles.

Lu Piao swallowed hard and thought to herself: "My fiancée is too scary, isn't she? If we get married in the future, there won't be domestic violence every day."

His companions looked at him with pity.

Zhang Ming was a little envious. If he could marry such a wife, he would be willing to be beaten every day.

As a roommate, Zhu Junxiang knew very well what was going on in Zhang Ming's head. Zhang Ming didn't care if his wife was beautiful or not, he just wanted to be beaten.

Because Xiao Xue's Explosive Crystal Arrow was too powerful, the ground was directly trampled by her, so that everyone's way forward was blocked by a wide river of magma.

However, a small stream of magma couldn't trouble a group of legendary peak demon spiritists.

After a demon spiritual master reaches the legendary realm, he can automatically learn the ability to fly in the air and can easily fly over.

After jumping over the lava river blocking the road, everyone continued to walk towards the city ahead. The city gate was already in sight.

"Black Stone City..." Looking up at the words carved on the city wall above the city gate, Xian Wu read it out word by word.

"Are you sure it's not Mo Youcheng?" Lu Piao raised his hand and asked his question.

There are obvious differences between the words on the city wall and the words in Glory City. They are like variations of the words in Glory City. They are twisted and look very awkward.

Nie Li was amused by Lu Piao's question, and explained: "The words written on the city wall are indeed Black Stone City, and they are written in a foreign language. I asked you to study hard, but if you don't study hard, will you make a fool of yourself?"

Black Rock City, as the name suggests, the surrounding walls are all made of huge black stones, emitting an icy cold sound.

"Hua Huo, where is Black Rock City in the underworld, and how far is it from the Firebird Clan's territory?" Xian Wu's voice was gentle as he stared at Hua Huo's swollen little watermelon belly.

Since becoming pregnant with the baby, Hanabi's temper has gradually become violent, destroying furniture and beating servants at every turn.

Only when practicing the law of magma, Hanabi's mood will be calm.

The reason why she loses her temper is because she is not accustomed to the environment.

It's not that Hanabi is acclimated, it's that the child in Hanabi's belly is acclimated.

According to Hanabi, the newborns of the Firebird clan are all born from lava. If they are not soaked in lava, the child will not be born.

The reason why Hua Huo is restless is because her and Xian Wu's child is about to come to the world. "Damn it! Black Rock City is at the southernmost point of the Nether Realm, and Fire Dragon City, where the Firebird Clan is located, is located at the northernmost point of the Nether Realm. It will take at least a week to get there." Hanabi's eyes turned red and she was about to get mad again.

Xian Wu quickly hugged her and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, I'll hold you and I'll be there in a few hours, not a week."

"Really?" Huahuo raised her slender eyebrows slightly.

Xian Wu nodded.

"Master is the best!" Hana Huo jumped on Xian Wu's body with ease and hugged his neck like a koala.

Hanabi only knew that Black Rock City was one of the fifteen cities in the Nether Realm, located at the southernmost point. He didn't know much about the situation inside Black Rock City.

Black Rock City was too far away from her home, so it was normal for her not to know about it. If there were several cities near Fire Dragon City, she might still know about it.

Entering Black Rock City, Xian Wu and others found that most of them were aliens, with only a small number of humans.

There are a total of twelve forces in Black Rock City, each representing a race. Human forces are also among them, but they are not the strongest.

After asking around, Xian Wu learned that the Dark Guild no longer existed and had been swallowed up by other forces.

Without the protection of the Demon Lord, it is normal for the Dark Guild to be wiped out.

Every force in Black Rock City has at least one legendary powerhouse in charge.

The Dark Guild now only has one black-gold level elder left, who is completely unqualified to be called a force.

Although it is located underground and very close to the magma, there is a cold atmosphere everywhere, like the late autumn in the outside world.

Yu Yan and Xian Wu knew that these cold breaths were the laws of the underworld for those who controlled the underworld.

On the ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death, on the lakeside pavilion in an exquisite courtyard, a strong man in black robe stood with his hands behind his back.

Images of Xian Wu and the others floated on the surface of the lake, their every move, every frown and smile, the strong man in black could have a panoramic view.

Standing beside the man in black robe was a young man.

This person has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, is handsome and free and easy, has a face like a crown jade, and has a calm demeanor.

"He" is about fifteen or sixteen years old, with eyebrows that grow into the temples, slender and gentle eyes, a straight nose bridge, and skin as white as jade that seems to drip water.

A pair of beautiful eyes that are as beautiful as heaven and earth do not contain any impurities, and the thin lips are slightly raised in a smile.That kind of elegant temperament can definitely attract the hearts of countless girls.

"Father, what's wrong with them? Is there any problem?" The young man was a little confused.

The master of the underworld raised his hand and pointed at the phantom in the lake, and said coldly: "Although this person is just an ordinary spirit god, he has cultivated the power of three kinds of laws at the same time, and has condensed three godheads."

"You have cultivated the power of three laws. Oh my god! Can't a person only cultivate one kind of power of law?" Xiao Yu was a little surprised.

The controller of the Nether Realm said quietly: "This son not only practiced three laws at the same time, but also practiced the three strongest laws, chaos, light and darkness. In the entire Nether Realm, except me, no one is probably his opponent. ."

"What does he want to do in the underworld?" Xiao Yu looked at Xian Wu with a wary look.

The controller of the Nether Realm shook his head: "I don't know, I'm afraid that the person who came here is not good. This person killed all the demon spirits and gods in the small exquisite world. He is an extremely dangerous person. He came to the Nether Realm for the sake of the underworld." the law.”

"If he dares to harm his adoptive father, Xiao Yu will risk his life to kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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