The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 326: Hot-tempered Hanabi

Chapter 326: Hot-tempered Hanabi

While the controller of the underworld was quietly observing Xian Wu, Xian Wu also observed the controller of the underworld with his "eyes of the sky".

However, his attention was not on the controller of the underworld, but on Xiao Yu.

Having seen countless women, he recognized at a glance that Xiao Yu was a woman disguised as a man.

He often gets along with women day and night, treats each other frankly, and cares about each other, he can't get it wrong.

It is worth mentioning that Xian Wu has a special hobby. He especially likes heroines like Mulan who disguise themselves as men.

"Eh? There's an open-air tavern in front! Let's go over there and take a rest. How about having a cup of tea?" Lu Piao suddenly suggested.

Lu Piao's voice interrupted Xian Wu's thoughts, he nodded and agreed with Lu Piao's suggestion.

Except for a few stone men occupying a table, all other seats in the tavern stall were empty.

Xian Wu sat at the same table as Yu Yan, Hua Huo, Xiao Xue, and Xiao Ning'er, and Nie Li sat at the same table as Du Ze, Lu Piao, Wei Nan, and Zhu Junxiang.

Although Black Rock City is filled with many aliens, they all speak the language of the human race, which Xian Wu and the others can barely understand.

Just as Xian Wu finished ordering a few special snacks and a few glasses of water and wine, Hua Huo got into a conflict with the stone man next to him.

"Ugly monster, what are you looking at?" Hanabi pointed at a stone man and asked with burning almond eyes.

The stone man was stunned for a moment, and then replied angrily: "Look at you, you have eyes on my head, I want to look at whoever I want to slap, do you care?"

"I don't care about you!" Hanabi jumped up and kicked the stone man's nose indiscriminately.

"I'll beat you to death!" The angry stone man raised his fists high and hit Hanabi hard.

Before his fist could come down, Hanabi kicked him in the stone stomach and kicked him away.

The other stone men wanted to help, but before they could stand up, they were all knocked down by Hanabi's kick.

If you can't afford to offend, you can't afford to hide. The stone people supported each other, turned around and ran away.

"Despicable human woman, just wait for me, our stone monster family will never give up." As soon as a stone man said these harsh words, he was hit in the back by a stone bench kicked away by Hanabi.

After the battle, Hanabi patted her long, wheat-skinned legs and sat back in her seat.

Xiao Xue is a straight person, she couldn't help but said: "Sister Huahuo, are you too arrogant and domineering?"

"What? Are you dissatisfied? The Underworld is not a glorious city. Whoever has the bigger fist is justified." Hua Huo glanced at Xiao Xue and said disapprovingly.

Xian Wu blinked his eyes. He thought that after returning to the underworld, Hua Huo's bad temper would calm down, but he didn't expect that it would become even more violent.

The owner of the tavern was an old man from the human race. When he saw the stone men running away without paying, he felt slightly unhappy on his face.

Those aliens often eat Overlord Meal, and the boss has become accustomed to it.

Usually he would keep accounts for the foreigners who ate the Overlord meal, and ask for them the next time they came to eat. If he didn't give it, he wouldn't provide them with food and drinks.

This tavern is protected by the Jade Seal Family, the second largest force in Black Rock City. Those foreigners can eat Overlord's meal, but if they dare to smash the tavern, the Jade Seal Family will definitely not sit idly by.

The tavern owner did not provide food and drinks to Xian Wu and others, but came over to remind them: "You should leave quickly. The Stone Monster clan is one of the top ten forces in Black Rock City. If you provoke them, you will definitely not get any good results."

"Top ten? Isn't it the third from the bottom?" The tavern owner's words made Xian Wu laugh.

He is already a strong man in the first level of destiny, and his ability to control aura is particularly strong. Unless he is in the same realm or a higher realm, no one can detect his true strength.The tavern owner rolled his eyes and said angrily: "For the sake of being a human race, I kindly remind you that you can decide for yourself whether to leave or not."

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. Let's leave quickly." Even though he has reached the legendary peak, Wei Nan still hasn't gotten rid of his timidity.

Lu Piao was not afraid of anything and yelled at the tavern owner to serve the food quickly.

"Pay first! Money for drinks and food and money for damaging the stone benches in my shop." The tavern owner was too lazy to pay attention to this group of reckless guys.

Although fighting is not allowed in the tavern, the stone monster clan can drag them out to the street and beat them.

The girl in the red dress was right. In the underworld, whoever has the bigger fist is justified. Even if he is beaten to death in the street, no one will redress his injustice.

By the way, since that girl knew the rules of the underworld, how could she do such a ridiculous thing?

Do you think your life is too long?
"We have no money! To be precise, it's the raw demon crystal. However, I can use these grains as meal expenses. What do you think?" Xian Wu took out a ten-pound bag of low-quality grains from the grain ring.

The tavern owner rubbed his eyes, took the linen bag, grabbed a handful of grain and looked at it.

Although it is only the lowest quality grain, it is the most expensive food in the dark world of the underworld.

The tavern owner clutched the linen bag tightly and asked excitedly: "Do you really want to use these grains as meal expenses?"

"Otherwise, we don't have the original demon crystal stone."

"Okay!" The tavern owner smiled with his face covered with assholes.

After about a cup of tea, the tavern owner brought out the food and wine from the kitchen and placed them on the two tables.

The wine in Black Rock City is very yellow, as if it is on fire, and it smells like sulfur, which tastes spicy on the tongue and irritates the throat.

Except for Hanabi, everyone else couldn't stand the smell and vomited on the ground.

"Hmm... I miss the taste of my hometown so much." Hanabi tasted the sulfur wine with an intoxicated look on her face.

Fire Dragon City is rich in this kind of sulfur wine, and most of the taverns in the fifteen cities of the underworld will serve this kind of high-quality and cheap wine.

Although she is the saint of the Firebird clan, this kind of wine is the only thing she can usually drink.

The environment in the underworld is too harsh. It is dark and without sunlight. It is almost impossible to grow food, let alone make wine. Some of it is good to drink.

In addition to the terrible wine, the food in the tavern is also very weird.

Those black fungus and mushrooms can barely be eaten, and those smooth stones dipped in seasoning can also bite the bullet and suck a few times, but those white thornless, crazily writhing legless gnats mean something.

Lu Piao, who didn't have strong concentration, just yelled.

To everyone's surprise, Zhang Ming actually ate with gusto, and this guy's taste was also strong.

Xian Wu stopped Hanabi who was about to take off her chopsticks and warned: "If you dare to eat, I will never talk to you again in this life. I will do what I say!"

"If you don't want to eat, you won't eat. Why are you yelling so loudly?" Hanabi put down her chopsticks, her eyes full of resentment.

She thought to herself: "As long as you don't eat it in front of you, it's not considered eating, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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