Chapter 327

The specialty snacks of Netherland were really too strong in taste. Xian Wu only took a bite of the mushrooms and gave up the idea of ​​trying further.

The mushroom was dark and covered with milky white spots. It looked like a spider as big as a fist.

"What do you mean it looks like it, it's a spider!" the boss said in surprise.

Even though his concentration was as strong as Xian Wu's, he couldn't help but burst out, not to mention the other companions, who were all about to spit out their bile.

Except for Zhang Ming, a guy with heavy taste, and Hua Hui, a native of the underworld, no one likes these foods.

The tavern owner's little eyes were filled with resentment. That was the richest food their tavern could offer.

Huahuo couldn't stand it anymore, and explained: "This is a fungus that lives in spiders, not exactly spiders."

"I won't listen, I won't listen, it's too disgusting, it's really disgusting!" Xiao Xue shook her head like a rattle.

Just as everyone was vomiting collectively, the stone monsters that had been beaten earlier came over with their helpers.

"Brother, that's that despicable human woman!" The noseless stone man pointed at Hanabi.

His eldest brother was the only three legendary strong men in the clan, so it would not be a problem to kill these humans with small arms and legs.

The leading stone man had a cold look in his eyes, and walked towards the tavern with a "boom" on his thighs as thick as a bucket.

Recently, this group of outsiders from the human race have become more and more arrogant. They not only compete with the big brother of the blood demon clan for the remaining pictures, but now they even deliberately find trouble and beat up their own clan brothers.

Today we must teach them a lesson and let them know who owns Black Rock City!
When the tavern owner saw this, he took the initiative to greet me and warned: "My tavern is protected by the Jade Seal Family, please don't mess around!"

The stone monsters are a group of unreasonable guys, and most of their warnings will be regarded as farts.

Sure enough, the leading stone monster slapped the tavern owner away and slammed into the earthen wall of the tavern kitchen.

The chef was startled by the boss who suddenly flew in. He almost plunged his head into a bucket full of centipedes.

"Go quickly and report the news to the Jade Seal Family!" The boss squeezed out a sentence through his teeth, and then fainted.

The chef was also a person who had seen the world, so he quickly dragged the boss off the stove and put him in a safe place.

Then, he slipped out of the back door of the kitchen and ran towards the territory of the Jade Seal Family in a hurry.

"Stupid humans don't realize that they are about to die." The leading stone monster clenched his fist as big as a water tank and kicked over all the tables, chairs and benches that were blocking the way.

Seeing this, Hua Huo was about to stand up and show some color to these stone men, but unexpectedly, Xian Wu stopped him.

The cause of the incident was entirely due to Hua Huo's violent temper, and Xian Wu was also a relatively reasonable person. If he could compensate for the incident, why not do it?

Xian Wu stood up and walked towards the leading stone monster.

Without saying a word, the leading stone monster hit Xian Wu's face with a powerful and heavy blow. The strong wind from his palm made Xian Wu's silver hair fly randomly.

Unexpectedly, Xian Wu easily touched the stone monster's door-like palm with one finger.

His fingers were very thin, and in the eyes of the stone people, they were no more than a toothpick.

"Am I right? This human being can actually catch Brother Shi Meng's palm from the front. It's incredible."

"Brother Shi Meng is a legendary one-star master. He can't beat a human being to death when he hits walls and smashes bricks and bricks?"

"No, we may have encountered a tough situation. Brother Shi Meng is probably going to lose." Hearing his companion's words, the leading stone monster Wuming became angry.

He, Shi Meng, is considered the number one figure in Black Rock City. If he can't defeat even a small human being, how will he have the nerve to hang around in the realm of Black Rock City in the future.

"Shaking the heavens and the earth!!!" Shi Meng crossed his fingers, held his hands together, and hit Xian Wu's head hard.

He punched hard and fast, giving Xian Wu no time to react.

"Here he is, it's Brother Shi Meng's famous stunt 'shaking the earth'!"

"Brother Shi Meng's earth-shattering feats, even the legendary two-star warriors would not dare to take it head-on. This kid is doomed!"

"It's really annoying that a small human dares to provoke my tribe of stone monsters. In the next life, you should be more discerning and don't provoke people you can't afford to offend."

To the surprise of the stone monsters, Shi Meng's unstoppable punch that shattered mountains and cracked rocks was easily caught by Xian Wu with one finger, and he also used his little finger.

While blocking the stone monster's attack, Xian Wu lightly hit him on the chest, knocking him back two or three steps.

"That's enough! Hit me again and fight back!" Xian Wu shouted, stopping the stone monster who wanted to continue attacking.

While the stone monster was stunned, Xian Wu took out three bags of grain from the space ring, handed it to the stone monster and said, "It was our fault earlier. On behalf of my wife, I would like to apologize to your injured tribesmen."

"These grains are compensation for them. If it is not enough, I can add more. I hope to get your forgiveness."

Xian Wu apologized to the stone monster clan very politely.

"Who wants your bullshit food!" Shi Meng slapped the food in Xian Wu's hand and it fell to the ground, scattering a large area.

Xian Wu's kindness not only failed to win the stone monsters' forgiveness, but instead made them think that Xian Wu was easy to bully.

"Haha, this despicable human being is timid and scared!"

"Kneel down and kowtow to my aunt thirty times, and my aunt will forgive you."

"Kowtow thirty times to my uncle, or I'll beat you into a puddle of mud."

"Damn it Shi Hao, you took advantage of me!"

The leader, Shi Meng, sneered, pointed at his crotch, and ordered: "As long as you get under my crotch, I will forgive you for your rudeness just now."

In the underworld, whoever has the bigger fist is right.The reason why the human in front of me apologized and gave in was because his fist was not big enough, let alone hard enough.

"I'm going to screw your grandma!"

Half of Shi Meng's face was beaten to pieces by Xian Wu, crackling, and stone debris flying everywhere on the ground.

The leading stone man was beaten until he lost consciousness and fell to the ground. The hot lava flowed all over the ground, instantly burning the food scattered on the ground to ashes.

"What the hell, kick your nose in the face!" Xian Wu stared.

"Anyone who doesn't want to die, kneel down!" Hanabi ran over out of nowhere, raised her slender legs, and crushed the stone monster's head with one kick, causing red magma to splash everywhere.

"You dare to let my husband get into your crotch and die like this. It's really an advantage for you!" Hua Huo gritted her silver teeth and kicked Shi Meng's headless body away.

The huge corpse, like a stone mountain, slammed into the stone monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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