The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 336 A Beautiful Woman

Chapter 336 A beautiful woman
"Hua Huo, go over with Luo Jian and kill those bastards from the Witch Ghost Family." Xian Wu gently patted Hua Huo's swollen buttocks, and then reminded: "By the way, grab your tongue again and ask Ask, how do they know about the City of Glory.”

"Understood, leave it to me, dear master." Hanabi puffed up her magnificent chest.

"Lead the way, Xiaojian!"

Watching Hanabi and Luo Jian leave, Goddess Yu Yan asked worriedly: "Is it okay for Hanabi to go alone? Do you want me to go too?"

"That's fine, please come with me." Xian Wu nodded.

"It's no trouble. One family doesn't talk to each other. If you do this again next time, I will be angry." Goddess Yu Yan said angrily.

"Don't be angry, I was wrong. I promise there will be no next time." Xian Wu chirped on Yu Yan's handsome face, then patted her beautiful buttocks and warned: "Go, be careful along the way. I am number one in the Nine Layers of Death. I’ll wait for you to come back.”

Seeing Yu Yan and Hua Huo meeting together, Xian Wu relaxed a little and turned around to enter the ninth level of death.

According to his father-in-law, the seventh level of the Nine Levels of Death is about to open.

Once it is turned on, the selection ceremony of the master of the underworld begins.

Xian Wu was going to join in the fun, meet the controller of the underworld for a while, and flirt with the pretty girl who was disguised as a man.

Turning on the "Eye of the Sky" and scanning the entire first floor of the Ninth Level Death Land, Xian Wu quickly discovered Nie Li and others who were closest to the exit.

"Whatever you want, you are here, hehehe..."

In addition to Nie Li, Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er, the "beautiful boy" who followed the master of the underworld was also there.

They and a group of strong men gathered around the lake, not knowing what they were doing.

Are you fishing?

There is a vast lake with turbid water.I don’t know what treasures are hidden at the bottom of the lake. Red light penetrates from the turbid lake water. Just feeling the breath in it makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Xian Wu's heavenly eye detected a huge thing hidden in the lake.

It was a lizard-like demonic beast, about five to sixty meters long, with four small claws. Its body was black, and it exuded a terrifying corpse aura.

The streaks of red light came from its forehead, and a red orb was embedded between its eyebrows.

Once someone is attracted by the red light and jumps into the lake, the giant beast will attack, open its bloody mouth, and devour the person.

The turbid lake water was slightly red, and many people must have died in the mouth of the monster.

Every time a person is swallowed, the color of the orb on the monster's forehead becomes brighter.

The reason why those people by the lake didn't take action immediately was probably because they wanted to use the flesh and blood of some unlucky people to cultivate the orb.

Looking away from the lake, Xian Wu continued to search for other companions.

Lu Piao and Xiao Xue are in a group, Du Ze and Wei Nan are in a group, and Zhang Ming and Zhu Junxiang are in a group. They each guard a treasure tree.

There are red fruits as big as pigeon eggs on the tree, exuding a sweet and attractive smell. I don't know what kind of treasure they are.

In addition to Lu Piao and the others, there are also some other strong men gathered next to the treasure tree, waiting until the fruit is completely mature before taking action.

However, Xian Wu was not worried about the safety of Du Ze and others.

These six people are all experts at the peak of Legendary level. They have practiced the god-level techniques given by Nie Li. As long as they are not spiritual-god-level experts, no one can beat them.

Looking away from the wide-eyed body, Xian Wu looked at the controller of the underworld again.

To his surprise, there were six more people in the small courtyard of the master of the underworld, and they were all destiny-level powerhouses. "Could they be foreign helpers that Old Mingtou recruited because he was afraid of my strength?" Xian Wu's eyes froze.

If people don't attack me, I will not attack them; if people attack me, I will attack them.

Old Mingtou had better not take action against him, otherwise he would let him understand the consequences of the human emperor's anger.

"However, that beautiful woman is really pretty." Xian Wu chuckled, his eyes wandering over Lingyun's mature and plump body, "This kind of overripe peach has a different flavor. , Hehehe..."

If you eat too many green fruits, you will inevitably want to change the taste.

Ripe peaches must taste particularly sweet.

"Hehe..." Xian Wu rubbed his hands, impatiently.

The ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death, the villa of the ruler of the underworld.

Lingyun wrinkled her slender eyebrows and glared at the other six strong men angrily, her eyes passing over their faces one by one.

What kind of bastard peeked at him with such wanton eyes?
Although the Tianyin Divine Sect is all women, they cannot be bullied at will!
"Fellow Taoist Lingyun, why are you staring at me like this? I don't have any flowers on my face?" The speaker was an old man with blue hair. He was Tianhun, the outer deacon of the Hunyuan Shen Sect.

Tianhun didn't realize that he was being peered at by Xian Wu with his heavenly eyes.

The reason why Ling Yun was able to detect it was not because of her advanced realm, but entirely because of a woman's sixth sense intuition.

"Nothing!" Lingyun snorted coldly.

She has no direct evidence, and if she exposes it rashly, she is likely to be bitten back.

Tianhun looked innocent, wondering where Lingyun was offended, and muttered: "Everyone came out of the world from Xiaolinglong, they are all fellow villagers, there is no need to have such a bad attitude."

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's talk about business." The controller of the underworld suddenly spoke.

He flicked his sleeves, and the image of Xian Wu emerged from the lake.


Xian Wu saw himself in the lake, and his eyes suddenly widened, "You actually spy on others, bah, you're so perverted."

The last time I used my heavenly eye to peek, no, when I was looking openly, I was just admiring the beautiful woman and didn't notice the scene in the lake at all.

I didn’t expect that Old Man Ming also had the magical power to spy on others.

However, his magical power seems to only be effective in the underworld, which is far behind his "eyes in the sky".

The controller of the underworld pointed towards the lake and said, "Fellow Taoists, what do you think of this person?"

"He's just the lowest spiritual god, what's there to see?" Tianhun said contemptuously.

Among them, the ones with the lowest cultivation level are all at the fourth level of Destiny. It is easy to kill a small spirit god who is at the first level of Destiny.

"No, this person actually condenses three types of godheads? And they are the three most powerful ones." Lingyun suddenly said in surprise. Not only is this person handsome, but he is also very talented. If he can become a Taoist couple...

By the way, why is he carrying a basket in front of him?
An old man with a white beard stroked his beard and said: "Chaos, light, and darkness, each law has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. This man can actually comprehend three of them at the same time. I am afraid that he is not even a strong man with the second level of destiny." His opponent."

"My son, our Hundred Flowers Sect has made a reservation, so don't take it from me." A strong blue-haired man threatened.

The controller of the underworld shook his head: "If you want to be his master, you must be favored by him. This son killed all the demons and spirits in the main world and claimed to be the emperor of the human race. Even the candle dragon fell under him In his hands, will he put you in his eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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