The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 337 The Jade Seal Family fights against the alien coalition

Chapter 337 The Jade Seal Family fights against the alien coalition
"He killed Zhulong? He was a strong man in the sixth level of destiny. He was only in the first level of destiny. How could it be possible for him to kill someone who was above the sixth level?" Tianhun from the Hunyuan Shen Sect felt that Ming must be joking with them.

When a monk reaches the realm of destiny, he will condense his life soul. Every time the realm rises to one level, he will condense a life soul.

You only need to place a life soul in some special treasure places. After death, you can use this life soul to be reborn.

Zhulong is in the sixth level of destiny, which means it has six destiny souls.He is also the spiritual god of the demon clan. He has countless treasures and can be resurrected six times with the help of treasures.

Even if Zhulong can't defeat this silver-haired young man, the main world is so big, he can escape, but he can't escape even with six lives, that's too much of a waste.

It is impossible to think about how Zhulong led the demon clan spiritual gods and almost killed all the human race spiritual gods. How could he become such a waste?

The controller of the underworld wore a spacious black robe that completely wrapped his body in it, making his facial expression unclear.

The Spiritual God of the Underworld said in a deep voice: "Although it is incredible, this son did destroy all the demonic spiritual gods with lightning speed."

"It is worth mentioning that when he destroyed the candle dragon, he was only a sub-god."

He practices the Law of the Underworld and can watch the scene before death of any life. Almost every demon spirit god was instantly killed by Xian Wu.

Taking advantage of Xian Wu's stay in Fire Dragon City, he went around the main world and found that Xian Wu not only destroyed the demon clan spiritual gods and overthrew the demon clan's rule, but also established huge structures in every region of the Holy Spirit Continent. city.

Xian Wu calls himself the emperor of the human race, which is not an act of arrogance. He has done so much for the human race and is definitely qualified to be called emperor.

In fact, it is a bit tacky to call oneself emperor. It is better to call one's god transcendent.

It can be seen from this that Xian Wu is a common person, and as long as you don't provoke him, you can probably live in peace with him.

"Oh my god, isn't he too strong? A demi-god can destroy the sixth level of Destiny. Now that he is at the first level of Destiny, wouldn't he be able to kill the strong men at the seventh level of Destiny?" Lingyun's mouth opened wide. , as if a cock could be stuffed into it.

This son's talent is simply more powerful than Mingyue Wushuang, the saint of the Tianyin Divine Sect. When Wushuang was in the Earthly Destiny Realm, he also jumped many levels and killed strong men at the sixth level of Destiny.

It's a pity that he is a man. If he were a woman, the sect master would definitely accept him as his disciple and train him carefully.

Alas, it's a pity that the Tianyin Divine Sect does not allow its disciples to get married, otherwise she would really like to become a Taoist couple with this silver-haired handsome boy.

Tianhun swallowed his saliva and said in a hoarse voice: "Since this son can be on equal footing with us, how about letting him choose which sect to go to the Dragon Ruins Realm? If we force him, it is likely to provoke anger. His reverse psychology.”

"Agree!" The other six strong men nodded one after another. They were here to recruit students, and they didn't want to be killed instantly like Zhulong.


Exit from the underworld.

The Jade Seal Family has gone to war with the Wugui Family.

The Witch Ghost Family has always coveted the second position of the Jade Seal Family in Black Rock City. Now that the Jade Seal Family has been severely damaged by the Blood Demon Clan, they are taking the opportunity to eradicate them.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

When it came time to take action, the Wugui Family discovered that the Jade Seal Family had turned out in full force, and all three demi-god-level experts were present.

In a short time, several legendary masters from the Wugui family were killed.

The Wugui Family retreated towards Black Rock City while fighting. Rivers of blood flowed along the way, and corpses were everywhere. Most of them belonged to the Wugui Family, and only a small part belonged to the Jade Seal Family.

The tens of thousands of allied troops from the Wugui family were beaten down to less than two thousand.Before they were all wiped out, the Wugui family decided to make the news of the discovery of the Glory City known to the public.

Upon hearing this, many forces in Black Rock City, like cats that smelled fishy smell, all stepped forward to help the Witch Ghost Family and wanted a piece of the pie.

Except for the Jade Seal Family, a human force in Black Rock City, the rest are all local forces from the Nether Realm. They unite to attack the Jade Seal Family without any sense of guilt.

However, the Blood Demon Clan, the largest force in Black Rock City, did not participate in the battle and chose to sit on the sidelines.

Goulard knew that once the Jade Seal Family was destroyed, Xian Wu would not give up and would definitely come to settle the score.

At that time, everyone who participated in the battle will die.

Although he could get some benefits from helping the Jade Seal Family, Goulard didn't want to do it.

The blood demon clan is also a native of the underworld, so how can they help outsiders beat their own compatriots?Doesn’t that make him a traitor?If word of this gets out, how will he be able to gain a foothold in Black Rock City in the future?

After the major forces in Black Rock City joined the war, the Jade Seal Family began to show signs of collapse.

Three demi-god-level strong men in the family were besieged by six sub-god-level strong men from the alien race, and the legendary-level strong men were crushed by the numbers of the alien coalition forces, let alone those below the legendary level.

The battle outside Blackstone City was extremely brutal. Countless people rolled down the lava, almost filling the gaps in the lava. Corpses piled up like mountains, with severed limbs and arms everywhere. The scene was extremely bloody, like a huge meat grinding mill.

"Jade Seal Family, retreat!" Luo Xiao roared and took out a legendary inscription scroll from the space ring.

The scroll was activated, and a mountain-like treasure seal suppressed the foreign coalition forces with overwhelming force.

The soul shaman of the Wugui family snorted coldly, and while quickly making seals with both hands, he said viciously: "None of you can escape, you all have to die here today."

As the seal technique was performed, endless red light emitted from Shahun's body. His whole body expanded rapidly, and the clothes on his body exploded instantly. Muscles protruded and glowed like rubies.

"Red Blood God Forbidden Technique!!!" The 50-meter-tall giant Shaman Soul roared loudly, raised his fist as big as the head of a truck, and struck the emerald seal in the sky.

Shaman Soul's fist struck hard on the seal summoned by Luo Xiao.

"Split it for me -" Shaman Soul crazily activated the soul sea, exerting the power of soul, body and law to the extreme.


A tiny, undetectable crack began to appear in Luo Xiao's seal. As the Shaman Soul roared, the crack suddenly grew larger, and was eventually torn in half and dissipated like smoke.

"Kill!" Shaman Soul roared like a devil, and gray blood spurted out from his seven orifices. It was obvious that he had suffered severe internal injuries.

However, the Shaman Soul shattered Luo Xiao's seal, and the alien coalition was inspired, and with great momentum, they shouted and killed the Jade Seal Family.

In the previous battle, most of the soldiers of the Jade Seal Family had been lost, and they were unable to resist an enemy force ten times their size.

Just when Luo Xiao was desperate, three figures flew from the sky and landed between the Jade Seal Family and the alien coalition.

"Father, the child is back!" Luo Jian knelt down on one knee and reported.

(End of this chapter)

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