The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 338 Yuyan Goddess and Huahuo Killing God

Chapter 338 Yuyan Goddess and Huahuo Killing God

Without saying a word, Huahuo directly summoned the soul soldier Vulcan cannon from the soul sea, and pointed the muzzle of the twelve barrels at the foreign coalition forces.

Goddess Yuyan stopped Hanabi, stood up and asked: "Who is the representative of the Wugui family? Come out and answer!"

She always remembered Xian Wu's instructions before leaving to find out the human traitors who exposed the location of Glory City.

There are only humans in the Glory City, and if it hadn't been betrayed by human traitors, it would have been impossible for these aliens to know its location.

"Holy crap, who are you? If you tell us, our clan leader will come out, wouldn't it be very shameful?" A legendary powerhouse from a witch ghost family sneered.

Just three people want to turn the tide and defeat the hundreds of thousands of coalition forces in Black Rock City. Are you out of your mind?

"Jie Jie... Big-breasted human woman, if you can play with me, I can ask the clan leader to meet you." A demi-god-level strongman from a witch ghost family said.

Their clan leader Shaman Soul is now seriously injured and is being escorted back to the family territory by another demi-god-level strongman in the family to recuperate. How could he rashly meet a human woman of unknown origin?What if it's an assassin?
"Death!" Goddess Yuyan narrowed her phoenix eyes and burst out with endless killing intent.

She is a high-ranking spiritual god, how can she allow a sub-god-level minion to speak so frivolously.

Endless flames spurted out from the palms of the goddess of language. The two fire pillars converged into one place and turned into a fire snake, rushing towards the alien coalition forces.

"Yenko, let me help you!" Hua Huo roared wildly, and the endless power of the magma law poured into the Vulcan Cannon.


The barrel of the Vulcan cannon rotates slowly, from slow to fast.

Da da da!
Magma bullets rushed towards the alien coalition forces like a flood. In the blink of an eye, they surpassed Yu Yan's fire snake and reached the battlefield in one step.

Before the demi-god-level strongman who had belittled Yuyan with his words could react, his head was shattered by a magma law bullet, and red and white things splashed all over the people around him.

Before the people around them had a chance to wipe themselves, they were blown away by bullets that moved across them, and they died without knowing how.

The underworld is an underground world that does not lack eyes, and certainly does not lack the laws of magma.

This is the main battlefield of Hanabi.

The Flame King Snake controlled by the Yuyan Goddess finally arrived on the battlefield, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed it in one gulp, burning hundreds of alien enemies to ashes.

Then, the Flame King Snake spits out several huge fireballs from its mouth, engulfing the surrounding enemies in flames.

The flames are like maggots clinging to the bones, like a shadow. Once burned, they cannot be extinguished by any means. They can only suffer from the pain of the flames and watch themselves die.

"God, who will save me!"

"The damn family of witches and ghosts actually caused us to provoke such a terrifying existence. Even if I were a ghost, I would never let you go."

"Lord of Hades, your people are being slaughtered, show up and save us!"

The ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

The situation of the alien coalition forces in Black Rock City being massacred was clearly visible to the controller of the Underworld. He clenched his fists and did not take action.

First of all, these guys wanted to attack Xian Wu's territory, and they were burned to death for themselves.

Secondly, Xian Wu's strength is unfathomable and he doesn't want to be his enemy.A few small and inconspicuous families are not worthy of his action.

In the end, he was entrusted by someone to protect the Glory City. Even if Yu Yan and the others didn't take action, he would take action to stop it.


With the concerted efforts of sisters Huahuo and Yuyan, all the alien coalition forces in Black Rock City were wiped out, and no one escaped.

"Oops!" Hanabi slapped her head and suddenly thought of something, "The master asked us to ask how the Wugui family knew about the Glory City. Now that we have killed everyone, who will ask?"

"Lord Saint, there should be remnants of the Witch Ghost Family in Black Rock City. Maybe they know some clues." Luo Jian reported.

"Okay, you lead the way!" Hanabi put the soul weapon Vulcan Cannon into the soul sea.The three of them walked for a long time before Luo Xiao recovered from the shock.

It's terrible, it's really terrible!In just a short cup of tea, the alien coalition forces that almost wiped out their Jade Seal Family were killed to pieces by Xian Wu's two women. It was really terrifying.

If Hanabi aimed her gun at the Jade Seal Family, they would probably be destroyed faster than the alien coalition.

Fortunately, he was on the right team, otherwise the Yuyin family might disappear in this world.

When he returned to the earthly world, it was better to keep his tail between his legs and be an honest man. If Xian Wu was made unhappy, the family inheritance would probably end in his generation.

Black Rock City, a family of witches and ghosts.

Yu Yan finally met the person he wanted to see, Wu Hun, the patriarch of the Wu Gui family.

After Hanabi gave him a few big bucks, he quickly revealed the traitor who betrayed the Glory City.

That person is Ye Zong's adoptive son Ye Han.

He originally joined the Dark Guild, but later the Dark Guild collapsed. He used the City of Glory as a bargaining chip to join the Witch Ghost Family.

"Your Majesty!"

Soon, Ye Han was pressed in front of the three of them by the guards of the Wugui Family.

"Kill him now, or take him back to his master?" Hua Huo asked Yu Yan.

Yu Yan frowned and replied, "Although I really want to cut this human scum into pieces right now, I'd better hand him over to Xian Wu."

The two women escorted Ye Hanfei to the ninth level of death, while Luo Jian flew back to the exit of the underworld alone.

After the war, the Blood Demon Clan became the ultimate winner and completely took Blackstone City into their hands.

After that, Gullard added a taboo to the blood demon clan's rules - never set foot in human territory.

Using the map presented by Xian Wu, Luo Xiao led his tribe to leave the Underworld and head towards the Glory City.

He planned to settle his clansmen in the Glory City first, and then go to the Martial God Capital alone to meet Ye Zong, the prime minister of the Glory Empire.


On the first level of the Nine Layers of Death, there is a large turbid lake.

Xian Wu had already rushed over to join Xiao Ning'er.

From the picture of the controller of the underworld, Xian Wu saw the picture of Hua Huo and Yu Yan massacring the alien coalition forces in Black Rock City.

With the strength of the two of them, it should be no problem to deal with a group of little Karami.

Especially Hua Huo. Her magma bullets have the power of a Peak Destiny. Each shot can destroy a Peak Destiny. She is almost invincible in the world of Little Linglong. Xian Wu doesn't think anything will happen to her.

"Brother Wu, why are you carrying a basket? What's in the basket? Is it delicious?" Xiao Ning'er's watery eyes were full of curiosity.

After following Ye Ziyun around the Nine Layers of Death for several days, she didn't even eat seriously.

The main reason is that the ninth level death place is full of corpses and smelly corpse gas, which greatly affects appetite.

It's better to be by the big turbid lake, the air around is very fresh.

If Xiao Ning'er knew that the bones at the bottom of the lake were piled up like a mountain, she might not think so.

Xian Wu opened the basket, showed it to Xiao Ning'er, and said, "This is not edible, treasure, it is my child."

(End of this chapter)

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