The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 339 The handsome girl Xiao Yu and the corpse dragon

Chapter 339 The handsome girl Xiao Yu and the corpse dragon
"Brother Wu's child?" Xiao Ning'er couldn't believe her ears, covering her glossy cherry lips with shock written all over her face, "Could it be that Brother Wu and Jin Dan..."

It's too perverted!He doesn’t even let go of his own pet. The golden egg is just a big white goose!
"Stop talking nonsense!" Xian Wu knocked Xiao Ning'er's chestnut.

Before he could explain the origin of the egg, the "beautiful boy" with a beautiful face and elegant demeanor spoke: "If I read correctly, the egg in your arms should be from the Firebird family."

Although her adoptive father Qian Dingzhu and Wan asked not to let her have contact with Xian Wu, she just couldn't suppress her curiosity and wanted to get to know him.I don't know why, from the first moment I saw Xian Wu, my heart started beating inexplicably, and my heart was in a state of confusion.

"Brother, I have good eyesight. This egg was indeed born for me by a woman from the Firebird clan. Let me meet you. My name is Xian Wu. The Xian who lifts your hijab is a martial artist with unparalleled martial arts skills." Xian Wu stretched out his hand with a warm smile.

Wow, when you look at her up close, Xiao Yu is even more beautiful. Her smile is like that of a fairy in the sky.

However, she is even less interesting than Goddess Yu Yan. She is a little green and can be regarded as a little fairy at best.

Her elegant, free and uncontested temperament fascinated Xian Wu, and he wanted to discuss the writing of the character "ge" with Xiao Yu right away.

Xiao Yu didn't reach out, just nodded and whispered back: "Xiao Yu."

Xian Wu's eyes were very hot, as if he had seen through his daughter's body. Xiao Yu blushed slightly and turned away shyly.

Seeing the two grown men flirting with each other, Xiao Ning'er swallowed and muttered in a low voice: "Brother Wu, you won't start to like men..."

The women from the Firebird clan that Xian Wu mentioned were most likely Hua Huo.

Except for that female hooligan who groped people's butts everywhere, Xiao Ning'er had never seen any other members of the Firebird clan.

"Okay." Xian Wu stared at Xiao Yu's beautiful back and couldn't help but give a thumbs up. The back is a killer.

Except that she was as flat as an airport, Xiao Yu was almost a perfect woman, so perfect that she wanted to be eaten in one bite.

Just as Xian Wu was thinking about how to improve his relationship with Xiao Yu, a group of demi-god-level experts jumped into the lake.

No one is a fool, and no one wants to be thrown into the lake to feed the fish.

Some weak demon masters fled from the lake shore one after another and spread the news that they would be used as bait, so that no one dared to approach the lake again.

The first level of the Nine Death Lands is mostly filled with black-gold level adventurers. In the eyes of the legendary level, they are like little chickens. They are very self-aware and the treasures in the lake do not belong to them.

After six demi-god-level experts went into the lake to catch fish, the water suddenly boiled and the giant black lizard rushed out of the lake.

Its ferocious and terrifying appearance made Ye Ziyun say "Ah" in fright.

Nie Li puffed up his chest and stood in front of Ye Ziyun. While protecting her, he introduced: "This is a corpse dragon, a kind of snake-like monster. It grows on thousands of corpses, swallows the essence of corpses, and finally takes shape. It is a corpse dragon." A very spiritual creature."

"Adult corpse dragons generally have legendary strength. Every 1000 years, their strength will jump up. When it reaches more than [-] years, they can rival spiritual gods."

The corpse dragon in the lake is obviously not of the spirit god level, otherwise, those demigod level powerhouses who jumped into the lake would definitely be wiped out and turned into a pile of bones at the bottom of the lake.

The demi-god-level strong men rushed out of the lake one after another, flying in the air, attacking the corpse dragon, snatching the red orb above its head, and attacking other competitors.

If it were a demi-god level powerhouse, the corpse dragon could still deal with it, but with a group of demi-god level powerhouses, the corpse dragon was clearly no match.

The corpse dragon roared wildly, opened its huge snake mouth, and sprayed out balls of turbid water from its throat.

Since they didn't know what those water balls were, everyone didn't dare to hit them head-on, so they all dodged.

An unlucky person was hit by a water polo, and the poisonous water scattered across his head and face. Once the skin was contaminated by the poisonous water, it would rot and fester instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the demi-god-level powerhouse was corroded into a specimen of human skeletal muscle. He howled and "plopped" into the turbid lake water, dyeing a large area of ​​water red. "It's too scary!" Ye Ziyun covered her eyes, her body shaking like chaff, and she didn't dare to look any further.

There were also water balls flying towards the shore, but Nie Li crushed the Guardian Stone and protected him and Ye Ziyun inside.

Xiao Yu originally wanted to hide, but Xian Wu took the initiative to hold up an invisible soul force barrier and blocked the incoming poisonous water ball for her.

"Thank you..." Xiao Yu's voice was very soft and soft, like a mosquito, a little shy.

Staying with this man made her feel inexplicably safe, even more comfortable than staying with her adoptive father.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Xian Wu waved his hands, suddenly his waist hurt.

Turning around, he found Xiao Ning'er pinching her waist and glaring at him angrily. A corner of her clothes was corroded by poisonous water.

"Are you okay Ning'er, are you injured anywhere?" Xian Wu picked up Xiao Ning'er and checked her up and down. He found that she was fine except for her clothes being torn.

Patting his head, Xian Wu suddenly thought of something and took out a green ball from the space ring.

This bead was a trophy he got from killing the pair of gay beasts. According to Nie Li, it could absorb toxins.

It looks like a bead on the outside, but in fact it should be the demon crystal of a demon beast, a special organ of the demon beast that absorbs the elements of heaven and earth.

You only need to use soul power to control the absorption and release of demon crystals.

The various magical combat skills of monsters and beasts are based on this principle.

Taking out the green poison bead and injecting soul power, an invisible vortex was formed, and traces of poisonous elements were extracted from the poisonous water ball and submerged into the green poison bead.

The turbid poisonous water ball instantly turned into a pure water ball.

Since the water polo became colorless and transparent, those demi-god-level experts were unable to dodge and were all hit by the water polo and flew away.

"Ah! I'm disfigured!"

"I call you sister, it's just ordinary water, not poisonous water!"

"Look, that kid sucked all the toxins away."

"Thank you brother."

"The green bead in his hand seems to be an amazing treasure."

Without the worry of being corroded by the poisonous water, the morale of the demi-god-level experts soared and they rushed forward to fight the corpse dragon again.

Although the corpse dragon has rough skin and thick flesh, it cannot withstand the bombardment of everyone.

The furious corpse dragon activated the blood-red orb embedded in the forehead and between the eyebrows.

The bloody energy spread, and two slender dragon whiskers grew from the corners of the corpse dragon's mouth. The black scales gradually turned into red scales, and its size slowly expanded to a height of 80 meters.

The blood-colored corpse dragon's iron tail suddenly flew away at a speed as fast as lightning. A demi-god-level strongman was unable to dodge and was cut into two pieces, falling instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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