The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 340 Yuyan and Hanabi Akira are here

Chapter 340 Yuyan and Hanabi are back
"Blood God's Palm!!!" A demigod-level powerhouse named Cang Ming gave a loud roar, and immediately turned into a series of red palm prints, slapped on the body of the corpse dragon, and let out "bang bang bang" the sound of.

Although the corpse dragon's scales were strengthened with the help of the red orb, in front of Cang Ming's Xue Ming Divine Palm, they were as thin as window paper and could be broken with a single poke.

Pieces of bloody scales were beaten to pieces by Cang Ming. Scarlet blood mixed with fine scales flowed down the corpse dragon's strong body and fell into the water, dyeing a large area of ​​the lake red.


The corpse dragon howled in pain, opened its bloody mouth, and bit into Cang Ming. Its two ferocious black front teeth were like two steel knives, cutting towards Cang Ming.

Cang Ming didn't dare to confront him head-on, and quickly flew away to escape.

The corpse dragon followed closely behind, as if he would not give up until Cang Ming was swallowed into his belly.

Xiao Yu stood on his arms and observed the battle situation in mid-air.

Xian Wu held the egg in his arms and stood next to Xiao Yu with a shy face, shoulder to shoulder with her, stealing glances from time to time.

He thought he was able to take aim without anyone noticing, but in fact, Xiao Yu was keenly aware of everything.

"Brother Wu, do you have something to say to me?" Xiao Yu squinted his eyes and asked with a warm smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Xiao Yu didn't hate Xian Wu, he just didn't like the feeling of being spied on.

She had an intuition that Xian Wu seemed to have seen through her daughter's body and wanted to pursue her.

For some special reason, she couldn't expose it. Even if Xian Wu was interested in her, she could only refuse.

Xian Wu scratched his face with his fingers and asked with a smile: "Most of the underworld's families are from foreign races. There are only a few human families, and I know them all. Which family are brothers Xiao Yu from?"

"A small family is not worth mentioning." Xiao Yu clasped his hands behind his back and did not answer.

"On the contrary, Brother Wu can comprehend the power of three laws at the same time and condense three gods. It is really admirable. I wonder, which family in the underworld does Brother Wu belong to?"

Xiao Yu dropped the topic.

"I am not a native of the Nether Realm. I come from the main world. The reason why I came to the Nether Realm is to accompany my wife back to her parents' home to visit relatives." Xian Wu answered sincerely.

To be honest, after observing closely, Xian Wu found that Xiao Yu's figure was very thin, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

Although Xiao Ning'er was a little thin, her figure was perfect, while Xiao Yu was too thin and full of skinny bones.

After she passes the exam, she must eat more meat, eggs, and milk to supplement her nutrition. What will happen if the child has no milk to drink and suffers from stunted growth?
Maybe it's because of her thinness that others can't see her female figure.

"Oh? The main world? If you have time another day, Brother Wu must take me to the main world to see it." Xiao Yu smiled.

"No problem!" Xian Wu agreed.

"Xiao Yu, how did you see that my brother Wu has comprehended the power of the three laws?" Xiao Ning'er asked curiously, why couldn't she see it?

She met Xiao Yu when she was adventuring on the first level of the Nine Layers of Death. He was polite and kind to others. He was completely different from the other adventurers. He was like a white lotus that emerged from the mud and remained unstained.

Xiao Yu had helped her many times, and the two of them became familiar with each other.

However, Xiao Ning'er didn't have the kind of love between men and women for Xiao Yu. She only had Xian Wu in her heart.

Xiao Yu's identity is very mysterious and his strength is unfathomable. She still hasn't figured out what Xiao Yu's cultivation is.

"Ning'er, as long as you pay attention, you can feel it. Do you need me to teach you step by step?" Xiao Yu turned around slightly, faced Xiao Ning'er, and said with a smile.

Hand in hand?Xiao Ning'er refused again and again. She didn't want to have physical contact with other men.

Nie Li rolled his mechanical eyeballs, not understanding why Xian Wu would watch his woman being molested by other men. "I can't feel it either, you can teach me too." Nie Li stopped in front of Xiao Yu.

As Xian Wu's adoptive father, he must prevent his future daughter-in-law from being harassed by other men.

Xiao Yu frowned slightly: "Spirit puppets cannot feel the power of the law, and teaching you is useless." After saying that, Xiao Yu turned around, leaving Nie Li with a beautiful look on the back of his head.

"Hey, sissy." Nie Li muttered.

"Who are you talking about?" Xiao Yu turned around and glared at Nie Li.

Nie Li was not afraid: "Who do you think I'm talking about!"

Seeing that the two were about to fight, Xian Wu quickly held Dan and pulled the two away.

"Don't touch me!" Xiao Yu separated Xian Wu's big hand that was pushing towards his chest, a flush appeared on his handsome face.

This guy must have done it on purpose, Xiao Yu firmly believed.

Xian Wu shrugged innocently. He swore to God that he was really just trying to start a fight.

At this moment, two red lights flashed across the sky.

Xian Wu looked closely and saw that Hua Huo and Yu Yan were back, carrying a person tied into a rice dumpling.

"Brother Ye Han?" Ye Ziyun's eyes widened, "Why did you appear in the Underworld?"

"Ziyun, save me, these two crazy women are going to kill me!" Ye Han was like a big insect, writhing crazily on the ground.

Crazy woman?Hua Huo and Yu Yan looked fierce at the same time, one raised their legs and the other clenched their fists, wishing to beat Ye Han to pieces on the spot.

"What's going on?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully, holding the egg.

Could it be said that Ye Han betrayed Glory City?If this is the case, even if Ye Han is Ye Ziyun's biological brother, he will not be allowed to stay.

With his eyes turning, Xian Wu activated the "Charm Technique" on Ye Han, asking him to tell him the whole story.

It turned out that Ye Han was caught by members of the Dark Guild when he was training in the Sacred Ancestor Mountain Range, and put on soul shackles, so he could only obey the orders of the Dark Guild.

Later, the Dark Guild was destroyed, and he was helpless in Black Rock City, so he could only betray the City of Glory and seek refuge with the Witch Ghost Family.

"This man betrayed the City of Glory and betrayed the human race. Death will not be a pity!" Nie Li popped out a cold-light arm sword from his arm.

Before he could take action, Ye Han's chest was pierced by Goddess Yu Yan's fire fist, and then his whole body was burned into a pile of ashes.

Ye Ziyun crushed the ice jade bracelet Ye Han gave her with a click and threw it on the ground. She did not expect Ye Han to be such a person.


The battle in the sky is still going on. With the blessing of the blood-colored orb, the zombie dragon's ability to withstand attacks is so abnormal that a group of demi-god-level strongmen can't do anything to it.

However, as time goes by, the color of the blood-colored orb gradually fades, and the corpse dragon will soon be unable to support it.

"Ning'er, do you like this blood-colored orb?" Xian Wu still remembered the promise to give Xiao Ning'er a treasure, "As long as you nod, I'll fetch it and give it to you right away."

Xiao Ning'er is one of the most important women in his life, how could he favor one over the other.

"Master doesn't need to take action, I'll get it for sister Ning'er!" Hua Huo shook his eyebrows at Xiao Ning'er, and then summoned the soul weapon Vulcan Cannon from the soul sea.

(End of this chapter)

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