The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 341 Xiao Yu’s Law of Water

Chapter 341 Xiao Yu’s Law of Water

Over the Great Lake, a demi-god-level strongman named Mu Ye took out a mysterious thunder gun.

Just as he was about to throw the thunder gun to kill the corpse dragon, the corpse dragon, sensing the danger, summoned hundreds of small corpse dragons from the lake. They were all black gold level and had very strong bodies.

Some strong men who were caught off guard were bitten by the little corpse dragon and dragged into the turbid lake water.

Cang Ming struck out with a "Blood God's Palm", shattering a zombie dragon that came up from below, and then quickly swept away into the distance.

Mu Ye rotated the thunder gun and rained down powerful thunderbolts, mercilessly crushing the corpse dragon that bit it.

Other demi-god level experts also tried their best.

As the small corpse dragons died one after another, the red orb on the forehead of the large corpse dragon suddenly became more ruddy.

The corpse dragon actually used the method of sacrificing his offspring to restore his own strength.

Da da da!
Before the Corpse Jiao fully recovered its strength, its neck was abruptly broken by the ferocious soul shell, and its huge head crashed down from a height of tens of meters.

"Who? Who killed the Corpse Dragon?" Mu Ye followed the source of the soul bullet storm and saw Hua Huo at a glance, "Who am I? It turned out to be the arrogant bitch from the Firebird clan."

He, Cang Ming and Hanabi are the top geniuses in the Nether Realm, and they are in a competitive relationship with each other. Especially in this selection of disciples by the master of the Nether Realm, the relationship is naturally not much better.

"You are the bitch! Your whole family is a bitch! I mean your uncle! I mean your ancestors!" Hua Huo's long ears are not just for decoration. Her hearing is so good that she can even hear Lu Piao secretly farting.

Hanabi jumped the muzzle of the Vulcan Cannon, aimed the crosshair at Muye, and directly fired her ultimate weapon, the magma cannon.

Da da da!
Cang Ming, who was killing small corpse dragons, suffered a terrible disaster. The hot magma cannon flew past his scalp and plowed a furrow between his hair.

"Ah! My head is hot, hot, hot, burnt to death!" Cang Ming covered her head and fell into the lake.

The small corpse dragons stared at each other with wide eyes, and then with a cruel smile on their faces, they got into the lake one after another and flocked to Cang Ming.

Mu Ye's protective armor was directly exploded. Not everyone could withstand the power of the peak-grade cannonball.

Although Mu Ye fought against Huahuo's magma shells with the mysterious thunder gun in his hand, he couldn't exert the true power of the thunder gun, and could only watch his thunder and lightning being smashed by the magma shells.

Before Mu Ye could open his mouth to surrender, he was blasted by the Vulcan cannon, as if he had been eaten by a pack of wild dogs.

From Hanabi pulling the trigger to Muye's death, the whole process took less than five seconds. The power of the Vulcan Cannon was still very terrifying.

Xian Wu swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the boy is so damn tough.

"Boom!" The lake suddenly exploded, and a big bloody ball rose into the sky and quickly fled into the distance.

That bloody big ball is nothing but Cang Ming.

Seeing that Mu Ye and Cang Ming all withdrew from the fight, the other demi-god-level experts did not dare to compete with Hanabi for the treasure, so they all retreated with their tails between their legs.

"Ning'er, I'll get you the orb." Nie Li moved his mechanical arm, ready to go down to the lake to retrieve the head.

He is a spiritual puppet, does not need oxygen, and can move freely underwater like a fish.

"Don't bother, I'll get it for Ning'er." Xiao Yu spoke slowly and pulled out a jade hand from behind.

As her orchid fingers lifted up, the lake water trembled "squeaky", and water jets soared into the sky, lifting the huge continent of the corpse dragon and transporting it to the shore.

Xian Wu's eyes narrowed and he flattered him: "Brother Xiao Yu actually understands the law of water to such an extent. It's really amazing."

The five elements complement each other, and the law of water is the nemesis of the law of fire and the law of magma.However, it will only be restrained when the law of water is stronger than the law of fire, otherwise it will be countered.

Although Xiao Yu understood the law of water, he was no match for the goddess Yu Yan, and was only slightly stronger than Hua Huo.

Hua Huo possesses the Magma Godhead, and it won't take long for him to be promoted to Spiritual God. It will only take a matter of minutes to surpass Xiao Yu.

"Brother Wu is so impressed. You have understood the three laws. That's how powerful you are." Xiao Yu took off the blood-colored orb, bent over again, raised his round and cute little buttocks, and used Mu Ye's mysterious thunder gun Picked it up.

Xian Wu took a sneak peek and his Adam's apple couldn't help but twitch. Xiao Yu's bending action was so pretty.

"We don't need that person anymore, so give them to Ning'er as well." Xiao Yu handed the blood-colored orb and the mysterious thunder gun to Xiao Ning'er, and then shook his eyebrows at Nie Li provocatively.

Nie Li smiled disdainfully. He was the emperor now, how could he get angry with a sissy?

"Thank you Xiao Yu, thank you Huahua, thank you Brother Wu." Xiao Ning'er took the treasure and was overjoyed.

Xian Wu touched his nose in embarrassment. He just moved his mouth and didn't help in any way.

"You're welcome, my sister will protect you from now on!" Huahuo patted Xiao Ning'er's little butt carelessly, laughing loudly.

Xian Wu borrowed Xiao Ning'er's red orb and examined it carefully, it contained a strong breath of life.

"It feels so familiar..." Xian Wu put the orb under his nose and smelled it, and suddenly realized: "It's the Scarlet Fountain!"

The liquid in the orb should be the scarlet spring purified by the zombie dragon after devouring the living life.

No wonder the corpse dragon can fight for a long time with the orb. It turns out that it uses the scarlet spring inside to recover from its injuries.

After Ning'er refines the scarlet spring inside, maybe she can make use of this container.

After getting rid of the corpse dragon, everyone has no reason to stay here anymore.

There was not much time left to open the seventh level of the Nine Levels of Death, so Xian Wu decided to join Du Ze, Lu Piao and the others first.

With the help of "Sky Eye", Xian Wu successfully found three groups of people.

"Brother Wu, we collected a lot of Lingyuan Fruits!" Lu Piao took out a large wooden basin from the space ring, which was filled with large and small Lingyuan Fruits.

Xian Wu picked one up, wiped it clean with his sleeve, and took a bite. It was sour and sweet, just like hawthorn.

Heaven, material and earth treasures are of no use to him, no matter how much he eats, he can't improve his cultivation, it's just a taste of something new.

At this time, everyone has come to the hinterland of the first floor of the Nine Layers of Death, and there are skeleton soldiers who are hostile to life everywhere.

Goddess Yu Yan burned it and everything was destroyed.

Swish swish!
Suddenly, several sub-god-level strong breaths passed through the sky. Among them were many familiar figures, many of whom had participated in the siege and killing of the corpse dragon.

"What are these people doing? Did they find another treasure?" Nie Li asked.

"Then what are you waiting for? Come over and take a look!" Lu Piao took the lead and flew over blankly.

The crowd followed.

(End of this chapter)

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