The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 342 The Ancient Tomb of the Death Spirit God

Chapter 342 The Ancient Tomb of the Death Spirit God

In the deepest part of the first level of the Nine Layers of Death, a huge and gloomy mausoleum slowly rises from the ground.

The surroundings of the tomb are covered with dense mysterious inscriptions, and a door leading to the tomb appears in front of everyone.

A huge skeleton appeared in the sky above the mausoleum. It was wearing tattered armor, covered with spikes, and holding a white bone axe. The power of the law of death lingered around it.

Fifty or sixty demi-god-level experts stood far away in the sky with expressions of ecstasy.

"It's actually the broken godhead of the Death God?!"

A demi-god-level powerhouse's understanding of the power of law has reached a very high level, and he only needs an opportunity to be promoted to a spiritual god.

The divine personality of the Spiritual God is such an opportunity.

"The Godhead of the Death Spirit God? I didn't expect that there is such a thing hidden on the first floor of the Nine Layers of Death. Why didn't I find it before?" Xiao Yu muttered, whispering, full of curiosity about the huge mausoleum.

If you can obtain the godhead of the Death Spirit God, you may be able to advance to the realm of destiny.

She has been at the peak of legend for many years, but she has not been able to break through to the realm of destiny, and she does not want to miss this opportunity.

Lu Piao and the other six are also very coveted for the god of death.

The seven people flew through the air and quickly flew towards the Skeleton General, joining the ranks of those fighting for the godhood.

Nie Li was a spirit puppet and could not refine his godhead, so he did not go.

Ye Ziyun already possessed the Fengxue Godhead and did not go.Now she just needs to continue to understand the laws of wind and snow. She does not have the talent of Xian Wu, and one law of wind and snow is enough for her to understand.

Hua Huo and Xiao Ning'er were in the same situation.

Goddess Yu Yan was not interested in the godhead of death, but was very interested in the eggs in Xian Wu's arms.

She and Xian Wu have been together for a long time, and there has been no movement in her stomach for a long time. Could it be that tens of thousands of years have passed, and her land has been barren and extinct?

"Xian Wu, can you let me hug you?" Goddess Yu Yan stared longingly at the precious egg in Xian Wu's arms, like a hen eager to hatch.

Xian Wu didn't say anything, but Hua Huo was very generous. He took off the basket and stuffed it into Yu Yan's arms with great skill.

That's not an ordinary egg, that's our child. How could you treat it so rudely!

Xianwu glared at Hanabi angrily.

Hua Huo came over carelessly, put her arms around Xian Wu's neck and asked for a kiss.

The shooting just now consumed a lot of her soul power, and now she wanted Xian Wu to recharge it for her.

"How about we go sit in the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits?" Nie Li didn't want to eat Xian Wu's dog food, so he suggested.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll go too!" Hua Huo let go of Xian Wu and moved closer.

She just wanted to borrow the endless time and space of the Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits to completely refine her godhead.

Xian Wu blinked his eyes, and the surrounding area was empty except for him.

Extremely bored, he walked towards the tomb of the Death God.

The law of death is the top law second only to the laws of chaos, light, darkness, time and space. If it can be captured, the power of Fang Tian's painted halberd will definitely increase to a higher level.

In the sky, more than 60 demi-god-level experts and skeleton generals started a shocking battle.

Lu Piao wanted to get past the Skeleton General and enter the tomb directly, but was blocked by the Skeleton General.

If Xiao Yu hadn't condensed the law of water into a shield to cover Lu Piao, his head might no longer be pressed against his neck. "Thank you! Thank you for saving Lu Piao." Xiao Xue was so excited that she almost cried.

Xiao Yu looked calm and reminded expressionlessly: "Get out of here quickly. You are too weak. It is not worth it to lose your life for a death godhead."

"Well, let's leave now!" Xiao Xue nodded gratefully, pulled Lu Piao's ears, and dragged him away.

Under the cover of Xiao Yu, Du Ze and others also retreated.

Their attacks were so bad that they couldn't even break through the Skeleton General's armor, and those who stayed would have to die in vain.

On the way to retreat, Xiao Yu met Xian Wu, who was strolling among the piles of skeletons with his hands behind his back.

"Brother Wu, are you also interested in the Death Godhead?" Xiao Yu's clothes fell gracefully, like a beautiful swallowtail butterfly.

If Xian Wu also participated in the fight, she would probably have no chance of the Death Godhead.

It can be seen that Xiao Yu wants the death godhead, and a gentleman does not take what others like, so Xian Wu decides to give up the competition.

"I'm not interested. I just came here to take a look. If brother Xiao Yu needs help, I am willing to help." Xian Wu looked directly into Xiao Yu's eyes and spoke sincerely.

Xiao Yu lowered his head in panic, avoiding Xian Wu's gaze, and whispered in a low voice: "That big skeleton is very powerful, and even fifty or sixty demi-god-level experts can't get close to it."

"It has been guarding the door of the tomb, preventing people from approaching it. It seems that there is something very precious hidden inside."

As he spoke, Xiao Yu took out a piece of thin cloth from the space ring, two meters square, covered with various strange translucent inscriptions.

"Brother Wu, if we cover our bodies with this piece of cloth and activate the inscriptions on it, we can hide our whereabouts, avoid the sight of the big skeleton, and go directly to the tomb." Xiao Yu's handsome face was a little blushing. If it were Xian Wu What should I do if I touch her?
Unfortunately, Xiao Yu's worries were unnecessary.

Xian Wu waved his hand: "You can hide yourself, I can become invisible myself." After saying that, Xian Wu activated his invisibility combat skill and disappeared from Xiao Yu's face.

"Brother Wu?" Xiao Yu frowned. She actually couldn't detect Xian Wu's location.

"I'm right by your side, we can set off." Xian Wu's voice came from Xiao Yu's ears.

Waves of hot wind blew against his ears, and Xiao Yu's face turned even redder.

Xiao Yu's thoughts were very confused now. He didn't know whether Xian Wu was a gentleman or a stinky gangster who ate from the bowl and looked at the pot.

Covering it with invisible gauze, Xiao Yu walked towards the tomb while listening to the "thumping" of his heart.

Xian Wu followed closely behind, conscientiously serving as the flower protector.

He had to eat the rice one bite at a time and taste the tea one bite at a time. Xian Wu enjoyed the process of slowly increasing his relationship with Xiao Yu.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the entrance of the ancient tomb together.

It was a huge stone door with various mysterious inscriptions carved on it. There were also two grooves on the door, which should be where keys were placed.

"Brother Wu, come and watch for me while I decipher the inscription on the door." Xiao Yu whispered.

"Then you have to hurry up, my invisible time is running out." Xian Wu's voice was urgent.

It takes a lot of soul power to block the perception of a strong person with a destiny level. Even if he has the Nightmare Demon Pot, he can't sustain it for long.

Xiao Yu softly said "Hmm" and began to immerse himself in deciphering the inscriptions on the door.

In fact, Xian Wu had the strength to kill General Skeleton and drive away those annoying demi-god-level experts.

But in that case, he would not be able to further improve his relationship with Xiao Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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