The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 344 Snatching the Godhead of Death

Chapter 344 Snatching the Godhead of Death
"Boy, give me the woman in your arms, and I may consider sparing you." The Death God suddenly stopped.

He felt the powerful aura of the spiritual god from Xian Wu's body. If he were to confront him head-on, he would probably suffer a loss.

He has now only recovered to the level of demi-god, and is completely unable to compete with opponents at the level of spiritual gods.

The Death God's words made Xian Wu laugh: "Spare me? I think you don't understand at all."

"Understand? What do you understand?" The Death God took a step back. He was frightened by Xian Wu's creepy smile.

The Skeleton General flew in front of the Death Spirit God, holding the bone ax tightly in both hands, staring at Xian Wu warily.

"Put me down!" Xiao Yu struggled wildly in Xian Wu's arms.

Xian Wu's embrace was very warm and safe, and she was afraid that she would be trapped in it and unable to extricate herself.

Xiao Yu's beautiful little face now turned purple, and she was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

Xian Wu scratched his face awkwardly with his fingers. Xiao Yu's ice muscles and jade bones felt so comfortable that he didn't want to let go.

With a dry cough, Xian Wu approached Xiao Yu, who had his head lowered, and said, "Brother Xiao Yu, please wait here for a moment. I will bring the Death Godhead to you right away."

"No need..." Before Xiao Yu could finish his words, Xian Wu suddenly disappeared.

When he saw Xian Wu again, he had already appeared above the tomb.

"Secret Technique: Disintegration of Godhead!" Xian Wu was half-crouching on the tomb, thinking silently in his heart.

The Death Spirit God just wanted the Skeleton General to attack Xian Wu, but he lost consciousness in the next second.

His remnant soul resides on the godhead, and once he loses the godhead, his soul will fly away.

Grabbing the broken Death Godhead in his hand, Xian Wu kicked off his legs and flew up quickly.


The tomb supported by four legs collapsed, and the skeleton general turned into huge pieces of white bones and fell to the ground.

"Send it to you." Returning to the original place, Xian Wu held the godhead in both hands and handed it to Xiao Yu with clear eyes.

It is too worthwhile for a small godhead to exchange for the heart of a beauty.

"I can't accept such a valuable thing. Brother Wu should keep it for himself." Xiao Yu didn't dare to ask for it.

She doesn't want to owe Xian Wu any favors, especially after Xian Wu knows that his daughter is pregnant.

Some demi-god-level strong men who had escaped from death flew over.

"Little brother, since he doesn't want it, how about you sell your godhood to me? I'll pay you [-] raw demon crystal stones."

"Ten thousand demon crystals? You are fooling a three-year-old child! Don't listen to him, I will give you [-] million demon crystals."

"You two turtles are laughing at each other - each other. Little brother, I have a priceless treasure here, how about exchanging it with you?"

Xian Wu turned his head to look, and found that the man was holding a ball containing the law of fire in his hand.

"Priceless treasure? I have it too!" Xian Wu took out the Snowstorm Orb from the interspatial ring.

The Wind and Snow Orb was found by him in the Black Prison World, and it contains infinite laws of wind and snow.

Xian Wu sensed a mysterious energy in it, which was purer than the power of law. It would be a pity to give it to Ye Ziyun. He would wait until he could understand that mysterious power.

"You have one too?" The demi-god-level strongman was stunned, "Then do you mind having one more?"

"What do you think?" Xian Wu forced the Death Godhead into Xiao Yu's little Rouyi hand and faced the demi-god-level powerhouse.

The demi-god-level powerhouses who had been imprisoned by the Death Spirit crawled out of the ruins one by one.

In the blink of an eye, Xian Wu and Xiao Yu were surrounded by fifty or sixty demi-god-level powerhouses.

"Boom!" The demi-god-level strongman holding the flame spirit bead suddenly took action. He suddenly activated the spirit bead, and a ball of scorching flames containing the aura of destruction was sprayed towards the two of them.


"The Death Godhead is mine, no one can steal it from me!"

"Fart your mother, the godhead of death is mine!"

Fifty or sixty demi-god-level powerful men took action together. In the face of huge interests, they seemed to have forgotten that it was Xian Wu who defeated the Death Spirit God and saved his life.Xian Wu smiled contemptuously, snapped his fingers, and the world instantly fell into darkness.

Xiao Yu looked around, unable to see anything clearly. He was completely disoriented and felt terrified.

Suddenly, she felt her hand being held.

Immediately afterwards, Xian Wu's familiar voice came: "Let's go, let them bite dogs themselves!"

Holding that big warm hand, Xiao Yu hummed lightly.

The law of darkness can devour all light and deprive all perception. It is a very overbearing and unreasonable law.

Leaving the area covered by the Dark Law, light reappeared in Xiao Yu's eyes.

"Brother Wu, thank you..." Xiao Yu lowered his head and put his hands behind his back, not daring to look directly at Xian Wu.

"You're welcome, I'm willing to die for you." Xian Wu said affectionately as he pocketed the flame spirit bead.

The ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

Looking at the two young men and women hugging each other, the seven strong men were stunned.

"Ming Fei, that boy kidnapped your precious daughter." Tian Hun from Hunyuan Shen Sect reminded.

The controller of the underworld snorted coldly: "I have eyes, I need you to remind me!"

"Don't be angry, you should be happy when lovers finally get married." Lingyun smiled sweetly.

Ming Fei glanced sideways at Ling Yun, and then called Xiao Yu.


"I'm sorry, Brother Wu, my adoptive father suddenly sent me a message that I have to leave." Xiao Yu reluctantly left Xian Wu's warm embrace.

Xian Wu smiled slightly: "Go ahead."

"The seventh level of the Ninth Layer of Death has been opened. Will you take part in the selection test for the Master of the Nether Realm?" Xiao Yu's eyes were full of anticipation.

"If you let me go, I will go; if you don't let me go, I won't go. I will obey you." Xian Wu stood with his hands behind his back, his face full of doting.

"I think you should go." Xiao Yu smiled and turned around, leaving Xian Wu with a beautiful back of his head.

Watching Xiao Yu leave, Xian Wu felt reluctant.

Swish swish!
Nie Li and others suddenly ran out of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits and met up with Du Ze, Lu Piao and others.

Xian Wu flew over and found that Xiao Ning'er and Hua Hua had already broken through and become spiritual gods. Ye Ziyun was still a little behind, but she was only close to the goal.

"The apprentice selection test has already started, let's hurry up!" Lu Piao urged furiously.

Xian Wu took the precious egg from Yu Yan's arms, hung it on his chest again, and asked, "How is it, Yan? Has it hatched?"

"No. It seems that only you can hatch this egg." Goddess Yu Yan shook her head, her face full of disappointment.

"Don't be so unhappy. I'll give you a gift." Xian Wu took out the Flame Spirit Pearl.

At this time, a demi-god-level strongman rushed out of the dark law realm.

Following his shout, other demi-god-level experts all rushed out.

"Give me back the Flame Spirit Pearl!"

"The Godhead of Death is in his hands, don't let him escape."

"Stop, leave the death godhead behind, and spare your life!"

Fifty or sixty demigod-level powerhouses rushed over aggressively.

"Can it be killed?"


With Xian Wu's authorization, Hanabi summoned the soul weapon Vulcan Cannon.

(End of this chapter)

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