The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 345 Participating in the Selection Test

Chapter 345 Participating in the Selection Test
After getting rid of the annoying guys, Xian Wu and his team quickly flew out of the first floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

After breaking through to the realm of spiritual gods, Hanabi's strength has reached a higher level, and every magma cannonball has a star-level power.

If you touch it, you will die, if you rub it, you will be injured. All those fifty or sixty demi-god-level strong men with no eyes were shot to death.

They didn't die in Hanabi's hands, they died in their own greed.

If they don't snatch the death godhead, they will live very well.

Leaving the first floor of the Nine Layers of Death, a huge vortex appeared in the thick fog.

A large group of black-gold-level powerhouses rushed into the vortex from the ground, and those legendary-level powerhouses must have flown in ahead of time.

Xian Wu took the lead and flew into the whirlpool, followed closely by Yu Yan, Hua Huo, Xiao Ning'er, and Nie Li and others at the rear.

For Xian Wu, the disciple selection test for the master of the underworld is more like a blind date ceremony.

As long as he can show enough talent and strength, the controller of the underworld will definitely not refuse this marriage.

After entering the vortex, everyone entered a tunnel.

If you keep walking along the tunnel, you can directly reach the seventh floor of the Nine Death Land from the first floor of the Nine Death Land.

Below the tunnel is an ancient battlefield, with human and demon corpses everywhere.

Xian Wu held Egg in his arms and reached out to hold the soft little hand of Goddess Yu Yan.

With their fingers crossed and their palms facing each other, Xian Wu's warmth slightly lifted Goddess Yu Yan's depressed mood.

After leaving the tunnel, everyone reached the seventh floor. A circular inscription array rose under everyone's feet.

Without the inscription array, some candidates with lower cultivation levels would fall into the endless abyss at their feet.

The seventh floor of the Ninth Level Death Land is full of bottomless ravines. If you fall into them, you will most likely die.

The number of people who participated in the selection of disciples by the master of the underworld was very large, tens of thousands of people, and they were as dark as a group of ants waking up from the rain.

When all the candidates entered the seventh level of the Nine Death Lands, the vortex slowly closed and the tunnel disappeared.

Not long after, several figures standing proudly appeared in the sky, each wearing silver armor, five or six meters tall, with black wings on their backs, giving people endless oppressive power.

They are the servant gods of the controller of the underworld, and each one has sub-god-level combat power.

"Everyone be quiet!" The voice of the servant god was very loud, like a large stereo, suppressing all the buzzing discussions of tens of thousands of people.

"The test begins!" Another servant god solemnly announced.

The third servant waved his hand, and the power of law in the void immediately turned into tens of thousands of pieces, and flew down in front of everyone, fully condensing into a water polo the size of a football.

The water polo is transparent, with a thin line in the middle, like a spherical mercury thermometer.

The third attendant introduced loudly: "What hangs in front of you is the ball of reflection. You only need to inject soul power or power of law into it, and control it to extend along the thin line in the center. If it exceeds one foot, it will be considered qualified."

As soon as the servant god finished speaking, someone started impatiently.

Bang bang bang!
As soon as some people injected some soul power, the reflection ball in front of them suddenly exploded.

Before those contestants understood what was going on, the circular inscription array under their feet lit up, eliminating them from the competition and teleporting them to the entrance to the first floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

Somei, who had been shaved into an "anti-Mohawk" by Hanabi, was sweating profusely as he injected the power of law into the ball of reflection, controlling it to climb upwards, reaching a position of three feet.

Du Ze, Lu Piao, Xiao Xue, Zhang Ming, Wei Nan and Zhu Junxiang reached the five-foot position.

Ye Ziyun reached the six-foot position.The four spiritual gods Xian Wu, Yu Yan, Hua Huo and Xiao Ning'er reached the end directly without breaking.

Nie Li did not participate in the test. He was taken into the space ring by Xian Wu before entering the maelstrom.

"Holy shit, it's already full? Where did the four great gods come from!" The eyes of the attendant gods almost popped out of their heads.

"Are you here to participate in the selection of disciples, or are you here to cause trouble?"

"He's a spirit god, why are you here to cause trouble? Can you give those who are not spirit gods a chance?"

After a cup of tea, the selection is over.

There were more than 20 to [-] people when they came, but after one round of selection, only a few thousand people remained.

"You guys have passed the first round of tests. Next, I will send you to the eighth floor of the Nine Death Lands, where someone will conduct the second round of tests on you." The first servant god announced with a loud voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, the circular inscription arrays at the feet of each contestant lit up, carrying everyone to the eighth level in front.

The eighth floor is a vast wilderness, which is dry and cracked everywhere. The cracks are full of flames, and scorching air waves are gushing everywhere.

If those black-gold level candidates were not protected by the inscription array, they would probably be burned to death by the heat wave.

Not long after the candidates arrived, a patron god with golden wings appeared.

The Golden Wing Goddess glanced at the thousands of people below, and said coldly: "In this wasteland, there is a black flame tower, which was left by a super strong man."

"This tower contains the supreme power of black flames. You need to practice in the scorching black flames for ten days. Only when you reach a selfless state of mind can you pass."

"You can go now! Remember, you only have ten days."

As soon as the voice of the servant god fell, a group of impatient and powerful men flew towards the Black Flame Tower in the distance.

The closer to the Tower of Black Flame, the more violent the surrounding air waves become and the hotter the temperature becomes.

The power of the black flames was irresistible and penetrated directly into the soul sea. Some people with low soul toughness gave up and gave up on the election.

Others who refused to admit defeat rushed forward. Unexpectedly, black flames burned all over their bodies, and their souls were burned to death. They became useless people, and their efforts were in vain.

In the end, only five or six hundred people entered the Tower of Black Flame.

The Tower of Black Flame has seven levels in total. The higher the level, the darker the color of the flames. The bottom level is red, while the seventh level is as black as ink, just like the color of Xian Wu's Xuantian Flame Palm.

Entering the first floor unhurriedly, Xian Wu and others went directly to the second floor.

There are less than 200 people on the second level, and they are all elites in the underworld.

The five of them, Du Zelu Piao, gathered together, surrounded Xiao Xue, and began to realize the state of selflessness.

Xian Wu and the other five spiritual gods didn't feel anything special. After giving instructions, they continued to the third floor.

Cang Ming, who had the same hairstyle as "Mishima Kazuhachi", also wanted to go to the third floor, but when he saw Hanabi, he hurriedly got out of the way in fright, acting like a chick.

Upon reaching the third floor, everyone was greeted by deafening roars.

There is a monster locked on the third floor, which looks like both a deer and a tiger, with black scales all over its body.

The monster's body is filled with the violent power of thunder and fire, which is very powerful and terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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