Chapter 346
"Ning'er, this thunder-type demon spirit is very suitable for you. You should fuse it." In the blink of an eye, Xian Wu turned back and handed a demon spirit stone to Xiao Ning'er.

"Brother Wu, you are so kind~" Xiao Ning'er giggled.

This demon spirit is of both the thunder and fire elements, and is also suitable for fireworks and feather flames. However, Xian Wu only gave it to himself, which shows that he loves himself.

A monster that has lost its spirit is completely dead. Xian Wu has no habit of wasting energy.

"Secret Technique·Parts Disintegration!"

After cutting the monster into eight pieces and putting them into the space ring, Xian Wu led the two women and two girls and continued upstairs.

On the fifth floor of the Black Flame Tower, Ye Ziyun couldn't hold on anymore and stopped. She could no longer move forward.

Xian Wu didn't want to leave Ye Ziyun alone, so he released the golden egg from the pet cage to accompany her, and summoned Ling'er to protect her safety.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the golden egg came out, it directly ate the black flames on the fifth floor, and even burped after eating.

Without the power of the black flame on the fifth floor, Xian Wu could only take her to the sixth floor.

The black flames on the sixth level were very dense and condensed into a mirage of flames.

Ye Ziyun really couldn't move forward anymore. The sixth level was already her limit.

Not only that, Yu Yan, Hua Huo and Xiao Ning'er also felt great pressure and could not move forward.

So the four of them sat around and began to practice, and began to realize the state of selflessness.

"You guys practice here first, and we'll go to the seventh floor to have a look." Xian Wu led Jin Dan and Ling'er upstairs. The black flames didn't have much impact on the two of them.

The seventh floor of the Tower of Black Flame is a very narrow cone-shaped area that can only accommodate a few people.

The black flame here is extremely solid, like dark chocolate.

"Golden egg!" As if in heaven, the golden egg opened its golden mouth and ate happily.

Ling'er carried the Thunder God's Meteor Sword on his back and guarded Xian Wu conscientiously, with a little resentment in his eyes.

Xian Wu didn't call her out for a long time.

"What a peculiar pagoda. If I'm not mistaken, it should be a noble phantom." Xian Wu murmured to himself.

After the apprentice selection test was over, he restored the pagoda to its original settings and made it his own.

Presumably, Mr. Ming wouldn't object, right?

The ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

The seven Destiny-level experts were already numb. Xian Wu had given them so many surprises that everything that happened was no longer surprising.

Xiao Yu's beautiful eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but feel happy when she saw that Xian Wu was recognized by everyone. She was looking forward to meeting Xian Wu again.


The golden egg crazily devoured the seventh layer of dark chocolate and grew larger and larger, finally reaching the height of a person.

Not only are the golden eggs devouring Black Flame, but the precious eggs in Xian Wu's arms are also devouring them.

Xian Wu could clearly feel that the heartbeat in the baby's egg was getting stronger and stronger, and his and Hanabi's child was growing vigorously.

After swallowing enough black flames, the golden egg suddenly spun silk and cocoon, wrapping itself into a big rice dumpling.

Xian Wu didn't know what happened, so he could only put the golden egg in the pet cage temporarily.

The baby egg swallowed a certain amount of black flame power and became saturated, and the original white eggshell turned into a black eggshell.

Xian Wu was a little worried whether his child would turn into a preserved egg.

Fortunately, the black color of the eggshell was slowly fading away at a speed invisible to the naked eye, so Xian Wu felt a little relieved.There was nothing left to explore on the seventh floor, so Xian Wu returned to the sixth floor and reunited with his women.

"Brother Wu, it's not good, something seems to have invaded Goddess Yuyan's mind." Xiao Ning'er shouted urgently.

"What?" Xian Wu urgently used his heavenly eyes to check and found a soul in Yu Yan's soul sea, constantly attacking her godhead and trying to take it for himself.

Yu Yan frowned, his expression was painful, and he kept attacking the soul with the law of fire.

"I'm here to help you!" Xian Wu activated the Dark Law to block the perception of the seven peeping toms, then tore off Yu Yan's coat and used the return ability of "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" to replenish her soul power and law power.

Within Yu Yan’s soul sea.

Kong Yan is fighting with the laws of fire.

Suddenly, all the laws of fire disappeared, and Kong Yan was overjoyed, ready to devour Yu Yan's godhead.

Unexpectedly, just when Kong Yan was approaching Yu Yan's godhead, four times the amount of flame law surged out of the godhead.

"Ah!" Kong Yan was caught off guard by the law of fire, leaving only half of his spirit body.

"Damn woman, how dare you play tricks." Kong Yan avoided the attack of the law of fire while silently reciting the cross mantra to recover and heal his injuries.

Infinity has no beginning, and without beginning there is no end.

He was originally a high-ranking empty-word god from the ancestral land of the gods. Unexpectedly, he was deceived by two despicable villains, Liang Xi and Bi Xi, and perished in the small and exquisite world.

However, before he died, he pulled a supporter and protected Bixi from the sea of ​​souls, killing Bixi and leaving a trace of his soul in Bixi's Black Flame Pagoda.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and no one has come to the sixth floor of the Black Flame Tower, and his remaining soul cannot be resurrected physically.

For some reason today, so many people came up to the sixth floor.

He originally wanted to rob the body of the silver-haired young man, but unexpectedly the boy ran away to the seventh floor.

His remnant soul cannot withstand the burning of the seventh layer of black flames, and once he moves around, he is likely to be sensed by that old ghost and fly over to kill him.

With no other choice, he could only choose a woman's body to plunder.

It is a shame and a disgrace that the majestic god of empty words actually wants to borrow a woman's body to be resurrected.

When he recovers his remaining soul, he must find a suitable male body.

Suddenly, the law of fire that attacked Kong Yan disappeared again.

"You still want to lie to me, no way!" Space was not fooled.

Sure enough, not long after, the power of the law of fire burst out from the goddess Yuyan's godhead again, this time directly erupting ten times the law before.

Yuyan's soul sea was directly filled with the law of fire.

"You're awesome!" Kong Yan fled directly from Yu Yan's soul sea. If he was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire, he would definitely die.

After escaping from Yu Yan's soul sea, Kong Yan was stunned.

He found that the white-haired young man just now was holding the waist of the woman he wanted to seize from behind.

Kong Yan rubbed his hands and sneered: "Boy, I have commandeered your body! After you die, your wife and I will support each other, just like there are no green leaves!" After saying this, Kong Yan wormed his way into Xian Wu's eyebrows.

Entering Xian Wu's soul sea, Kong Yan was stunned again.

All kinds of strange things were seen suspended in his soul sea, including Fang Tian's painted halberd, armor parts, a black jade pot, and a strange inverted pyramid.

"What the hell? How could there be a pyramid in his soul sea?" Kong Yan's face was full of question marks, and he punched the center of the vortex of the soul sea.

(End of this chapter)

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