The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 347 The 9th Floor of the 9th Level of Death

Chapter 347 The Ninth Level of the Nine Layers of Death

Before Kong Yan's fist landed on the inverted pyramid, he was pulled towards it by a strong suction force.

Xian Wu's soul sea has the attribute of chaos and is in the shape of a black hole, like a large whirlpool that is constantly rotating.

Any energy that comes close to Xian Wu's soul sea will be sucked in and ground into pieces.

"No!" Kong Yan wanted to run away, but it was too late.

His remnant soul fell into the whirlpool and was pulled bit by bit towards the center of the whirlpool.

To make matters worse, each corner of the inverted pyramid simultaneously emitted energy chains, entangled the remnants of the empty words.

"Damn it, I'm not willing to give in!" Kong Yan struggled wildly, like a fierce dog tied by a chain.

"The Promise has no beginning, and the beginning is endless!"

"The Promise has no beginning, and the beginning is endless!"


Kong Yan kept repeating the Cross Mantra, hoping to break through the shackles of the chains and the pull of the soul sea.

"Emperor Kong Ming, save me—" In Kong Yan's desperate cry, his remaining soul was ground into countless fragments.

The soul is overseas and within the laws of darkness.

Xian Wu's mind suddenly became clear, and the power of the law that he had just consumed was constantly reborn.

"Wu, you can let me go..." Goddess Yu Yan's charming voice sounded, and she had already regained consciousness.

The familiar touch let her know that it was Xian Wu who was helping him fight against the remaining souls in the sea of ​​souls.

Xian Wu knowingly let go of Yu Yan's waist.

He knew that the remnant soul had entered the soul sea.

He was thinking about how to get the remnant soul, but he didn't expect that ghost thing to be directly absorbed by his soul sea.

Xian Wu's power of law continued to soar, and finally stopped at the peak of his destiny.

Each godhead has become three times its original size, its color is darker and brighter, and it is full of infinite power.

Every law that Xian Wu now masters has reached the third level of destiny, and the total amount of laws combined is the peak of destiny.

After the dark law was lifted, Xian Wu and the goddess Yu Yan reappeared in front of everyone.

"Brother Wu, how are you?"

"Yanzi, are you feeling better?"

"Thank you for your connection, Hanako. Xian Wu has helped me eliminate that remaining soul."

After the short interlude, everyone continued to practice.

Xian Wu sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and meditating.

Perhaps the remnant soul just now is the successor of Emperor Kongming that Nie Li is looking for.

Xian Wu was not 100% sure. In the sea of ​​souls, the remaining soul kept repeating one sentence.

Xian Wu didn't remember what the words were, but they should be the mantra of the cross.

He has reached the peak of destiny, and his memory is so good, why can't he remember a few words?

It's probably because of the cross mantra that only the inheritors of Emperor Kongming can remember and understand it.

Ten days have passed.

Everyone in the Black Flame Tower was teleported to the ninth floor of the Ninth Layer of Death, in the open space of the exquisite villa of the controller of the underworld.

"Brother Wu, Ning'er, we meet again." Xiao Yu greeted with a smile.

Behind Xiao Yu stood seven powerful men with different expressions, all exuding destiny-level auras.

However, after devouring the old ghost Kong Yan's soul, Xian Wu's aura was stronger than everyone present.

"Hello, I am the controller of the underworld." The leading black-robed strongman introduced himself.His entire body was hidden in his large robe, making his appearance unclear and giving him a very mysterious feeling.

Xiao Ning'er asked in a low voice with confusion: "Xiao Yu, who are you and the controller of the Nether Realm..."

"The Controller of the Nether Realm is my adoptive father. He treats me as his own son." Xiao Yu explained with a smile, often glancing at Xian Wu.

Foster father?The people from the Glory City had strange expressions on their faces, and they all looked at Xian Wu, the crazy demon who recognized his adoptive father.

Xian Wu hugged the egg and blushed: "Why are you looking at me? If you look at me again, you will fall out."

With a dry cough, the controller of the underworld began to explain the purpose of this selection.

He was not choosing disciples for himself, but for several major human clan divine sects in the Dragon Ruins realm.

The Dragon Ruins Realm is the main world of Little Linglong World. It is vast and boundless and is filled with a higher level of energy - the power of heaven.

The power of heaven is the same as the power of law. Only by cultivating them can the demon spiritual masters' cultivation level break through the legend and continue to improve.

Otherwise, it can only stagnate at the peak of legend.

Soon, those who passed the selection were divided among the seven strong men. When the passage to the Dragon Ruins realm opens, they will go to different sects.

Cang Zhen wanted to choose his own teacher, but the controller of the underworld shook his head: "Your teacher has been determined. If you don't want to become a teacher, you can go back."

Cang Ming quickly shut up, he didn't want to lose the precious opportunity to break through to the legendary level.

Finally it was Xian Wu and his group's turn.

Without Xian Wu's consent, the seven strong men did not dare to ask for anyone at will.It would be bad if he angered Xian Wu.

He is an old ruthless man who slaughtered the spirit gods of the Yaozu clan, and no one wants to touch this bad luck.

"I will go to whichever divine sect Xiao Yu is in." Xian Wu stared at Xiao Yu, his eyes full of love, "By the way, these three will also go with me."

Xian Wu turned around and pointed at Xiao Ning'er, Hua Huo and Yu Yan one by one.

The seven strong men nodded slightly and divided up the remaining members of Xian Wu's team.

The beautiful woman from the Tianyin Divine Sect took Ye Ziyun and Xiao Xue away, Du Ze and Wei Nan were taken away by Tianhun from the Hunyuan Divine Sect, Zhang Ming went to the Wuxiang Divine Sect, and Zhu Junxiang went to the Fire God Sect.

Lu Piao originally wanted to go to the Tianyin Divine Sect, but it turned out that they only accepted women, and in the end, he was accepted by the strong men of the Hundred Flowers Divine Sect.

After the apprenticeship was over, except for the four Xian Wus, everyone else formed soul seals with their masters.

The soul seal has a certain binding effect on the disciple. Once the disciple deceives his master and destroys his ancestors, the soul seal will be triggered and destroy the disciple's soul sea.

In addition, the soul seal also has a binding effect on the teacher. As long as it exists, the teacher cannot harm the disciple.

The apprenticeship is over, and there are still more than three months before the passage to the Dragon Ruins realm is opened.

Once you enter the Dragon Ruins realm, you can only return again after five years.

Everyone bid farewell to their masters and returned to their families one after another.

Xian Wu stayed.

"Why don't you leave yet?" the controller of the underworld asked in a bad tone.

The controller of the underworld didn't have a good look on this boy who was seducing his adopted daughter.

Xian Wu scratched his face, glanced at Xiao Yu, and said straight to the point: "I like Xiao Yu, and I hope you can marry her to me."

When Xiao Yu heard this, her handsome face suddenly turned red. She didn't expect Xian Wu to be so direct.

"You have to give up on this. I will not marry Xiao Yu to a man with a love heart." The controller of the underworld snorted coldly.

There are three women in front of Xian Wu, and I don’t know how many more there are in the palace.

Xiao Yu had always been an uncontroversial character, and when he married Xian Wu, he had to be bullied to death by his women.

No, this is absolutely not possible.

(End of this chapter)

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