The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 348 Xiao Yu's Biological Father

Chapter 348 Xiao Yu's Biological Father

Although the controller of the underworld disagreed with the marriage, Xian Wu didn't care so much. He put down his words. Xiao Yu was determined to marry him, and no one could stop him.

In addition, Xian Wu also put a space ring on Xiao Yu's left middle finger in front of seven powerful men.

"Xiao Yu, let's meet in the Dragon Ruins realm." Xian Wu kissed Xiao Yu's handsome face gently.

"Presumptuous!" The controller of the underworld was so angry that his robes danced wildly.

He actually dared to kiss his daughter in front of him. He was so arrogant and didn't take himself seriously!

"I won't fight you. If I break you, Xiao Yu will blame me. If you don't like me, I'll leave." Xian Wu shrugged and walked away from the ninth floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

The controller of the underworld thought that Xian Wu would leave with his tail between his legs, but unexpectedly he sneaked to the eighth floor and pried away the Black Flame Tower.

"Damn little bastard!" Looking at the scene in the lake, the controller of the underworld was trembling with anger. "Xiao Yu, you are not allowed to have too much contact with him when you arrive at the Shen Feathers Sect. Do you understand?"

"Uh...oh, okay." Xiao Yu fumbled with the exquisite space ring on the middle finger of his left hand, a little absent-mindedly.

After leaving the ninth level of death, Hanabi parted ways with everyone and returned to Fire Dragon City. She planned to spend these three months with her parents.Although she is a jerk on the surface, she is still very filial in her heart.

After leaving the Nether Realm, Du Zelu Piao and the others also left the team and returned to the Glory City to accompany their families.

Nie Li also left, leaving only Goddess Yu Yan and Ling'er beside Xian Wu.

By the way, there is also a black egg in the arms.

This trip to the underworld took more than half a month, and when I returned to the Martial God Capital, nothing had changed.

Except for the allocation of a territory to the Jade Seal Family, no other major events happened, and everything was going smoothly.

Xian Wu asked Yang Xin and others for their opinions. Except for Shen Xiu, none of them planned to go to the Dragon Ruins realm because they had to raise children.

"Since they are not going, then you should stay at home." Xian Wu did not let Shen Xiu follow him.

However, for three months, Xian Wu tried his best to satisfy his women's desires, and was as tired as a dead dog every day.

Three months have passed... Xian Wu has lost all appearance, like a skeleton covered in human skin.

About a month later, Nie Li returned to the Martial God City and became exactly like a normal person.

Xian Wu originally thought that he had reshaped his physical body, but unexpectedly, he just applied a layer of bionic paint on the outside of the iron skin of the spirit puppet.

"I have obtained all the inheritance from Emperor Kongming. When we reach the Dragon Ruins Realm, you must quickly collect the Fountain of Life for me and help me rebuild my body." Nie Li was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, there are so many masters in the Dragon Ruins Realm, and it will only take a matter of minutes to collect enough Fountains of Life."

More than two months later, everyone gathered again and set off for the underworld together.

Everyone settled in Hua Huo's Fire Dragon City. Xian Wu occasionally slipped into the ninth floor of the Ninth Layer of Death to date Xiao Yu, but the controller of the underworld didn't notice.

Maybe he discovered it and just turned a blind eye.

Xiao Yu's boudoir.

"Brother Wu, why did you steal the Tower of Black Flame from your adoptive father?" Xiao Yu snuggled into Xian Wu's arms and scolded.

Xian Wu summoned the pagoda from the sea of ​​souls, held it in the palm of his hand, and showed it to Xiao Yu: "I didn't steal it, I just borrowed it for fun." "This pagoda is not actually the Tower of Black Flame, it is a space magic weapon. . Entering it will isolate you from the perception of the outside world."

"I transformed each floor into a room. The room on the first floor is Hanabi's. She is quite noisy and staying on the high floor will disturb you."

"The second floor belongs to the goddess Yuyan. Hanabi has a good relationship with her and often visits her. The second floor is probably very noisy as well."

"The third floor belongs to Nie Li. His big iron bump makes a "dong-dong" sound when he walks, which is also very noisy."

"The fourth floor is for Ling'er. She is the sword spirit of the Thunder Sword of the Meteor God. She floats around with a very soft voice."

"The fifth floor is for Xiao Ning'er, the sixth floor is for you, and the seventh floor is for the golden egg..."

After hearing Xian Wu's words, Xiao Yu was stunned.

"You're not borrowing this, you're simply taking it for yourself."

"Hey, you can't say that. I didn't take it for myself. This pagoda is the joint property of our husband and wife."

Xiao Yu was stunned by Xian Wu.

Just as the two were preparing to take a step further, Xian Wu discovered a mysterious inscription drawn on Xiao Yu's plain.

Xian Wu touched it subconsciously.

A mysterious force surged out, and the inscription magic circle started to operate quickly. Mysterious inscription chains rushed out, locking Xian Wu, and then pulled out his soul and dragged him into the inscription magic circle. In the formation.

After an unknown amount of time, Xian Wu found himself in a dark and boundless space.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I going to do?" Xian Wu sat on the ground in a daze.

Suddenly, a deep and hoarse voice came: "This is the space of the Void Spirit Array. Xiao Yu is my biological daughter. Since you want to marry Xiao Yu, there are some things I have to tell you."

"The time and space of the Dragon Ruins Realm is blocked by a super powerful man called the Holy Emperor. Anyone who attempts to become an emperor will be killed by him. Millions of years ago, our couple dueled with the Holy Emperor and eventually fell."

"Before we died, we sealed our lifelong cultivation into our daughter's bloodline through this void spirit formation."

"As time goes by, Xiao Yu's bloodline will slowly awaken, and eventually he will become a strong man above us."

"But even if she is fully awakened, she is still no match for the Holy Emperor."

"Once Xiao Yu becomes a woman or reaches the martial arts level, her bloodline will awaken quickly and she will be sensed by the Holy Emperor. Then she will be hunted by the Holy Emperor. When the time comes, you will also die."

"Whether you want to marry Xiao Yu as your wife, you'd better think carefully before anything happens."

"No need to think about it, Xiao Yu is married to me."

"Before I kill the Holy Emperor, I will never let Xiao Yu become a woman and put her in danger. I swear to heaven."

"Alas -" Xiao Yu's father sighed, "If Xiao Yu can have a husband like you, her mother and I will die in peace."

"However, it is impossible for you to defeat the Holy Emperor, so give up this idea as soon as possible. If you can find the Map of Mountains and Rivers or other treasures that can block the Holy Emperor's perception, you can get married in it..."

"Blocking perception?" Xian Wu asked hurriedly, "Is this Tower of Black Flame good? It can also shield perception."

(End of this chapter)

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