The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 349: Three God-killing Treasure Weapons, Mr. Xiao Was Shocked

Chapter 349 Three God-killing Treasures, Mr. Xiao Was Shocked
"Tower?" Mr. Xiao didn't know what Xian Wu was talking about, so he sent Xian Wu's soul out of the Void Spirit Formation and asked Xian Wu to show him the tower he was talking about.

The soul returned to the body, and Xian Wu felt a little uncomfortable for a short time. He felt dizzy, as if he had sat on a merry-go-round and turned hundreds of times, and was accompanied by waves of nausea.

"What's wrong with you, Brother Wu?" Xiao Yu held Xian Wu in his arms and asked with concern.

Just now Xian Wu suddenly passed out by himself, he couldn't wake up no matter how much he screamed.

"Hmph! I think this kid is just pretending." The controller of the underworld stood with his hands behind his back and snorted coldly.

In order to save Xian Wu, Xiao Yu called him in, but there was nothing he could do about Xian Wu's apathy.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Xian Wu's soul came back on its own.

The controller of the underworld believed that Xian Wu was probably just pretending to amuse his precious daughter.

When he thought of Xiao Yu, who was usually very well-behaved and obedient, secretly dating Xian Wu behind his back, the controller of the underworld became furious.

If he hadn't been unable to beat him, he would have beaten this bastard boy to the point where his mother wouldn't even recognize him.

After calming down for a while, Xiao Yu rubbed his temples, and the controller of the underworld pinched Ren Zhong with all his strength, and Xian Wu finally recovered.

" hurts, Old Mingtou, why did you kill him?" Xian Wu covered his upper lip and glared at the controller of the Nether Realm with a resentful look on his face. His lips were so pinched by this old thing that they bled.

By the way, the real tower that my father-in-law wants to see.

Xian Wu summoned the Black Flame Tower from the sea of ​​souls, then held the [-]-centimeter-high black tower and shook it on Xiao Yu's chest.

"Brother Wu, what...are you doing?" A blush appeared on Xiao Yu's handsome face. Isn't this too lewd?

Even if you want to play, you have to wait until your adoptive father is gone before you play, in front of his old man, what's going on!
Without warning, Xian Wu's soul was sucked away by the Void Spirit Array again. The soulless Xian Wu's body immediately became as soft as noodles, and he fell into Xiao Yu's arms, sleeping very peacefully.

The controller of the underworld clenched his fists and said angrily: "If you keep doing this, you will think that I am dead!" The controller of the underworld punched Xian Wu and found that he did not move.

I grabbed his wrist and took his pulse, but the soul disappeared again.

"Father, don't hit him. He's so sick. How can you do it?!" Xiao Yu pulled away the hand of the controller of the underworld and held Xian Wu tightly in his arms.

In her opinion, Xian Wu must have suffered from some serious strange disease.

The master of the underworld snorted disdainfully, thinking that Xian Wu was just playing with Xiao Yu and took the opportunity to eat her tofu.

"Huh? What is this?" The controller of the underworld picked up the small black tower that fell on the bed and felt that this tower was somewhat similar to the missing tower on the eighth floor of the Nine Layers of Death.

Pick it up, up and down, left and right, back and forth, look carefully, and it really is the lost pagoda.

This tower was left behind by a supreme powerhouse. He could only use the black flames in it, but could not shake the tower body at all. How did Xian Wu pry the tower away?This guy is quite capable.

Just as the controller of the underworld was about to put the small tower in his pocket and go back to study it carefully, his wrist was grabbed by Xiao Yu.

"Father, you can't take away this tower, at least not until Xian Wu wakes up."

The master of the underworld lamented, it's really a girl who doesn't want to stay.

Throwing the small tower to Xiao Yu, the controller of the underworld walked away, preparing to go back to the study to check out the classics on apathy. Staying here would not be of much help.

Xiao Yu caught the small tower, put it against Xian Wu's face, and said with a sad look on his face: "Brother Wu, what's wrong with you?"

I just met a man I liked, but I didn't expect him to look like this. Is it a curse from God?

The void spirit array space.Mr. Xiao was a little excited: "Haotian Tower? It's actually Haotian Tower. How did you get this treasure?"

"Uh... I got it on the eighth floor of the Ninth Level Death Land outside the Nether Realm. What's wrong?" Xian Wu didn't understand why Mr. Xiao was so excited. Isn't it just a tower that can grow or shrink at will?
He has carefully studied the function of the black tower. As long as people enter it, they can grow or shrink along with the tower.

"This tower is called Haotian Tower. It is a peerless treasure that contains infinite energy of chaos. It can suppress and subdue all monsters. It is one of the treasures that the Holy Emperor wants to destroy most." Mr. Xiao introduced in detail. .

"If it can be used in conjunction with the demon refining pot, when the Holy Emperor comes, he will only be refined obediently."

Demon refining pot?Could it be that the old father-in-law was talking about the Nightmare Pot?

"Father-in-law, I seem to have the demon refining pot you mentioned. Send me out and I'll show it to you."

"What? You also have a demon refining pot?" Mr. Xiao himself was stunned, "Quick, show it to me!"

The soul returned to the body again, and Xian Wu still felt dizzy.

"A Yu, why are you crying? Who bullied you?" Xian Wu resisted the discomfort in his body and gently wiped the tears from Xiao Yu's face with his sleeve.

"Brother Wu, are you awake?" Xiao Yu hugged Xian Wu vigorously in his arms, "What's wrong with you? Why are you always unconscious."

Xian Wu fully informed him about his chat with Xiao Yu's biological father.

Xiao Yu was stunned for a moment, thinking that Xian Wu was joking. Her parents had died long ago, how could she...

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway. Don't tell me, my father-in-law wants to see the Demon Refining Pot. I have to hurry up, otherwise he will be in a hurry." Xian Martial General put the Haotian Tower into the Soul Sea and summoned the Nightmare Demon Pot. come out.

He shook the nightmare pot in front of Xiao Yu's chest twice, and then Xian Wu fainted again.

Xiao Yu quickly caught the delicate jade pot that slipped from Xian Wu's hand. It would be terrible if it fell off the bed and broke.

Once again in the void space, Mr. Xiao became even more emotional.

"That's right, it's the Demon Refining Pot! I didn't expect that the two peerless treasures that our couple had been looking for for tens of thousands of years were found by you."

"Don't tell me, you still have the most powerful weapon in the legend - the Thunder God's Meteor Sword?"

Xian Wu nodded.

After seeing the Thunder God's Meteor Sword, Mr. Xiao became completely silent.

I don’t know how much time passed before Mr. Xiao said loudly: "I agree, I agree to your marriage to Xiao Yu! I will teach you the method of controlling the Haotian Tower, the Demon Refining Pot, and the Thunder God's Meteor Sword as a dowry for our Xiao family. .”

Is there such a good thing?Xian Wu was overjoyed.

After learning the instructions for using the three god-killing treasures, Xian Wu fell into a brief silence.

Only when he reaches the realm of Wuzong can he fully exert the power of the three god-killing treasures. With his current cultivation level, he can only use these three god-killing treasures as soul weapons.

"Okay, you go out and treat Xiao Yu well, otherwise our couple will not forgive you even if they are ghosts."

"I swear to heaven..."

Before Xian Wu could finish speaking, he was sent out of the Void Spirit Formation again.

(End of this chapter)

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