The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 353 Nie Li, do you want to eat steamed buns?

Chapter 353 Nie Li, do you want to eat steamed buns?
After leaving Tianlingyuan and walking on the unaccompanied streets, Xian Wu felt a little hesitant.

Finding a dark and deserted alley, Xian Wu released Nie Li, the spirit puppet in the interspatial ring, and asked him to accompany him to relieve boredom.

"I'll go, it's almost suffocating me. You didn't get me out for so long, I thought you had forgotten about me." Nie Li moved the rattling mechanical parts.

He looked around and asked: "Have you finally arrived at the Dragon Ruins Realm? By the way... isn't this Tianlingyuan? Where is this?"

Nie Li saw the remains of spiritual stones piled up in the alley. All the power of heaven inside had been absorbed, leaving only an empty shell.

In addition to the spiritual stone residues, there are also many large and small garbage piled up in the alley, including rotten stool legs, torn rags, rotten vegetable leaves, etc.

The atmosphere of life is very strong, and it doesn't look like a place where spotless practitioners stay.

"I am a first-class human spirit. Tianlingyuan didn't want it, so I was kicked out." Xian Wu told the truth, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

Away from Tianlingyuan, which had so many bullshit rules, he was free and comfortable.

The top priority is to find demon spirits in the Heavenly Transformation Realm to devour and increase his level limit.

The second step is to refine enough fountain of life to reshape Nie Li's body and help him restore his cultivation as a great emperor.

The soul is the driver and the body is the car. Only when the driver sits in the car can he exert all his abilities.

The first-grade human spirit root?Nie Li's mechanical eyes almost fell out.

In his previous life, his cultivation talent was so poor, but he was still at the seventh level of the Earth Spiritual Root. Xian Wu's cultivation talent was so good, but he was only at the first level of the Human Spiritual Root?
This is a big joke.

However, cultivation talent is of no use to Xian Wu, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad.

He practiced the "Chaos Soul Devouring Technique" and relied on the power of heaven to devour demon spirits and demon spiritual masters to advance.

He cannot be measured in the way of ordinary people.

Perhaps, leaving Tianlingyuan is a good thing for Xian Wu. Without restraints, he can develop unscrupulously.

More importantly, with his know-it-all support, he will definitely be able to quickly grow into a super strong man in a short period of time.

Nie Li crossed his arms and thought for a while, before deciding to take Xian Wu to hunt monsters to level up.

Just as the two were about to leave the alley, a strong middle-aged man stopped at the entrance of the alley pushing a wheelbarrow.

"Give me a moment!" The uncle unloaded the sack from the car, carried the sack into the depths of the alley, and poured the remains of the spirit stone on the ground.

The uncle's legs and feet are not good and he is limping. It is very difficult to take out the garbage.

"I'm here to help." Xian Wu helped unload the sacks and dump the spiritual stone residue.

Nie Li was a little puzzled and thought to himself: "Xian Wu, this guy's sympathy is a bit too much. Taking out the trash is his job, why are you causing trouble?"

Xian Wu was young and strong, and quickly dumped all the debris of the car on the ground, then rolled up the sack and stuffed it into his uncle's car.

"Thank you, young man." The middle-aged uncle took out a gray spirit stone from an old space ring and handed it over. "There is still a little bit of the power of heaven inside, so I can make do with it, so I give it to you."

"Thank you, uncle." Xian Wu took the dim spirit stone and asked curiously: "Uncle, where did these spirit stone residues come from?"

"Where else could it be? Tianlingyuan! I'm the one cleaning there." The middle-aged uncle said with some pride, "You must have been kicked out by Tianlingyuan, right? I've seen many people kicked out. It’s the first time I’ve seen you so kind-hearted.”

"How about cleaning up with me?"

"No, I'm just asking casually." Xian Wu rejected the olive branch extended by his uncle, "You go ahead and get busy, we have other things to do, let's go first."

Xian Wu winked at Nie Li and hurriedly left the dark alley.Although the power of heaven in the waste spirit stone given by the uncle was pitiful, it could still buy two meat buns at the market.

Xian Wu chewed the stuffing. The taste was many times better than the stuffing in Little Linglong World.

The power of heaven is a higher level of energy than soul power, and is on the same level as the power of law.

The monsters in the Dragon Ruins Realm are nourished by the power of heaven, and their meat quality is more than ten times better than the monsters in the Little Exquisite World.

"Do you want to eat meat buns?" Xian Wu killed one bun in three strokes and handed the remaining one to Nie Li.

Nie Li rolled his mechanical eyes, clenched his fists and said, "Is this intentional? I'm a spirit puppet, and I can't taste it even if I eat it."

"Oh, I'll eat it then." Xian Wu stuffed the bun into his mouth in one gulp. The bun followed the esophageal tube and fell into the stomach pouch.

"Are you full? When you are full, come with me to hunt monsters and get the fountain of life. I know a good place." Nie Li urged.

"Wait a minute!" Xian Wu left the bun shop and returned to the small alley.

The middle-aged uncle has left.

"Why are you staring at a pile of spiritual stone residues? These are useless things and rubbish." Nie Li was a little confused.

"I don't agree with your point of view. Snack residue is not rubbish, it's treasure!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Xian put all the spirit stone residues into the space ring, not a single one was left.

Nie Li didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Xian Wu's gourd, and asked doubtfully: "Is your brain broken? Your brain was stimulated by being kicked out of Tianlingyuan? Can you wake up? That's the residue of the spirit stone, it's garbage. !”

"You just lost your mind. Open the world in the book and I want to go in and do experiments."

"I'd like to see what you're doing." Nie Li quickly formed a seal with his hands, and mysterious inscription patterns spread out from his chest, wrapping the two of them inside, and they disappeared in the alley.

Nie Li installed the Time-Space Demon Spirit Book in his chest, so he can use it anytime and anywhere without taking it out.

As soon as they left, a group of Destiny Realm experts turned into the alley.

"Where's the person? I watched helplessly as that kid turned into the alley, how come he was gone in the blink of an eye?"

"Isn't that fair? Could it be that you have wings and can fly?"

"That kid must die, otherwise Mr. Hualing won't spare us. We'll guard the entrance to the alley, that kid will definitely show up again."

These people are all outer sect disciples, managed by Hua Ling's father, who is an outer sect deacon, and often do dirty things for Hua Ling to gain benefits.

The world of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits.

Xian Wu sat cross-legged in the middle of the library, with a large pile of spiritual stone residues in front of him.

Nie Li crossed his arms and stared at Xian Wu, wondering if he was crazy or if he really made a big discovery.

He really couldn't figure out what the use of a pile of spiritual stone residues was.

"Secret Technique: Complete Disintegration!" Xian Wu took out the spiritual stone given by Xiao Yu, used the devil's left hand to instantly decompose it, and obtained the phantom ball, and then used the phantom ball to synthesize the spiritual stone.

Seeing this operation, Nie Li suddenly realized: "Do you want to artificially synthesize spirit stones?"

Before Xian Wu could speak, Nie Li formed a seal with his hands to open the passage between the world in the book and the realm of Dragon Ruins.

(End of this chapter)

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