The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 354: 91 points, me 9 and you 1

Chapter 354 Nine-to-one share, nine to me and one to you
Although the power of heaven in the Dragon Ruins realm is thin, it is only for practitioners.

The spirit pool can absorb the power of heaven and convert the spirit stone residue into spirit stones. Xian Wu's demon left hand can also do the same.

Spiritual stone = power of heaven + spiritual stone residue.

Now that the spirit stone residue is available, it only needs to absorb the power of heaven to synthesize the spirit stone.

As the connection channel between the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits and the Dragon Ruins Realm opened, a large amount of heavenly power poured into the world in the book.

Every time one thousand soul power is input into the phantom ball, it can be synthesized once.

One unit of the power of law or the power of heaven is equal to 1000 million soul power.

Xian Wu inputs one unit of law power and can synthesize it ten thousand times.

Xian Wu now has three units of the power of the law of chaos, three units of the power of the law of light and three units of the power of the law of darkness, which can be synthesized a total of [-] times.

In addition, there are 1000 million soul power in Xian Wu's soul sea and nightmare pot, which can be synthesized 11 times.

In summary, Xian Wu can be synthesized a total of 20 times.

"Start working!" Xian Wu crossed his fingers, stretched his arms, and began to synthesize the spirit stones.

First decompose the spirit stone residue, and then inject soul power and law power into the phantom ball.

After Nie Li opened the connection channel, a large amount of heavenly power poured in at an extremely terrifying speed.

The world of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits is like an empty bottle pressed into a water tank, with the power of heaven swirling into the bottle.

Whoa whoa whoa!
Fist-sized spiritual stones appeared out of thin air like hailstones, and fell to the floor with a clatter.

Not long after, Xian Wu was submerged in it.

There are millions of students in Tianling Academy. If one person consumes one piece, he can consume millions of pieces every day and produce millions of spirit stone residues.

The actual consumption amount far exceeds millions, sometimes tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions, which is immeasurable.

The cleaning man's carrying capacity is limited, and he can only transport about [-] spirit stone residues at a time.

The small alley is more than ten meters long, and the total number of spiritual stone residues accumulated in it is only 10,000+.

After a series of operations, Xian Wu synthesized more than 30 spiritual stones.

Each one was the size of a fist and exactly the same. When he drilled out the mountains of spiritual stones, Xian Wu felt a bit like he was printing counterfeit money.

"I'm so rich!" Nie Li jumped into the pile of spiritual stones, fluttering his mechanical hands and feet, and wandered in the ocean of spiritual stones.

"Don't say anything, just one word - cow!"

"How about we split it [-]/[-]?"

"What about [-]-[-], [-]-for-[-], nine for me and one for you." After saying that, Xian Wu began to use the space ring to install the spirit stones.

Looking at the remaining [-] spirit stones, Nie Li was stunned.

"Isn't it divided into 7000%? Why is it only [-] spiritual stones? It should be more than [-] spiritual stones, right?"

Xian Wu had a different point of view: "It's a ninety-one split. I have 29 spirit stones and you have [-] spirit stones, right?"

"Damn! Such a ninety-one split, you are cruel!" Nie Li angrily put away the remaining [-] spirit stones.

After helping Xian Wu to level up, he would go to Tianyin Shenzong and give these spiritual stones to Ye Ziyun.

She and Xiao Xue were all alone in the Tianyin Sect, and without someone like Xiao Yu to take care of them, they would definitely suffer a lot.

After consuming all the power of law in the soul sea, Xian Wu discovered that the power of heaven absorbed with the "Chaos Soul Devouring Art" could not be converted into soul power, nor into the power of law. "Nie Li, why is this fat four? Why can't the power of heaven be transformed into soul power and power of law?" Xian Wu asked.

"The power of soul and law are unique to the world of Little Linglong. Once they are used up, they can only be replenished by returning to the world of Little Linglong. The power of heaven is unique to the Dragon Ruins realm. Once they are used up after returning to the world of Little Linglong, they cannot be replenished. The same cannot be added.”

"Have I made it clear?" Nie Li formed a seal with his hands and exited the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book space.

"According to what you said, I can only use the power of heaven now?" Xian Wu couldn't adapt to the fact that he couldn't use his soul power.

The two reappeared in the small alley.

Now that I have money, I no longer need to risk my life to hunt monsters. I can just go to the store and buy them.

"Boss, that kid showed up! As you expected, he's still in the alley."

"Go on, kill him! Take his head and find Master Hua Ling to claim the reward!"

Seeing a group of destiny-level powerhouses blocking the entrance of the alley, Xian Wu frowned and said with a sneer, "That bastard, Hua Ling, is quite efficient. You are too unprofessional, and you actually revealed the behind-the-scenes instructions."

The leading strong man snorted coldly: "There is no need to hide a dead person. Now that we know that Hua Ling wants to take your life, don't blame your brothers when you get to the underworld."

"Kill!" The leader of the strong men roared, put on his finger tiger, and struck Xian Wu in the face with an iron fist.

The Zhihu is a second-grade treasure that he saved up for a long time to buy. It can cause significant damage to enemies below the Heavenly Star realm.

He was very confident that his punch would smash the target's brain into pieces.

"Stand back, I'm going to pretend we're done!" Xian Wu turned around and told him, raised his left fist and struck at him.

"You're stupid, you actually used your fists to fight with the boss's second-grade treasure weapon. Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"A poor boy from a small world dares to provoke Master Hua Ling. He really doesn't know what to do."

"Boy, the dragon has to be coiled, and the tiger has to lie down. Remember grandpa's words, it will come in handy in the next life, haha."

A group of outer disciples of the Shen Feathers Sect stood at the entrance of the alley and mocked, showing no intention of going up to help their boss.

How could he lose when his boss owns a second-grade treasure?

The fists clashed together, and the leader's arm was like tofu, and was directly blasted into inhalable particles by Xian Wu.

"Secret Technique: Demonic Spirit Disintegration!" Xian Wu took advantage of the situation and pinched the neck of the leading strongman to separate the demonic spirits in his soul sea.

"Secret technique: complete disintegration!" Once again, the ability of the demon's left hand was activated, and the leading strong man disappeared, leaving only clothes, shoes and a space ring.

Xian Wu glanced at the demon spirit suspended in mid-air, and coincidentally, it was from the Heavenly Star Realm.

Decisively engulf the fusion.

"Giant elephant's whip-wielding combat skill?" Xian Wu's expression was strange, and a picture of an old man with a white beard appeared in his mind.

"The Giant Elephant Swings the Whip!!!" Xian Wu let out a loud roar.

His nose became slender, like a steel whip with a thick wrist, wrapping around a strong man in the Destiny Realm at the entrance of the alley.

"Ah! Save me, save me!" The outer disciple struggled desperately, plowing five ravines in the ground with his hands.

The demon spirit disintegrated completely in one go. Xian Wu did not hesitate at all and killed the outer disciple in an instant.

If people don't attack me, I won't attack; if people attack me, I will attack!
These bastards have bullied me, so if I don't kill them, let them continue to do whatever they want.

"None of you can escape, you will all die!"

(End of this chapter)

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