Chapter 355 Luoying Shop
Under the joint attack of invisible combat skills and the devil's left hand, all Hualing's henchmen were killed by Xian Wu.

Hualing has a total of six henchmen, but only the leader has a heavenly level demon spirit. The rest of the demon spirits are either destiny level or earth destiny level, which is very rubbish.

Xian Wu couldn't understand, how could such a group of happy people have the courage to surround and kill him?
Not only did they sacrifice their lives, but they also gave money and treasures to themselves. They were simply a group of great benevolent people.

Revealing his figure again, Xian Wu held a handful of space rings in his hand. The total amount of spiritual stones inside was less than 100 yuan, which was extremely poor.

"You still say I'm poor. Don't you have any idea how poor you are?" Xian Wu laughed and smashed Kong's ring.

Except for the spiritual stone, there is nothing valuable inside.

It's strange that this kind of outer disciple who is willing to be someone else's thug has something good in his ring.

"Let's go Nie Li, let's go find a shop for some shopping." Xian Wu walked out of the alley with his hands behind his back, as if nothing had happened just now.

Apart from the corpse, Xian Wu also disassembled all the clothes on the ground one by one, and the six Hua Ling's dog legs completely evaporated.

No one knows they existed except those who remember them.

The Divine Feathers Sect has millions of students, and it doesn't matter whether they are just a few outer disciples, whether they die or not.

Nie Li didn't pity these people. If you want to kill someone, you have to be prepared to be killed.

If Xian Wu was not strong, he would have died in their hands.

Nie Li had a premonition that there would be a group of reckless people who would come to trouble Xian Wu.

After leaving the alley, Xian Wu bought a bag of steamed buns and wandered on the street outside Tianlingyuan while eating the steamed buns.

This street is very bustling and lively, with stalls, shops, and endless hawking.

"Elixirs, they sell elixirs, bone-strengthening pills, yang-strengthening pills, spiritual-strengthening pills... we have them all!"

"The two-winged thunder snake larvae we just captured, five hundred spiritual stones, don't miss it if you pass by."

"Cooking cake..."

"Crispy pear...crisp pear..."

"Pear seller, come here, I'll buy pears!" Xian Wu waved to the half-grown child holding a basket, "How do you sell your pears?"

The child looked Xian Wu up and down, rolled his eyes slyly, and then said: "One of the five spirit stones."

"Fuck, is your pear skin made of gold, or is your pear core made of gold?" Xian Wu was stunned.

One spiritual stone can buy a bag of steamed buns, and five spiritual stones can only buy one pear. The master is being taken advantage of.

The child said calmly: "Look where there are people selling pears now. You think they are expensive, but I still think they are expensive. These are the pears from the spiritual garden."

"Okay, bring me a pear." Xian Wu counted out five spiritual stones and threw them into the child's basket.

The child grinned. A rotten pear could be sold for five spiritual stones. This person was really taken advantage of.

"Wait!" The child took the spirit stone and turned to leave, but Xian Wu held his shoulders.

"Why, do you want more pears?" The child turned his head with a playful smile, without any fear on his face.

Xian Wu shook his head: "I don't want pears. Are there any shops selling demon spirits on the street?"

"There is a Luoying store at the east end and a Baituo store at the west end. Which store do you want to go to?"

"Anyone, just take me there. The reward will be yours."

"Okay, let me take you to the Luoying shop. I can see that you are not short of money. The demon spirits there are all high-end dragon blood demon spirits. I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Through conversation, we learned that the child's name was Wu Yun, and he was the son of a pear vendor.

His father was ill recently and had no money to buy medicine. The reason why Wu Yun went around to swindle money was because he wanted to treat his father's illness. "Poor kid, take these fifty spiritual stones to treat your father. Don't lie to others anymore, or you will be discovered with a broken leg." When he came to the door of Luoying Shop, Xian Wu touched the child's head and handed over Give him a space ring.

"Thank you, uncle, thank you, uncle!" Wu Yun took the ring and bowed to Xian Wu gratefully.

"Okay, go back and get some medicine for your father." Xian Wu waved his hand, led Nie Li into Luoying Shop, and ignored Wu Yun.

When he looked back, Wu Yun's child had already disappeared without a trace.

Nie Li couldn't help but complain: "You are generous enough. Aren't you afraid that the kid will lie to you again? Maybe his father is not ill and is selling pears on the street."

The traveling expenses of 55 spirit stones are a waste no matter how much I think about it.

"What if his father is really sick and is waiting for money to cure his illness?" Xian Wu asked, "It's only less than a hundred spirit stones. Don't worry about the small money. Come with me to pick out the demon spirits."

Nie Li shrugged: "The money is yours anyway. I can't control how you spend it."

"Boy, what would you like to order?" The beautiful receptionist Xiao He greeted us enthusiastically.

Wearing a white cheongsam, she looks like a blooming white peony, and her delicate smile makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Demon spirit, a sky-level demon spirit." Xian Wu said coldly with his hands behind his back.

He has seen countless women, and in his eyes the so-called beautiful receptionist is just an ordinary girl.

"Uh... what type of demon spirit?" Xiao He was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile.

Under the leadership of Xiao He, Xian Wu and Nie Li came to the counter.

"Dragon blood demon spirit or ordinary demon spirit?" Xiao He walked into the counter and came to the sky star area.

"Anything is fine, the more special and weird the better."

"Sir, the demon spirit is a very important thing, please choose carefully. Once it is out of the closet, we will not return or exchange it."

Xiaohe has never met anyone who doesn't like dragon-blooded demon spirits and likes strange and weird demon spirits.

Is this handsome young man bought back for collection?

"What nonsense are you talking about? Bring me all the special demon spirits and I will choose them myself." Xian Wu scolded.

"Excuse me, sir, what kind of growth do you need? The higher the growth rate of the demon spirit, the more expensive it will be." Xiao He reminded.

"Do I look like someone who is short of money? Regardless of growth potential, as long as it is a special star-level one, get it for me."

"Okay... okay, please wait a moment." Xiao He twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.

Where did the country bumpkin come from? If he couldn't produce the spiritual stone in a while, he would ask the guards to beat him up.

"This is just a devil frog spirit. Its tongue can be lengthened at will and contains certain poisons."

"This is just the Weasel Demon Spirit in Heaven, which can release a poisonous gas that can cause diarrhea."

"This is just a wingless bird demon spirit, its beak is indestructible."


Xiaohe patiently introduced each special star-level demon spirit.

"How many spiritual stones does this have?" Xian Wu picked up a demon spirit that looked like an earthworm.

"Sir, you have good eyesight. This demon spirit has the ability to create clones, but it is just an ordinary demon spirit with growth potential. How about accepting ten thousand spirit stones from you?"

(End of this chapter)

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