The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 356 Heavenly Star Realm, Abnormal Decomposition

Chapter 356 Heavenly Star Realm, Abnormal Decomposition

In the Luoying store, the price of demon spirits at the Destiny level is more than [-] spirit stones, the price of demon spirits at the sky level is more than [-] spirit stones, and the price of demon spirits at the sky level is more than [-] spirit stones.

The nobler the bloodline of the demon spirit, the more expensive the price. The higher the growth potential, the more expensive the price.

The selling price of the demon spirit = (the demon spirit’s ability + the demon spirit’s realm + the demon spirit’s bloodline) × the demon’s growth potential.

The main factor that affects the selling price is the growth of the demon spirit, and the secondary factors are the demon spirit's ability, realm and lineage.

Take Xian Wuxiang's ever-changing dragon earth demon spirit as an example. Although its growth rate is only average, its ability is amazing and it has dragon blood, so it can be sold at a high price.

"Little money!" Xian Wu took out 1 yuan of spiritual stones from the space ring and threw it at the location designated by Xiao He.

After the cashier checked the number of spirit stones, Xiao He handed the spirit stone containing the ever-changing dragon earthworm spirit to Xian Wu.

"Sir, I recommend you to apply for a membership card. You can enjoy a [-]% discount when buying demon spirits in our store in the future."

"No way!" Xian Wu refused stiffly, "I have a lot of money, but what about some spiritual stones from you? Is there a room that can be used to fuse demon spirits? I can borrow it."

"Yes, please come with me." Xiao He smiled awkwardly and led Xian Wu away from the counter.

About two-quarters of an hour later, Xian Wu and Xiao He walked out of the claustrophobic small room, eyeing each other.

Xiao He's face was extremely red, like a ripe persimmon, her hair was a little messy, and she walked with a limp and a stagger.

Nie Li blinked his eyes, gave Xian Wu a thumbs up, and slowly said one word: "Cow!"

"It's nothing." Xian Wu held the toothpick in his mouth and didn't care.

The clerks and cashiers in the store looked at each other, and they all speculated on how much benefit the wealthy young man had given Xiao He.

Back at the counter, Xian Wu was going to buy a few more demon spirits from the Star Realm.

He has already devoured two demon spirits so far, and he will probably be able to advance by devouring three or four more.

He's not sure now either.

I swallowed five when I was promoted to Legend level, and I also swallowed five when I was promoted to Destiny level. I don’t know how many I need to swallow to advance to Heaven level.

After devouring two more demon spirits from the Heavenly Star Realm, Xian Wu advanced.

"Only four demon spirits are needed to advance to the Heavenly Star Realm?"

This is good news and bad news.

The cost of promotion is reduced, but fewer skills are gained.

It seems that I have to be more cautious when devouring demon spirits in the future.

The latest two demon spirits provided Xian Wu with a "Blood Explosion" combat skill and a "Lingxi" combat skill.

Blood Explosion, as the name suggests, can use one's own blood to create an explosion, and it has a miraculous effect when combined with the "clone" combat skill.

Lingxi, that is, having a mental connection, this combat skill allows Xian Wu to communicate with people he knows. The farther the distance, the greater the consumption of the power of heaven.

In addition, Xian Wu's demonic left hand also awakened a new ability - abnormal decomposition.

Decomposing all abnormal states of the human body can cure diseases, detoxify, heal injuries, and restore people to the peak state.

"Baby, bring me some demon spirits from the Heavenly Transformation Realm." Xian Wu came out of the secret room and said hello to Xiao He.

After being tortured by Xian Wu, Xiao He was exhausted and his body seemed to be falling apart.However, Xian Wu also gave me a lot of spiritual stones, a full 1 yuan, so it was worth it no matter how tired I was.

"Dear sir, please come this way." Xiao He winked at Xian Wu in a charming manner, "These are demon spirits from the Heavenly Transformation Realm."

After purchasing the demon spirit of the Star Realm and some additional services, Xian Wu only has 27 spirit stones left in his space ring.

However, the cheapest Heavenly Transformation Realm demon spirit only costs [-] spirit stones, and the remaining spirit stones I have are enough.

In view of the limited skills he could acquire, Xian Wu was very strict in choosing demon spirits in the Heavenly Transformation Realm.

Therefore, every demon spirit he took a fancy to was quite expensive. After buying two Heavenly Transformation Realm demon spirits with top-notch skills, Xian Wu only had less than [-] spirit stones left.

"Virtualization" and "Eating Shadow" are the two latest demon spirit combat skills acquired by Xian Wu.

Needless to say, blur is a combat skill that Nie Li often plays.

Shadow eating means eating shadows. No matter how strong a person is, once his shadow is eaten, he will be controlled by the shadow eating person. The control cannot be released until the shadow eating person dies.

However, with the virtual combat skills, Xian Wu will not die so easily.

"Baby, keep this dark dragon for me. I'll come back to pick it up in two days." Xian Wu warned as he hugged Xiao He's waist and walked towards the door.

"Don't worry, my dear, I will definitely keep it for you." Xiao He kissed Xian Wu's face lightly, "Bastard, there are so many people watching, don't touch it carelessly."

Suddenly, Xiao He felt as if he was electrocuted. An unprecedented feeling of comfort spread throughout his body, like taking a hot bath.

"Dear?" By the time Xiao He came to his senses, Xian Wu and his followers had already left Luoying Store.

Somehow, her breathing became extremely comfortable, and every cell seemed to come alive.

Secretly running the power of heaven, the previously blocked meridians were unblocked, so she can continue to practice?
She was originally the proud daughter of Tianlingyuan's West Branch. Later, she went crazy while practicing. Her meridians were extremely seriously damaged. She could no longer improve her cultivation, and was eventually expelled from Tianlingyuan.

She thought she would never be able to practice again and live an ordinary life, but she didn't expect that God would give her another chance.

No, maybe it’s not the opportunity given by God, but...

Biting her lips with white teeth, Xiao He looked at Xian Wu's far away back, and said to herself: "Mr.

After leaving Luoying Shop, Xian Wu returned the same way, preparing to go to the alley to collect some more spirit stone residues.

After such a long time, the cleaner must have poured a lot more, right?
"Pao Wu, have you been promoted to Tianxing?" Nie Li suddenly asked.

"God, you are so powerful. Don't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation. I paid you just now." Xian Wuyi said sternly.

He has not been promoted to Tianxing now, but has only unlocked the upper limit of the level. He also needs to devour the power of heaven from demon spirits and demon spiritual masters to upgrade.

Nie Li glared at his mechanical eyes with disdain: "Since you gave me money, it's called prostitution."

"Don't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation. I just thought her life was quite pitiful, so I just gave her a living allowance. She insisted on thanking me. I'm not good at rejecting others, so..." I didn't wait. After Xian Wu finished compiling, Nie Li interrupted him.

"Stop talking nonsense. Now that you have been promoted to the Tianxing level, hurry up and help me collect the Fountain of Life. I can't wait any longer." Nie Li was impatient.

Wearing a black cloak all day without seeing the sun, he almost went crazy.

What's even more annoying is that Xian Wu has so many women, even a son, and he hasn't even held Ye Ziyun's little hand.

(End of this chapter)

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