The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 357 Meeting Wu Yun Again

Chapter 357 Meeting Wu Yun Again
"Don't worry about the fountain of life. The most important thing now is to make money." Xian Wu has no plans to help Nie Li reshape his true body for the time being. He will first increase the upper limit of his cultivation to the maximum.

Back in the alley, the cleaner did not transport out the spirit stone residue.

Is it because Tianlingyuan doesn’t consume that much spiritual stone, or is the remaining spiritual stone being transported to other places by other cleaners?
Xian Wu and Nie Li stared at each other, feeling at a loss for a moment.

"How about we set up a stall and exchange spirit stones for spirit stone residues?" Nie Li came up with an idea, "For the time being, we will exchange ten spirit stone residues for one. We will lower the price later depending on the situation. What do you think?"

"I think this is a good idea." Xian Wu nodded.

Just as he and Nie Li walked out of the alley and were about to find a suitable stall, they happened to meet Wu Yun selling crisp pears.

He was carrying several packages of Chinese medicine and walking home anxiously, as if he was afraid of being met by someone.

"Stop!" Three ruffian-looking people crossed their arms and blocked Wu Yun's path.

"Xiao...Hello, Third Brother Xiao." Wu Yun reluctantly raised the corners of his mouth.

The leading man snorted coldly: "What's the point? When will you pay back the money your father owes me?"

"Another day, another day when my father recovers from his illness." Wu Yun looked like he was about to cry.

These bastards tricked their father into gambling. Not only did they lose all their family wealth and incur huge gambling debts, they were also seriously injured.

Now they still have the nerve to ask for money from themselves. They are really a bunch of devils who eat people without spitting out their bones.

Xiao San's eyes moved to the crude medicine in Wu Yun's hand, and a scary smile appeared on his face: "Another day? It's your grandma's fault! Since you have money to buy medicine, you must have money to pay back the money. Go and search him .”

Space rings are very rare in the Little Exquisite World, but they seem to be a common thing in the Dragon Ruins Realm. Even pear vendors like Wu Yun have them.

Wu Yun was trembling with fear and did not dare to move.

The two gangsters raised and lowered their hands towards Wu Yun, and when they were about to take off his pants and check his inner pockets, Xian Wu came over.

"Stop!" Xian Wu grabbed the two gangsters by the backs of their necks with one hand and threw them out.

"If you have something to say, don't touch it!"

When Wu Yun saw the savior, he immediately hid behind Xian Wu.

"Who are you? We are collecting debts from this kid. What do you want? Can you help us pay it back?" Xiao San lifted up his coat, revealing two kitchen knives pinned to his waistband.

With his hands on his hips, Xian Wu said generously, "How much money does Wu Yun owe you? I'll pay it back for him!"

"Huh? You pay it back for him. Do you know how much this kid and his father owe us?" Xiao San sneered pitifully.

Xian Wu frowned slightly, feeling that the matter was not simple, and quickly asked: "How much does he owe?"

"No more, no less, a full ten thousand spirit stones." Xiao San raised his palm and then turned it 180 degrees.

"Ten thousand spirit stones?" Xian Wu's eyes flashed with astonishment, "Wu Yun is a pear seller, how can he owe you so much money?"

Ten thousand spirit stones is not a small amount. You must know that one spirit stone can buy a large bag of buns, which is equivalent to a day's ration of an ordinary family.

Ten thousand spiritual stones are equivalent to 30 years of food rations for an ordinary family. Wu Yun would probably have to sell pears for a lifetime to pay off.

"Brother, they deceived my father into gambling. Not only did they defraud all my family's wealth, but they also defrauded me of our house. Now we have nowhere to go and can only live in a bridge cave." Wu Yun became more and more aggrieved as he talked. , cried directly.

Hearing Wu Yun's cry, Xiao San got angry: "Fart! Who lied to your father! Ask Da Zhuang and Er Cai. Your father lost everything at that time. I even advised your father not to gamble. It's your father." If you have to borrow money to gamble, who is to blame?"

The two gangsters who got up from the ground looked at Xian Wu in fear and nodded. "Your father took the initiative to ask you to go into the casino with us. You can't blame us."

"Yes! Your father was cheating at that time. If we hadn't stopped him, he would have been beaten to death by the casino's thugs. How would he be alive today?"

Both sides held different opinions, and Xian Wu couldn't tell the difference for a while.

"His father owes you money. You should go to his father. What's the point of going to him?" Nie Li stood up and said.

Xiao San glared at Nie Li, who was covered in a black cloak: "Don't you know that the father's debt is paid by the son? Furthermore, what he owes is not our money, but the casino's money. We are only responsible for recovering the money owed to the casino." It’s just payment.”

"Hey! Are you telling the truth about paying back the money for this guy Wu Yun? If you can't pay back, hurry up and drive away. Don't delay my brother's debt collection."

Xiao San originally wanted to say "go away", but seeing Xian Wu's extraordinary ability in lifting his two younger brothers with one hand, he was worried that he would not be able to defeat him, so he did not say anything rude.

"Wu Yun, pay back the money quickly, or I will sell you to a brothel!" Seeing that Xian Wu remained silent, Xiao San came directly to arrest Wu Yun.

Xian Wu grabbed Xiao San's wrist and asked coldly: "If I pay back the money for Wu Yun, can I return the house to them?"

"I can't decide this. You have to ask the owner of the casino." Xiao San wanted to break free from Xian Wu's wrist, but found that his big hands were like iron pliers. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake him.

Xian Wu let go of Xiao San and ordered in a majestic voice: "Take me to the casino. I want to meet with the casino owner."

"Okay, come with me." Seeing Xian Wu's force, Xiao San did not dare to act recklessly and could only lead the way obediently.

The casino is on the west side of the street, and it takes about two cups of tea to arrive.

Standing outside the casino, you can hear the noise inside, and the sounds of big and small bets can be heard all the time.

The casino is called Jubaozhai, and it is said to be run by the Tianhu family, a famous family of the Shenyu Sect.

"Tianhu Family? As expected of a casino owner." Xian Wu clicked his tongue and walked into the casino.

"You wait here for a while, I'll call the boss." Xiao San left Xian Wu in the casino and ran upstairs.

"Sir, are you playing two hands?"

Xiao San's younger brother saw that Xian Wu was very interested in rolling dice, so he started to encourage him.

"Brother, don't listen to them. Once you encounter this thing, no matter how big your family fortune is, it will be defeated." Wu Yun immediately stopped him.

Nie Li also advised: "Do business first."

"It doesn't matter if you play two." Xian Wu disagreed, and then asked the two fools, "How do you play dice?"

The two second-rate guys looked at each other and smiled. It turned out that they were idiots. People like this are best deceived.

"Sir, let's play dice to guess the size. If the sum of the three dice is not more than ten, it is considered small, and if the number is greater than ten, it is considered large. How about playing with two hands?" the second-rate man introduced with a playful smile.

"Try." Xian Wu nodded.

The two losers were so happy that they hurriedly drove away the gamblers to make way for Xian Wu.

The croupier who was throwing the dice obviously knew the two fools. The two fools simply winked and he understood what was going on.

"This little brother, bet the big one and the small one?"

(End of this chapter)

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