The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 358 Jubaozhai, playing dice

Chapter 358 Jubaozhai, playing dice

"Nie Li, lend me your ten thousand spirit stones." Xian Wu did not answer the dealer's question immediately, but turned to Nie Li and asked for money.

He has less than [-] spiritual stones in his hand, so it is not convenient to take them out for stud.

Ten thousand spirit stones?The surrounding gamblers were all frightened by Xian Wu's generosity.

"Which family's little god of wealth is this? He actually carries ten thousand spiritual stones with him. Isn't he too rich?"

"Could he be my young master?"

"Has your brain been kicked by a donkey? Who comes to play in his own casino?"

"Your brain was kicked by a donkey. You are frustrated in love. What's wrong with you come to the casino to play two games!"


"No!" Nie Li refused decisively. "These spirit stones are what I left for Ziyun. You can't even think about trying to take advantage of them."

"You can do it. If I win money later, I won't give you a piece of it." Xian Wu turned around.

Handing his space ring to Erliuzi, Xian Wu ordered: "Give me a bargaining chip for five thousand spiritual stones, and bring me the remaining spiritual stones."

"Okay, my lord, wait a moment." Er Liuzi took the space ring and ran away quickly.

Nie Li rolled his eyes at the ambitious Xian Wu and hurriedly followed him, not afraid that the second-rate man would take the ring and run away.

Wu Yun pulled Xian Wu's sleeve and persuaded him: "Brother, let's not gamble. You have to keep all your money in the gambling."

"Get out! You have no place to speak here!" The second-rate guy slapped Wu Yun in the face.

Xian Wu slapped the second-rate man back so hard that his face turned crooked.

"Don't worry, big brother will definitely win back all your father's gambling debts." Xian Wu rubbed Wu Yun's red and swollen face.

Dare you run wild on my territory?The second-rate man covered his face and got up. Just when he was about to get angry, he was stared back by Xian Wu's fierce eyes.

Not long after, another second-rate man exchanged chips with Nie Li and returned.

They are all round chips with a face value of one hundred, no more, no less, fifty chips.

"Brother, bet big or small?" The croupier shook the sieve, and the dice inside jingled.

Xian Wu picked up a chip and threw it on the "big" position.

"Purchase and leave - four, five, four, big! Congratulations, little brother."

Xian Wu won, paying one for one, and Xian Wu's one chip became two.

After settling the bet, the dealer continued to shake the sieve cup and started the next round.

"Sir, you are very lucky. This is a big pressure, and you are sure to win." The second-rate man who changed the chips encouraged.

Xian Wu frowned and blinked the celestial eye between his brows. The number that appeared in the sieve cup this time was three, three, three.

"If I bet on this, what are the odds?" Xian Wu asked, pointing to the line frame with three sixes engraved on the gaming table.

The croupier smiled and explained: "If I bet on this, I'll pay you a hundred for every bet."

"Okay, I'll bet on small!" Xian Wu didn't bet on three, three, three, but threw a chip into the "small" box on the gaming table.

"Buy it and let it go - three, three, three, big or small takes it all! Brother, I'm sorry."

"Wait a minute!" Xian Wu grabbed the croupier's wrist as he came to collect the chips, "Isn't three three a nine? Nine is smaller than ten, so he must be a kid, right? Why did I lose?"

The croupier's face was distorted by Xian Wu's strong grip, and he quickly explained: "Brother, let go, it's broken, and the bones are about to break."

"You don't know, this is the casino's rule. Once one, one, two, two, three, three, three,..., 666 appears, no matter whether you bet big or small, the casino will win." The fool on the side explained.

"Really?" Xian Wu looked around and at the other gamblers.

Seeing them nodding, Xian Wu let go of the croupier's wrist.

"Brother, let's stop gambling while we don't win or lose." Wu Yun continued to persuade Xian Wu to leave.

"Yes, the water in the casino is too deep, you can't control it." Nie Li agreed.Xian Wu disagreed: "You know nothing, just stay here and count the money later!"

The second-rate boy and the dealer exchanged a look, and they understood that the new kid was addicted to gambling.

What they don’t know is that hunters often appear as prey.

Since Xian Wu's clairvoyance can clearly see the situation in the sieve cup, after understanding the rules, it is impossible for him to lose.

After trying all the possible betting methods on the gaming table, Xian Wu began to exert his strength.

However, in order to prevent the casino from discovering that he was cheating, Xian Wu did not win every time and sometimes lost on purpose.

Overall, Xian Wu's bargaining chips are gradually increasing.

From the original fifty, it increased to one hundred.

The owner of the casino stood on the stairs, silently paying attention to the scene in front of him.

"Xiao San, where does this kid come from? He's quite capable."

"I don't know. I've never seen him pop up halfway. He said he wanted to pay off the debt for that boy Wu Yun."

"Pay off the debt? You have a dead rat in your waist - someone pretending to be a hunter. That's [-] spirit stones, which is not a small amount. Spending this money to help a stinky pear seller, is your brain broken?"

The sieve cup shook again, and this time what was displayed in the sieve was - 666.

"Master, bet big or small?" All the gamblers looked at Xian Wu expectantly.

By following him, not only did you not lose anything, but you actually made a lot of money.

Xian Wu ignored them, turned to look at Nie Li and said, "Lend me your spirit stone. If you win the bet, we will split it half and half."

After seeing Xian Wu's methods, Nie Li no longer had any doubts and decisively exchanged the ten thousand spirit stones for ten diamond chips.

"Study!" Taking the chips, Xian Wu pushed a bunch of chips onto "666".

"Holy shit, you're crazy, that's all my savings." Nie Li wanted to take it back, but was stopped by the second-rate guy who just slapped him in the face.

"If you buy it and leave it, do you understand the rules?"

Nie Li's strength was only at the peak of the Legendary level, and he was no match for a second-rate man at the Destiny level, so he was pushed back arbitrarily.

"It's over, I'm going to lose everything." Wu Yun covered his eyes in despair.

Most gamblers were not willing to take risks with Xian Wu, so they just placed one or two spiritual stones in a symbolic way.

Staring at the mountains of chips piled up on the gambling table, the casino owner sneered: "You are really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. You dare to stud, and you even beat 666, which has the lowest chance of appearing. This one will make you clean."

"Uh... Boss, what if he wins the bet?" Xiao San asked after hesitation.

"Did you win the bet?" The boss's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "Do you think I will let him take away 200 million spiritual stones?"

"What do you mean..." Xiao San swallowed.

The boss made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Xiao San reminded: "Boss, this person's cultivation level is higher than mine, and he is probably a strong person in the Heavenly Star Realm."

"So what about the Heavenly Star Realm? In front of me, I'm just an ant in the Tianzhuan Realm." The boss sneered.

gaming table.

"Buy the deal and leave—go! 666, leopard... leopard!" The dealer was so frightened that he stuttered.

As soon as this statement came out, the entire casino was silent.

Wu Yun opened his mouth wide and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Nie Li's mechanical eyes stopped moving.

"I win, give me 200 million spiritual stones!" Xian Wu sat up from his seat.

(End of this chapter)

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