The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 360: Heavenly Transformation Realm, Space Decomposition

Chapter 360: Heavenly Transformation Realm, Space Decomposition

After leaving the Jubao Pavilion, Xian Wu quickly headed towards Luoying Shop and bought the dark demon dragon spirit from the Heavenly Transformation Realm.

Devour demon spirits and unlock the upper limit of Tianzhuan level.

The "Dark Devouring Art" of the Dark Demon Dragon can greatly enhance the "Shadow Eating Art" and speed up the devouring speed of the Shadow Eating Demon Insect.

Devouring a shadow of the same realm can be done instantly, swallowing a shadow of a first-year high school student can be done within ten seconds, and swallowing a shadow of a second-year high school student can be done within a hundred seconds.

The realm here is not Xian Wu's current realm, but the realm of the dark dragon.

In other words, Xian Wu can instantly swallow the shadows of monks below the Tianzhuan realm to complete the control effect.

The control effects of the Shadow Shadow Technique and the Charm Technique are different.

The charmed object can only act according to the instructions of the charmer. Once the instructions are completed, it will stand like a wooden figure.

The shadowless people whose shadows have been swallowed are different. They have the same thinking and action abilities as their original owners, but they will obey the shadow eater's words, be absolutely loyal, and never betray.

It is worth mentioning that once the shadow is swallowed, the shadowless person's cultivation will no longer be able to improve.

The upper limit of his cultivation reached the Heavenly Transformation Realm, and Xian Wu's demonic left hand awakened a new ability - space decomposition.

Once this ability is activated, the target will be separated from the current space and enter a different dimension.

Unable to move, able to see the original space, and can also be seen by people in the original space.

But the people in the original space cannot hear what the target says, and the target cannot hear what the people in the original space say.

All of the target's senses are disabled except sight.

There is no power of heaven in the different dimensional space and it is impossible to practice. It will not disappear until the target is completely dead.

To put it simply, spatial decomposition is to draw the ground as a barrier, which can be seen but cannot be touched.

After leaving Luoying Store, Xian Wu followed Wu Yun to the bottom of the bridge and took Wu Yun's father home.

Hu Laoba has returned the house deed, and Wu Yun and his father can go home.

"Secret Technique: Abnormal Disintegration!" Xian Wu put his hand on Wu Yun's father's forehead and instantly healed his injuries.

Wu Yun's father was pleasantly surprised, the pain disappeared, and his whole body was full of strength again.

"Benefactor, you are the great benefactor of our father and son!" Wu Yun's father pulled Wu Yun and kowtowed to the ground.

"Get up, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Xian Wufeng said calmly, "Take the land deed and go home, and live in peace and security. If you continue to gamble, I don't care."

Handing the land deed to Wu Yun, Xian Wu left with his hands behind his back.

On the way, Nie Li came over, rubbed his hands and said, "Xian Wu, my share... is it time you gave it to me?"

"Share? What share?"

"Damn! Are you trying to cheat? If I had known you were this kind of person, I shouldn't have lent you the spirit stone for gambling just now." Nie Li huffed, "Give me the spirit stone back, I don't want you to share it. "

Xian Wu was amused by the money-grubbing Nie Li.

"It has been prepared for a long time. Here it is." General Xian returned the space ring to Nie Li. It contained 51 spiritual stones. "The principal and share are all in it. Count it yourself."

"No need to count, I believe in your character." Nie Li grinned his mechanical mouth wide, revealing a row of steel teeth.

Now Xian Wu has two things to do. One is to find demon spirits in the Dragon Dao Realm to continue raising the level limit. The other is to hunt demon beasts or demon spiritual masters in the Heavenly Star Realm and above to extract the fountain of life.

There are no Dragon Dao Realm and Wuzong Realm demon spirits for sale on the market. If you want them, you can only hunt them yourself or trade them with aristocratic families, which is a bit difficult.

Therefore, Xian Wu decided to extract the fountain of life first.

After leaving the sphere of influence of the Divine Feathers Sect, Xian Wu and Nie Li came to the big world.

Everything in the big world is ownerless, and the most fiercely contested thing is something called the Divine Pond.

The divine pool is suspended in the air, absorbing the power of heaven from the surroundings, and giving birth to spiritual stones.

The huge number of divine pools is also one of the reasons why the power of heaven in the Dragon Ruins realm is thin.

The divine pond near the Divine Feathers Sect is occupied by various forces, large and small, and there are a large number of guards patrolling the vicinity of the divine pond.

Spiritual stones are the foundation of monks' cultivation, and the divine pond is the only source of spiritual stones. Therefore, various forces attach great importance to the divine pond.Xian Wu and Nie Li just flew by and attracted scoldings from the guards.

"Leave far away!"

"What are you looking at? If you look at it, your eyeballs will be dug out and used as light bulbs to step on. Do you believe it or not?"

"Still watching? I'll kill you!"

Xian Wu grabbed the spear that the guard was thrusting at him: "There is a road to heaven, but if you don't take it, there is no door to hell. You just throw yourself into it. Die!"

With one palm strike, the guard evaporated.

Seeing his partner being attacked, a group of guards immediately surrounded him.

The leading guard is a strong man in the Star Realm, he scolded in a cold voice: "Bold, He Fangxiao is young, dare to kill people from the Tianheng League?"

"Tianheng Alliance, I've never heard of that nonsense." Xian Wu picked his ears with his little finger.

You respect me a foot, and I respect you a foot.

Since the other party is rude to them, there is no need to be polite to them.

"Seeking death!" The leading strong man was enraged and punched Xian Wu.

Except for this strong man, the other guards were all in the destiny realm. In Xian Wu's eyes, they were all ants.

"Drunk Crane, spread your wings in the sky and attack in circles!" Xian Wu jumped up lightly, dodging the attack of the strong man in the Star Realm, and then kicked him on the back with both feet "bang bang".

"Brothers, stand shoulder to shoulder!" Seeing the leader being attacked, the other guards took action one after another.

"The art of clones!" Xian Wu recited a spell silently and instantly created eight clones of the first level of destiny.

Their appearance is exactly the same as that of Xian Wu, but they have no gender.

"Haotian Tower!"

"The Demon Refining Pot!"

"Sky Meteor God Thunder Sword!"

"The light and darkness are square and the sky is painted with a halberd!"

"Chaos Emperor Armor!"


Xian Wu's clone can also call upon the soul weapons and god-killing treasures in Xian Wu's soul sea.

The strong men in the destiny realm were like chickens and dogs in front of Xian Wu's clone. In less than a stick of incense, they were all wiped out, leaving only the leader of the strong man in the star realm.

"Come back!" Xian Wu shouted like thunder, the avatar, soul soldier and god-killing treasure turned into wisps of blue light, sinking into the center of Xian Wu's eyebrows.

"You...who are you?" The leading guard stammered in fear.

"Kill your people!" A cruel smile appeared on Xian Wu's face.

Pierced the guard's arm with one finger, then fired a scarlet ray and began to draw the scarlet spring.

"Boy, if you dare to offend our Tianheng Alliance, you are dead!" The guard covered his arm, said harsh words, turned around and ran away.

"Can you run away?" Xian Wu caught up in an instant and slapped him away with his palm.

The guard turned around and struck a blow with Xian Wu.

"Huh? Why can't I move?" The guard found himself unable to move.

Looking at the guard who opened his mouth and said nothing, Xian Wu smiled.

"You just stay in the different dimensional space and let me refine it into a scarlet spring."

"Be polite to others in the next life and stop being so arrogant."

(End of this chapter)

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