The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 361 Decomposing the God Pool and Synthesizing Lingshi

Chapter 361 Decomposing the God Pool and Synthesizing Lingshi

"What should I do about the Divine Pond?" Nie Li asked, pointing to the Divine Pond that was like an island in the sky. He had just fished out a few spiritual stones from the bottom of the pond.

The shape of the sacred pool is like an inverted cone, with a sacred pool in the center.

There is divine water rich in the power of heaven in the pool, and spiritual stones containing a large amount of power of heaven are condensed at the bottom of the pool every day.

"Destroyed!" Xian Wu replied simply and neatly, "This thing competes with me for the power of heaven and affects my batch production of spiritual stones."

He did what he said. Before Nie Li could jump down from the Divine Pond, Xian Wu instantly decomposed the Divine Pond and synthesized a large number of spiritual stones.

The function of the divine pool is similar to Xian Wu's demonic left hand, which absorbs the power of heaven and synthesizes spiritual stones.

Therefore, the Divine Pond contains a large amount of raw materials for synthesizing spirit stones, which can be completely decomposed and used to synthesize spirit stones.

"Damn! You should have informed me before it was destroyed!" The Divine Pond disappeared out of thin air. Nie Li lost weight and began to fall to the ground.

After stabilizing his body, Nie Li flew to Xian Wu's side.

"How many spirit stones were synthesized?" Nie Li rubbed his hands and asked with a philistine look on his face.

Xian Wu waved his hand and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Not much, maybe a few hundred million."

"What?" Nie Li felt that his mechanical ears should be replaced. Did Xian Wu just say several hundred million?
"I said several hundred million spiritual stones, do you hear me clearly?" Xian Wu repeated loudly.

Hearing Xian Wu's words, Nie Li was immediately dumbfounded. With a few hundred million spirit stones, have they become billionaires?

Nie Li murmured: "A small divine pool can actually synthesize so many spiritual stones. Is this considered fishing in a dry lake?"

"It's useless to fish for nothing! This is called waste utilization!" Xian Wu disagreed with Nie Li's point of view: "We can't get any benefits by leaving the divine pool, so we might as well break it down into spirit stones and put them in our pockets. "

The leading Heavenly Star Realm expert watched helplessly as the Divine Pond disappeared into thin air in front of him, but he could do nothing.

If he had known that these two people were so good at each other, he would not have dared to provoke them even if he had the guts to do so.

It's too late to say anything now.

Not only did the divine pool disappear, he felt that his life was also draining away rapidly. His eyelids became heavier and heavier, his whole body became colder and colder, and a heavy sleepiness swept over him.

"Let's go, continue to collect the fountain of life." Xian Wu was not stingy, and gave Nie Li [-] million spirit stones.

I remember that in the Glory City, Nie Li gave him tens of millions of demon spirit coins to buy demon spirits. These spirit stones were considered as his return gift.

Nie Li glanced at the powerful man in the Heavenly Star Realm, then turned his back, opened his mouth, and swallowed the space ring in one gulp.

Nie Li asked doubtfully as he walked: "What did you do to the guy behind you? Why is he standing there motionless?"

"I put him in a cage of another dimension. Unless I take the initiative to release it, he will stay there for the rest of his life until he dies of old age." Wu Xian explained without turning his head.

Nie Li smiled happily: "There is progress. You can actually control space. If I guess correctly, it should be related to your left hand, right?"

"You know too much." Xian Wu turned around and glared at Nie Li, then accelerated his flight towards the depths of the world.

The farther away from Divine Feather Sect, the fewer human footprints, the more natural the surrounding environment, and at the same time, there are more and more powerful monsters.

Through the perception of the Sky Eye, Xian Wu discovered a magnificent divine pool with more than 30 Heavenly Transformation Realm monsters and a Dragon Dao Realm monster above.

Currently, the two of them are rushing towards the sacred pond.

On the way, they encountered many monsters, all of which were sealed into cages in different dimensions by Xian Wu, slowly drawing out the scarlet spring.The monsters below the Heavenly Star Realm were not even qualified to enter the cages of different dimensions, so Xian Wu had their monster spirits removed from them and their bodies were abandoned in the wilderness.

A demonic beast of the first level of the Heavenly Star could theoretically extract a thousand drops of the fountain of life.

A drop of the Fountain of Life is 0.05 ml, and it takes almost 60 liters of the Fountain of Life to reshape Nie Li, which is 6 ml.

There are 20 drops in one milliliter of Fountain of Life, and 6 million drops in 120 milliliters of Fountain of Life.

In other words, if you want to reshape Nie Li's body, you need to hunt 1200 first-level Celestial Star monsters, or 120 first-level Celestial Turn monsters.

This is a large number. Xian Wu probably needs to destroy four divine ponds that are the same size as the target divine pond.


Before sunset, Xian Wu and Nie Li arrived near the target divine pool.

"Find a place to hide yourself, don't let those winged snakes kill you." Xian Wu instructed.

"Be careful." After saying that, Nie Li formed a seal with his hands and hid in the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book space.

Thunder Fire Winged Snakes have a very strong sense of territory. When they saw someone flying down to the Divine Pond, they all spit out scarlet snake letters and flew over.

The wings of the Thunder Fire Winged Snake are as red as fire, and it can spit out fireballs and thunder and lightning from its mouth. With a flick of its iron tail, a big tree as thick as three people can hug it will immediately break. It is a very fierce monster.

Facing the menacing snakes, Xian Wu chose to use the "virtual combat technique" to avoid them.

The Thunder Fire Winged Snakes stared with big eyes and small eyes, a little at a loss. Their snake letters were completely unable to sense the position of the human just now.

Xian Wu quietly moved to the blind spot of a stunned big snake, instantly released the blur, pierced its abdomen with one finger, then activated "Space Disintegration", and then quickly blurred.

However, Xian Wu's cultivation level is relatively low, and he has to leave the sky island every minute and a half to run the "Chaos Spirit Devouring Art" to restore the power of heaven.

There are nine units of Heavenly Power in his soul sea, and ninety units of Heavenly Power in the Nightmare Demon Pot, and one unit of Heavenly Power will be consumed every second when he activates the Void Battle Skill, so it is only enough to last for one and a half minutes time.

Seeing his own kind standing still one after another, the Thunder Fire Winged Snake King on the top of the mountain couldn't help it anymore and flew down the mountain.

"Hiss?" It was surprised to find that its body could actually pass through those dumb fellows.

Before it could figure out what happened, its vision went dark and it didn't know anything.

"Secret Technique: Demonic Spirit Disintegration!" Xian Wu Jiejie smiled and quickly devoured the Thunderfire Winged Snake's demonic spirit.

After devouring the Thunderfire Winged Snake, he acquired a "Thunderfire Bomb" combat skill, which is similar to Nie Li's Huya Panda's Vitality Bomb.

After taking care of the monsters on the Divine Pond, Xian Wu did not hesitate at all. He instantly decomposed the Divine Pond and then quickly synthesized it.

This divine pool was rich beyond his imagination. It actually synthesized billions of spiritual stones, and his space ring could hardly hold it.

"I remember Yu Yan gave you a small mirror, right?" Just as Xian Wu was worrying about the massive amount of spirit stones, Nie Li suddenly appeared behind him.

"What's wrong?" Xian Wu took out the small mirror from the space ring, "According to Yu Yan, this mirror can absorb the remnant soul of a person."

"Yu Yan only knows one thing but not the other. This mirror is called the Kunlun Mirror. It is a god-killing treasure and has the powerful power to travel through time and space..."

(End of this chapter)

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