The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 365: The art of consonance, sound transmission Xiao Xue

Chapter 365: The art of consonance, sound transmission Xiao Xue

"Fifth level earth spirit root? How come you are all so talented? You really envy me to death. I only have a first level human spirit root." Seeing that Xiao Xue was a little disappointed, Xian Wu used his own counterexample to comfort him.

"Brother Xian Wu actually only has a first-grade human spirit root? Stop teasing me." Xiao Xue didn't believe it, thinking that Xian Wu must be making up lies to comfort himself.

"Believe it or not." Xian Wu did not argue with Xiao Xue, "Give me your space ring and give you some spiritual stones."

He now owns more than 1000 spiritual stones and fine gold, and more than 1 million spiritual stones. He is so rich that he is almost dripping with wealth.

The space ring was about to burst, so I gave some to Xiao Xue, just in time to clear the crowded space inside.

"No! Keep it for yourself." Xiao Xue put her hands behind her back, shook her head and backed away.

"Your spirit is not good at all, and you need more spirit stones for cultivation than ordinary people. I can't hold you back."

"You have to have it even if you don't want it." Xian Wu threw a small space ring to Xiao Xue.

The ring fell on the grass behind Xiao Xue. She glared at Xian Wu angrily, turned around and bent down to pick it up, her round buttocks rushing towards Xian Wu.

"This kid Lu Piao is so handsome." Xian Wu muttered in his heart.

Xiao Xue's appearance is similar to that of Wo Xueshen. She is a passer-by and has an average figure, but she can't resist the temptation of posture.

Picking up the ring on the ground and looking inside, Xiao Xue was shocked: "Brother Xian Wu, where did you get so many spiritual stones?"

In Xuannv Palace, each student of Dilinggen can only receive one spiritual stone per month.

Those with Tianling roots are better, with five spiritual stones per person per month.

The treatment of human spiritual roots is the worst. They are left to fend for themselves and die without receiving even a single spiritual stone.

"You don't need to know this. Take it, we are fellow villagers and we are...sisters. We should take care of you." Seeing Xiao Xue turn around, Xian Wu felt a little disappointed.

asshole!There are so many beauties in the Tianyin Divine Sect, why do you keep staring at Lu Piao's fiancée? Don't look at her next time.

As a man who doesn't even let go of shopping guides, Xian Wu knows his bottom line very well.

If you lose control and sleep with your friend's wife, that would be bad.

Xian Wu didn't think about that, but Xiao Xue thought about it: "Brother Xian Wu, do you like me when you give me so many spiritual stones? You'd better take them back, I won't betray Lu Piao." .”

Xiao Xue bit her lip. Although she was very reluctant to give up, she still handed the space ring back.

"Don't talk nonsense. I, Xian Wu, am not the kind of beast that is worse than a pig or a dog! I gave you the spirit stone just because you are my fellow villager." Xian Wu said sternly.

Some things are inevitable when you think about it in your mind, but if you actually do it, you won't be beaten.

Xiao Xue flinched when Xian Wu yelled at her, and quickly retracted her hand: "How about... how about I rent a small courtyard for my eldest brother, and the remaining spirit stones will be used as my running expenses."

She had never been yelled at. She had always yelled at others. Now that she had tasted the feeling of being yelled at, she felt strange.

"It's up to you. I've given you the money, you can spend it however you like." Xian Wu's voice softened, "Don't call me brother anymore, call me sister. Don't let others hear you before you reveal your secret."

"Okay." Xiao Xue agreed, "There's still some time before class starts, so I'll rent a yard for you."

After saying the next word, Xiao Xuefei ran out of Mingyue Wushuang's small courtyard.

Watching Xiao Xue leave, Xian Wu squatted under the tree and continued to draw circles while he began to plan his next move.

Whether it is the Divine Feathers Sect or the Tianyin Divine Sect, there are a group of people who are eager to change their destiny.

Maybe he can help them change their destiny and turn them into superpowers at the ninth level of Dragon Path one by one.


"Hey, Xiao Wu, come here and pour the water." After an unknown amount of time, Ye Ziyun opened the door and stuck her head out.Xian Wu angrily dropped the small wooden stick covered with dirt: "Here we come."

Damn purple-haired little hooves, what do you think your grandfather is, a maid who serves people?
I really think grandpa is here to join you!
When Xian Wu entered the room, Mingyue Wushuang had already changed into clothes and was standing on the edge of the bed, tying the silver bell on her right foot.

Ye Ziyun pinched Xian Wu who was staring straight at him, and pushed him behind the screen.

The water in the bathtub is not turbid, but crystal clear, and it also exudes a faint scent of lotus.

"This is the saint's bath water..." Xian Wu swallowed.

After a little struggle, reason defeated desire, and Xian Wu poured the fragrant bath water into the flowers one after another.

"Ziyun, class time is almost here, you go to the classroom first." Mingyue Wushuang took a sip of herbal tea.

The tea was originally poured by Ye Ziyun to Xian Wu, but now it's cold.

Mingyue Wushuang didn't dislike it. She was so hot from practicing sword practice that she just drank some herbal tea to calm down the anger in her heart.

"Okay, Senior Sister Mingyue, I'll leave my sister Xiaowu to you." Ye Ziyun warned Xian Wu with her eyes, but Xian Wu looked indifferent.

After Ye Ziyun left, only Mingyue Wushuang and Xian Wu were left in the room.

Mingyue Wushuang just drank tea and ignored Xian Wu.

Xian Wu was a little bored, so he closed his eyes and used "the art of consonance" to communicate with Xiao Xue.

Xian Wu: Xiao Xue, I’m Xian Wu, and I’m talking to you using the art of telepathy.

Xiao Xue: Brother Xian Wu, where are you? Why didn’t I see you?

Xian Wu: After I activate the telepathy technique, I can talk to you without being around you.How is the rental of the yard going?

Xiao Xue: It's next door to the Holy Girl's Courtyard. You can come directly.I'm in class now. I'll take you there when I finish class.

Xian Wu: No, I can find it myself. You can concentrate on class.

"Xiao Wu, why are you laughing?" Mingyue Wushuang put down the tea cup and stared at Xian Wu with her bright eyes like a pool of autumn water.

Xian Wu scratched his face with his fingers in embarrassment: "Uh... I thought of something happy."

"What are you happy about?" Mingyue Wushuang stood up directly, looked up at Xian Wu, and asked.

She was not as tall as Xian Wu, and even when she stood on tiptoes, she could only look at Xian Wu's nose.

"Senior Sister Mingyue wants to arrange for me to be an outer disciple, so I'm happy." Xian Wu thought of an excuse.

"Then let's set off now!" Mingyue Wushuang picked up the tea cup, drank all the hot tea, and led Xian Wu out of the small courtyard.

Outer door to the deacon's hall.

Lingyun was immersed in checking the identity information of the new students when she suddenly heard the sound of a silver bell.

Looking up, he saw Mingyue Wushuang, the saint of the sect, leading a familiar-looking woman in.

"Holy girl, what kind of fragrant wind brings you here?" Lingyun asked very politely.

Mingyue Wushuang turned sideways slightly, spread her hands behind her, and introduced: "Deacon Lingyun, this is Ye Ziyun's younger sister, Ye Ziwu, who came from the Divine Feathers Sect to defect to our Tianyin Sect. Please make arrangements for her."

"Ye Ziwu?" Lingyun stared at her beautiful eyes.

Ye Ziyun has a sister, why doesn't she know about it?
(End of this chapter)

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