The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 366 Wanlong Dao, the strongest Shenzong

Chapter 366 One Hundred Thousand Dragon Paths, the Strongest Divine Sect

After Mingyue Wushuang handed "Ye Ziwu" to Lingyun, she left.

In the deacon hall, Xian Wu and Lingyun stared at each other.

"Sister Lingyun, long time no see." Xian Wu broke the silence.

" are Xian Wu?" Lingyun suddenly realized, "If you are not with your little lover Xiao Yu from the Divine Feathers Sect, why are you here at the Tianyin Divine Sect?"

"Of course I can't suppress the longing in my heart and come to play with Sister Lingyun." Xian Wu's eyes flashed brightly, like two balls of burning fire.

"Stop being so glib with my sister." Lingyun glanced at Xian Wu and said in a slightly cold voice: "Tell me, what do you want to do by dressing up like this and sneaking into the Tianyin Divine Sect?"

"What else can we do? What else can the Tianyin Divine Sect do?" Xian Wu chuckled.

Lingyun stood up in embarrassment, her lips trembling with anger: " are presumptuous!"

"Give it to Sister Lingyun." Xian Wu took out a spiritual stone and fine gold from the space ring and threw it over.

Lingyun held it with both hands, took a closer look, and said in surprise: "Spiritual stone and gold? How come you have spirit stone and gold?"

One spirit stone and fine gold is equivalent to 1000 million spirit stones, which is a very rare and precious existence.

Xian Wu had just arrived in the Dragon Ruins realm less than two days ago, how could he have such a precious thing?
"Sister Lingyun, don't worry about it, just keep it for use." Xian Wu did not answer Lingyun's question, "If sister wants to quickly reach the Dragon Dao realm, I have a way."

"Don't lie to me!" Lingyun clutched the spirit stone and gold, her beautiful face filled with doubts.

Xian Wu raised his arms and vowed: "I dare to swear to the law of heaven. If I lie to sister Lingyun, five thunders from heaven will smash my adoptive father to pieces."

Seeing that Xian Wu had sworn poison, Lingyun felt a little more convinced.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I like Sister Lingyun, didn't I just say that?"



After convincing Lingyun, Xian Wu successfully obtained the identity plate of an outer disciple of the Tianyin Sect.

Back in the dormitory area, he found the small courtyard that Xiao Xue leased, house number - 520.

Walking into the small courtyard, Xian Wu went straight to the bedroom, first tested whether the bed was soft or not, and then activated the art of consonance to contact the aura.

Xian Wu: Sister Lingyun, come to 520 Courtyard. I can’t wait to help you practice.

Lingyun: Damn you, why are you so anxious? We’ll be here soon!

"I...I broke through to the first level of Dragon Dao?" Lingyun screamed.

She originally thought that Xian Wu was just lying to cheat her body, but she didn't expect that what he said was actually true.

In just two hours, he actually helped her cultivate from the fourth level of destiny to the first level of dragon path.

"I'm not dreaming, am I?" Lingyun pinched her flushed face, "It hurts, I'm not dreaming."

After getting Ling Yun, the deacon of the outer sect, after her publicity, all the female disciples who were eager to soar into the sky all came to Xian Wu to change their lives.

In just a few months, [-]% of the female disciples of Tianyin Divine Sect were promoted to the first level of Dragon Dao, including the new students who entered Xuannv Palace at the same time as Ye Ziyun.

However, Xian Wu was so messy in the Tianyin Sect that the sect leader Nangong Xianyin finally couldn't sit still.

In the main hall of Tianyin Shenzong, Xian Wu was tied up and escorted in by the saint Mingyue Wushuang Wuhuada.

"Kneel down!" Mingyue Wushuang kicked Xian Wu's leg, but Xian Wu didn't move at all.

She only has the Tianzhuan realm, and Xian Wu is already at the peak of Dragon Dao. It's strange that Mingyue Wushuang can kick Xian Wu.

"Bold pervert, why don't you kneel down?" Nangong Xianyin asked coldly, biting her silver teeth.

She was a strong person in the Wuzong realm, and she followed her words, and an invisible pressure enveloped Xian Wu.

Xian Wu stood proudly, and asked back: "Why should I kneel? I helped hundreds of thousands of female disciples of the Tianyin Sect to break through to the first stage of the Dragon Dao. You didn't thank me, but asked me to kneel instead. What's the reason?"

Nangong Xianyin was speechless for a moment.

The Tianyin Divine Sect, which has hundreds of thousands of powerful people in the Dragon Dao Realm, has become the largest sect in the Dragon Ruins Realm. All this is due to Xian Wu. "You thief, you have harmed so many of my sisters, are you still reasonable?" Mingyue Wushuang pulled out the sword from her waist.

Xian Wu retorted plausibly: "How can something that you and I agree on be called a disaster? They took the initiative to find me. I am just helping others. Of course I am justified."

Mingyue Wushuang was also stunned speechless.

The elders of the Tianyin Divine Sect looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

If Xian Wu was castrated according to the Tianyin Divine Sect's rules, those female disciples would definitely disagree.

If hundreds of thousands of Dragon Dao Realm powerhouses rioted together, these martial sects would not be able to suppress them.

Nangong Xianyin and several elders jointly decided to expel Xian Wu from the Tianyin Sect and never allow him to step into the Tianyin Sect's sphere of influence again.

"Just leave, no one cares!" Xian Wu stood outside the Tianyin Divine Sect's sphere of influence with his hands on his hips.

Several female elders in the Wuzong realm stared at Xian Wu, not letting him get closer.

Xian Wu snorted coldly, turned around and used the art of Lingxi to make a group announcement.

Xian Wu: @Everyone Ladies, Husband is going to create his own Shenzong, don’t worry about it.

Lingyun: Husband, I will go with you.

Xiao Xue: Brother Xian Wu, do you want to create a divine sect yourself?This joke is a bit big.

Xiaoyi: My husband is great!
Xuan Yue: Once my husband has established the sect, I will leave the Tianyin Divine Sect and join you.

Ye Ziyun: Don't shout, who is your wife, be careful I will tell Nie Li that you treat me lightly.

Yu Yan: Wu, where are you?I miss you so much.

Lu Piao: Brother Wu is awesome, I will definitely support him when the time comes!
Nangong Xianyin: Even if you are at the pinnacle of Dragon Dao and dare to create your own Shen Sect, you are overestimating your capabilities.

Hualing: Dragon Dao...peak...peak? !

Hanabi: Master, when will you return to the God of Feathers Sect? I have a good sister who I want to introduce to you.


Lines of spiritual thoughts popped up like barrages, making Xian Wu's head dizzy. He quickly stopped the art of consonance.

Using "Thunder God's Wrath", Xian Wu came to the central area of ​​the Dragon Ruins Realm and stopped near a large divine pool.

The large sacred pool has a radius of hundreds of miles and is suspended in the air. It is very spectacular.

There are mountains, water, woods, and a group of apes and monsters on the sacred pool. The leader of the monkey king is actually from the Wuzong realm.

"Whatever you think comes to you. I just need your demon spirit to break through the Wuzong realm." Xian Wu smiled, took a deep breath, and then activated the lion's roar technique.





The Lion's Roar is a large-scale destructive attack skill that is invisible and cannot be avoided.

All the ape monsters below the Wuzong realm bleed from their orifices and died suddenly, leaving only the silver gorilla.

The extremely angry Silverback King Kong hit Xian Wu with a "Taishan Meteor Drop".

Xian Wu didn't dodge or dodge, he just disappeared.

"Secret Technique·Demon Spirit Disintegration!"

At the moment when the virtualization was lifted, Xian Wu's left hand touched Silver-backed King Kong's arm, and Silver-backed King Kong died instantly.

Without any hesitation, Xian Wu immediately devoured the demon spirits in the Wuzong realm.

(End of this chapter)

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