The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 367 Nie Li reshapes the Martial God Demon Sect

Chapter 367 Nie Li reshapes the Martial God Demon Sect

After devouring the Silverback King Kong, Xian Wu gained a combat skill of "Dharma of Heaven and Earth", which allowed him to transform into a 50-meter-tall giant.

The upper limit of cultivation reached the realm of martial arts, and the demon's left hand once again awakened a new ability - time decomposition.

Time decomposition, as the name suggests, can separate the time on the target.

While remaining young forever, the target cannot do anything, cannot see, hear, smell, or walk...

It is equivalent to entering a time cage.

Time decomposition combined with space decomposition can create a time and space cage, sealing the target in a different dimension forever.

After getting rid of the monsters on the large divine pool, General Xian released Nie Li from the space ring.

"Damn! Three months, three months, do you know how I spent these three months?" Nie Li grabbed Xian Wu's collar and roared hysterically.

"Didn't you go to Tianyin Shenzong, why did you run back to the big world? You also occupied a large god pool..."

General Xian informed Nie Li of everything that had happened in the past three months.

"...One hundred thousand in three months? Are you talking about Pao Wu?" Nie Li suddenly remembered something, grabbed Xian Wu's collar again and said: "Boy, don't tell me, Ziyun and Xiao Xue were also... …”

"Why don't you look down on people, am I, Xian Wu, the kind of person who is inferior to pigs and dogs?" Xian Wu grabbed Nie Li's wrist and said angrily.

"Like!" Nie Li let go of Xian Wu.

No longer paying attention to Nie Li Laodeng, Xian Wu activated the multiple clone technique and created [-] clones of the first level of destiny.

"Start construction!" Xian Wu gave the order, and the clones immediately took action.

Nie Li was confused: "What to build?"

"Martial God Sect, my own sect, the seventh largest divine sect in the Dragon Ruins realm." Xian Wu said seriously.

The Martial God Sect only accepts beautiful unmarried female disciples. As long as they join the sect, they will gain the first level of the Martial Sect Realm.

He didn't believe that there were people in the Longxu Realm who could resist this kind of temptation.

"Damn it! Didn't you promise me that after leaving the Tianyin Divine Sect, you would enter the space of the Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits and concentrate on refining the fountain of life for me? Build some kind of Cannon Divine Sect and let me in."

Nie Li formed a seal with his hands, and the mysterious inscription wrapped Xian Wu, and the two entered the space of the Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits.

Although Xian Wu entered the world in the book, his clones still stayed in the Dragon Ruins realm and continued to build the Martial God Sect.

Since the large sacred pool is circular, Xian Wu decided to build it according to the layout of Yin Yang, Five Elements and Bagua.

The outer gate is the outermost extension of the Shenchi, with a total of eight parts-Qiankangenzhenxunlikundui.

The inner gate is located in the central area of ​​Shenchi, with a total of five parts - wood, fire, earth, gold and water.

The Sovereign Hall is in the middle of the Shenchi, and consists of two parts—the Yang Hall and the Yin Hall.

The Yang Palace is responsible for handling the affairs of the sect, while the Yin Palace is responsible for assisting the female disciples in their cultivation.

One hour passed in the Dragon Ruins realm, and 60 years passed in the book world.

One day has passed in the Dragon Ruins realm, and 720 years have passed in the world in the book.

One month has passed in the Dragon Ruins realm, and 600 years have passed in the world in the book.

After the Wu Zongshen was built and all the fountains of life were refined, Xian Wu was finally released by Nie Li.

During these more than 2 years, Xian Wu, who had nothing to do, learned all the books in the library to the point of memorizing them backwards and forwards.

Nie Li's physical body has been reshaped.

However, the Fountain of Life has some side effects, that is, the condensed physical body does not have that stuff.

"Can you please stop looking at me like that?" Nie Li, who had reshaped his body, was a little nervous. When Xian Wu looked at him, he thought Xian Wu was laughing at him.Xian Wu rolled his eyes: "What kind of look did I look at you with? I swore not to tell anyone that you don't have a penis. What else do you want from me?"

"Shut up! Stop talking!" Nie Li was so angry that his yellow hair stood on end, looking like a Super Saiyan.

Although Nie Li reshaped his physical body, his cultivation level was zero and he needed to practice from scratch.

However, his physical body condensed with the fountain of life is a body of pure Yang, and he can make rapid progress no matter what technique he practices.

With the help of the Book of Time and Space Demon Spirits, it won't take long to return to the cultivation level of the Great Emperor.

"Stop talking! Come and follow me around the Martial God Sect." Xian Wu released the clone technique, and all the clones turned into a ray of white light and poured into Xian Wu's eyebrows.

After turning around in a circle, Xian Wu's expression turned from joyful to sad.

Nie Li smiled so hard that his mouth almost reached the back of his head: "Is this your Martial God Sect? There are square houses one after another. If you don't know, you might think they are coffins, haha..."

"Shut up! If you hadn't forced me into the book world, how could the house be built like this?" Xian Wu was angry.

This old Nie Li didn't want to help, but he actually made sarcastic remarks.

Didn't I just mock him a few times about being a hermaphrodite? As for holding a grudge to this day?

Nie Li shrugged his shoulders and said with an innocent face: "You can't blame me for this. You didn't use the diamonds yourself to forcefully take over the porcelain."

After entering the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book space, the connection between Xian Wu and his clone was severed.

Therefore, even if Xian Wu learned a lot of engineering and construction knowledge in the book world, he could not share it with his clone.

This can only be done after leaving the space of the Book of Time and Space Demonic Spirits and reestablishing contact with the clone.

"Forget it, just let it be a matchbox. This kind of building is also a major feature of the Wushen Sect." Xian Wu smashed the jar.

Sitting on the throne in the Yang Palace, Xian Wu activated the art of Lingxi and sent a group chat.

Xian Wu: @everyone ladies, my husband’s Martial God Sect has been completed, come quickly!The address is in the middle of the Dragon Ruins realm, on top of a large divine pool.

Hanabi: Coming soon!

Lingyun: Husband, I will lead my sisters to join you.

Mingyue Wushuang: Shameless thief, don’t try to ruin the friendship between my sisters!
Nangong Xianyin: Stop them, stop them quickly, little thief Xianwu, I’m not done with you anymore!


In less than half a day, Lingyun led a large group of beautiful and fragrant female disciples to the Martial God Sect.

The vast majority of female disciples have round and swollen bellies.

Xian Wu snapped his fingers, summoned clones, and arranged accommodation for the female disciples.

Although the Wushen Sect's house doesn't look like much from the outside, it is very comfortable to live in and is very suitable for raising a baby.

"Hey! The shameless lecher, you dare to seduce my sisters and come out to die!" Mingyue Wushuang also followed, and killed one of Xian Wu's clones with one sword.

Sensing the disappearance of the clone, Xian Wu became angry.

If people don't attack me, I will not attack them; if people attack me, I will attack them.

"Xiaolang Hoozi, you dare to come to Wushen Sect and act wild without even looking at where this place is!" Xian Wu jumped up.

"Look at the sword!" Mingyue Wushuang swung his sword and slashed.

Xian Wu snorted coldly and cut Mingyue Wushuang's sword into two pieces with a wave of his hand.

"Chaos Soul Devouring Technique!" Xian Wu slapped Mingyue Wushuang's chest with his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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