The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 368 Shenzong merged and snatched Shenchi

Chapter 368 Shenzong merged and snatched Shenchi

"Are you convinced?" Xian Wu held Mingyue Wushuang under his arm and took her to fly to the Yin Palace.

Mingyue Wushuang was drained of the power of heaven, and her whole body was sore and limp, like a noodle, unable to exert any strength.

"Shameless thief, let me go!" Mingyue Wushuang twisted wildly, and the silver bell on her foot kept ringing.

Xian Wu said coldly: "Let you go? My clone died for nothing! If you do something wrong, you will be punished."

Just as the two were about to fall behind, Nangong Xianyin led several elders from the Wuzong Realm and rushed over.

"Little thief, let go of Mingyue!" Nangong Xianyin scolded coldly.

Xian Wu looked back: "If you ask me to let me go, I will let you go. Then I will lose face. Now that you have come to our Martial God Sect, then none of you can even think of leaving!"

"Arrogant!" Nangong Xianyin and several beautiful elders took action at the same time.

After a stick of incense, Xian Wu returned to the underworld carrying a few "noodles".


"Have you taken it yet?"

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced! I'm totally convinced!" The female chicks nodded like pecking rice.

Xian Wu didn't talk nonsense to them and said directly: "Move all the Tianyin Divine Sect over here, I will support you."

"But..." Nangong Xianyin didn't want the Tianyin Divine Sect's inheritance to be cut off in her own hands.

"But what? Execute the order!" Xian Wu's attitude was very tough, "Mingyue, bring me the guqin in your room. I can use it very much."

"What's the big use?" Mingyue Wushuang asked curiously.

Xian Wu stared: "Why are you asking so many questions? Just take it if you want it. Go now!"

"Just go, why are you yelling so loudly~" Mingyue Wushuang pouted her rosy mouth, got dressed and got out of bed.

Just as he was about to go out, Mingyue Wushuang was stopped by Xian Wu.

"Wait a minute, heat some hot water for me, wait for me to take a shower and then go back!"

Mingyue Wushuang turned around and gave Xian Wu a look, obediently doing as he was told.

After solving the Tianyin Divine Sect, Xian Wu began to poach the corners of the major Divine Sects.

Under the temptation of Wu Zong's first level, few women were not tempted.

In just one month, all the five major divine sects were turned into monk temples, and not a single beautiful female disciple was left.

What's even more outrageous is that Xian Wu called on the female disciples of the Wushen Sect to rob other sects' sacred pools.

Facing tens of thousands of strong women at the first level of the Martial Sect, the guards guarding Shenchi did not even resist and fled directly.

Every time a god pool was captured, Xian Wu would decompose it, synthesize a large number of spirit stones, and distribute them to the disciples of Shenzong.

Now the number of female disciples of Wushen Sect reaches tens of millions, and an astonishing amount of spiritual stones are consumed every day.

If you don't rob the divine pools of other divine sects, your own divine sect will have no spiritual stones to use.

Xian Wu's atrocities angered the other five divine sects, and they strongly condemned Xian Wu's behavior.

Several major divine sects jointly declared that if Xian Wu did not stop the extraordinary behavior of occupying the divine pool, they would unite and attack the Martial Divine Sect together.

Wu Shen Zong Ming Palace.

Xian Wu sat on the supreme throne, and rows of beautiful female disciples sat in the hall.

"Husband, should we stop for a while? The five divine sects are already anxious. If we continue to snatch it, they will have to risk their lives with us." Nangong Xianyin said worriedly.

Hua Huo disagreed: "What are you afraid of? Can flies sting people? Which one of you here is not a powerful person in the ninth level of Wuzong? Crushing them to death is as easy as crushing a bug." "Having said that, we are all the same Human race, try not to kill them all." Xiao Yu advised softly.

Her adoptive father, the controller of the underworld, is still working as an official of the God of Feathers Sect. It would be bad if he is retaliated by the higher-ups of the God of Feathers Sect.

Goddess Yu Yan stood up and said: "The main reason is that all the sacred pools occupied by the Demon Sect have been captured. Now we can only attack the sacred pools occupied by the Shen Sect to maintain the consumption of spiritual stones within the sect."

"Unless we can figure out a way to replenish spirit stones without infringing on the interests of other divine sects, we will still have to seize the divine pools occupied by other divine sects." Xiao Ning'er analyzed calmly.

Xian Wu was discussing with his female disciples when he suddenly heard the female guard outside the door coming to report.

"Sect Master, a disciple of the Shen Yu Sect named Ying Yueru is visiting."

"Ying Yueru? What a name!" Xian Wu touched his chin, "Tell her to wait for me in the underworld palace."

"Yes!" The guard left in a hurry.

"Let's adjourn the meeting. Let's talk another day." Xian Wu stood up and left the hall.

The Wushen Sect has four types: handyman disciples, outer disciples, inner disciples and true disciples.

Those in the hall who were at the ninth level of Wuzong were all true disciples. They were very few in number, and they were all Xian Wu's confidants.

There are a total of 50 inner disciples, each of whom is in the fifth level of Wu Zong; there are [-] outer disciples, each of whom is in the first level of Wu Zong; Wu didn't have time to help them practice.

Xian Wu used his heavenly eyes to see that this woman named Ying Yueru was extremely beautiful and suitable for immediate promotion to a true disciple.

She has a beautiful face, wearing a light cyan silk skirt and a white gauze coat, which falls on the ground like the brilliance of the snowy moon. Through the gauze, you can vaguely see her graceful neck and flawless collarbone.

Three thousand black hair is tied up with a pink ribbon, a butterfly hairpin is inserted in her hair, a thin layer of powder is applied on her face, and the skin on her cheeks is as delicate as petals.

Yin Temple.

"My little girl Ying Yueru has met the sect leader." Ying Yueru bowed and saluted.

"No courtesy." Xian Wu waved his hand and narrowed his eyes, "Don't waste time, come on!"

"Sect master, wait a minute, I have something to say." Ying Yueru panicked, but she didn't expect Xian Wu to be so direct.

"Speak slowly if you have anything to say, this sect leader will help you practice first." Xian Wuhou eagerly picked up Ying Yueru.


After reshaping his physical body, Nie Li's cultivation base was completely cleared and he needed to start training from scratch.

The cultivation speed of the pure Yang body is extremely fast, and it can absorb 100% of the power of refining the way of heaven. In a short time, his cultivation level has increased from zero to the third level of Tianxing.

After using up the spirit stones given by Xian Wu, Nie Li left the Space-Time Demon Spirit Book space and prepared to ask him for more.

I went out and looked at the sky. At this time, Xian Wu should be having a meeting with his women in the Ming Palace.

"Pao Wu will spare an hour every morning for a meeting, and the rest of the time will lead his female disciples everywhere to rob the divine pool. I have to go quickly. If he leaves, where will I look for him." Nie Li went out quickly.

When he arrived at the Ming Palace, Nie Li saw Xiao Ning'er and Hua Huo walking out.

"The meeting is over? Why is it so early today!" Nie Li hurried over and asked, "Ning'er, where is Xian Wu? Is he still in the palace?"

"Been gone for a while." Xiao Ning'er replied.

Hua Huo said bitterly: "A female disciple of the Yushen Sect named Ying Yueru came to see him. They are probably practicing in the Yin Palace right now. You must not disturb them."

"Ying Yueru?" Nie Li suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning. She was his master in his previous life.

"Xian Wu, you bastard, stop it!" Nie Li ran towards the Yin Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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